ch. 9

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Liisa's POV

Tour starts tomorrow. I made sure to pack everything I needed for the first month. I even called my old friend Moa to look after my place. She said I owed her brunch once I'm back.

I put the dish in the dishwasher and some laundry in the washing machine. Meanwhile, I vacuumed every room, which was only two including the bathroom. Both the dish and the laundry were done at the same time, so I put them in their places. I'm happy I got something done today, my motivation for chores were usually non-existent. Except for when I'm going away the next day. The Master of Puppets vinyl was spinning in the player while the music went out in the room. I sang loudly to Orion when I was interrupted by putting one of my socks where I stocked my plates. 'What the hell?' I thought to myself and started to laugh. Then, I heard someone knock on the door. With the sock in my hand, I opened the door and saw Lauri standing there, wet from the weather.

"Is it raining today?" I asked him before I looked out the window and realized it wasn't rain.

"Snow, Liisa. Lots of snow." he answered and stepped inside as I closed the door behind him. He pulled down his jacket's hood before taking the jacket off and hanged it on one of the hangers. He slipped off his boots which left dirty prints after them.

"Lauri! I cleaned today!" I exclaimed and pointed at the prints.

"Be glad I didn't step further into your apartment with them on." he said with a chuckle. I sighed and brought the mop back and cleaned up after him while he dumped himself on my couch.

"You can be such a dick sometimes." I murmured loud enough for him to hear.

"I know, but you still love me." he said and smiled big. I sighed out a 'yeah' and put the mop back in the cleaning closet and dumped myself besides Lauri on the couch. He put his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his shoulder. We've known each other most of our lives, so us being close was pretty usual.

"Our second tour starts in 24 hours. Do you remember when we were kids and said we were going to travel the world together?" he asked as he pushed my hair behind my ear with his free hand.

"Yes I do. But this is just Europe, not the world." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, but it's somewhere on the way. We're going to more countries this time than last time though." he chuckled. I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"I met Levi the other day." he suddenly said.

"I haven't heard from him in a month! How is he?" I responded within a second.

"Chill, he's fine. He was out working, got called to a company downtown." he answered and rested his head against the backboard. I nodded again. The music had stopped and we just sat there in comfortable silence. An hour later, we chatted sitting by my kitchen island and drinking tea. I prefer coffee, but tea works too. Lauri told me about the stupid shit we and my older brother Aleksi did as teenagers and I just laughed along, almost choking on the tea at some points.

Lauri stayed until late. When I waved at him from my balcony, I had a cig between my fingers. The street lights lit up the snowy surroundings and damn I love snow. I was made for the colder weather, not the heat that were in the countries near the equator. I pulled my coat a little bit closer and leaned over the railing, taking a long drag from the cigarette. I get to see Ville tomorrow. Just the thought of it made me smile like a big goof. I thanked God, in non religious ways, so many times that Samu knew the guys from HIM. A few minutes went by until I went inside again and laid down in my bed, just to fall asleep within a moment.

Ville's POV

"How long will you be gone?" Indra asked when I packed the last things.

"I've already told you that. Take your head out of your ass and you might hear something for once." I murmured. And then I heard her slam the door behind me. I chuckled. Getting on her nerves started to get fun. My hands traced my bag before I sealed it shut. When I got downstairs, I saw her ripping my coat. The same coat I got from Bam on my 30th birthday, which was 5 years ago yesterday.

"Indra! What the fuck!" I gasped. She just looked at me, quite pissed.

"You don't say such things to me. I can't believe you said that to me. You've always been so sweet to me and now you're a dickhead. Fuck you, Ville!" she hissed and threw the coat on the floor while stomping away. I just looked shocked at my coat. I swear, I'm gonna throw her out one day. But not today, cause I'm in a hurry. I stepped out through the door and noticed snow on my porch. Fuck. And all I had on was a hoodie and my cut-off gloves. I made my way to the bus stop, no way am I going to walk to the studio in this weather. The wind gripped my hair and it got everywhere so I put my hood over my head. I sighed and dropped my bags when I reached the stop. Suddenly, my phone went off. Emerson's name showed on the display.

E: Hey man, do you need a ride?

V: Uh yeah sure. I'm at the bus stop by my place.

E: See you in 5 then.

V: 5 wha-


Did he mean minutes?


When we reached the studio, where our tour bus was parked, almost everyone was here. The only ones missing were Mige, Liisa and the guy whose name I guess was Lauri? I couldn't wait to meet Liisa again, I hadn't met her since that night. A few minutes went by and Lauri came.

"Okay, so the only ones missing in this moment are Liisa and Mige. Anyone who has a clue where they are?" their drummer said. I had no idea what his name was. He seemed to be the bossy one in the band though.

A few more minutes later came Mige, but no sign of Liisa. Where is she? A knot started to grow in my stomach. What if she didn't want to come? Because of that night? Because of me? I shook away the thought. Why were I thinking that? She said she liked me.
But she was drunk then.

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