ch. 6

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Liisa's POV

Timo looked at me with big eyes.

"You're what?!" he exclaimed. I hushed him down by putting my index finger to my lips.

"Keep it down, okay? I don't want everyone in Finland to know." I responded more defensive than intended. He sucked in his cheeks slightly.

"Have you told the guys?" he asked. I sighed.

"Of course not. If I had, then they would've turned the whole place up and down while teasing me about it." I answered and he laughed while he agreed. He hugged me and I hugged him back. Lauri may be the one I've known the longest in the band, but Timo was the one I trusted the most. He had a comforting and safe atmosphere around him. I released myself from his hug and we went out to the others. The lump in my throat came back when I saw Ville. He was talking and laughing with Samu, Lauri, Mige and Emerson by the mixing table. I felt a shaky small smile form on my lips when I heard his laugh, it was adorable. I saw Max coming over to us and getting Timo. Timo gave me a nod that signalled that I should go over to Ville and them. I swallowed and slowly went over to them. Ville really have an effect on me, this behaviour isn't usual for me. At all. Usually I was loud, confident and sarcastic. Now, I was inverted. I've never been this nervous around someone ever. Not even for my ex-girlfriend when we met.

I got over to them and their looks went straight to me. Ville looked down after a quick glance. The loud 'gang' went silent and I bit my lip.

"Hi." I said. They nodded in response. I bit my lip more. Well, this was awkward. This day has only been awkward. I sat down on the seat between Samu and Mige, right across Ville. I started playing with the ring in my nose.

Ville's POV

She sat right across me. What do I do? What do I say? Gas and them was still talking and their voices filled the room.

"Eh, do you want the cig now or..?" I said after a moment and tilted my head up a few degrees. I felt Liisa's eyes on me. Liisa. Even her name was beautiful. I tilted my head up even more and locked eyes with her.

"S-sure." she stuttered. She got up and walked towards the door I assumed went to the back of the building and I followed her. When we got outside, I gave her a cig and my lighter. She lightened it and took a deep breathe. Then, she looked at me.

"Aren't you going to have one?" she asked, clearly more comfortable than before. I nodded.

"I was just going to take one." I answered and she nodded back. I took one and she gave me my lighter back. We stood there in silence, this time it was comfortable and enjoyable silence.

"So.. How long have you guys been a band?" Liisa asked after a while. I took a drag.

"Since '91." I answered and she choked on the smoke.

"Since '91?! Dude, you're ancient!" she exclaimed after a few coughs. I laughed loudly. She started laughing too. After I while, we just smiled big as we started talking more. She was an old school metalhead; growing up with a lot of Metallica and Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath, she was from a little bit outside Helsinki and her favorite flowers are roses. We put out our cigs and she blew out the last smoke from her nose, it made me giggle.

"Any interests?" I asked.

"Oh boy, be prepared for a whole list. History, architecture, music of course, gardens, travelling, photography, interior design, languages, art and literature." she answered and smiled widely. I nodded and smiled back. Directly after, the door opened. Max, which I thought his name was, stuck his head out.

"Time to get inside before you freeze your asses off." he said with a grin.

"I like the cold." Liisa and I said and the same time. His grin dropped.

"Get in." he said more seriously and opened the door further. We got inside and met the guys being in a crowd, talking over each other. It made me tense. I didn't want to be in this crowd, I wanted to be alone again with Liisa.

Liisa's POV

I got nervous again. It was something about us two being alone that made me calm. We clicked quite good out there, but in here it felt like we were complete strangers again. We went opposite directions in the room, he to the right and I to the left. I wanted to go back outside with him again. He was such a sweetheart and a gentleman. A kind, funny, adorable and hot one. His presence made me calm and everything around us slowed down. It felt like we were untouchable, swallowed by the universe. Only he and I, in our own bubble, outside the building. I wanted to get to know him more. He was so magnetizing and fascinating.

In my thoughts, I noticed him looking at me. His eyes sparkled once and he winked. I blushed and gave him a shaky smile back. He smiled back and fixed his hair under the beanie. Goddamn was he attractive, it gave me goosebumps all over my back and arms.

When the guys split the crowd, we all agreed on going to our usual pub Engel for food. And drinks. Can't wait to get some beer in my system. We all grabbed our jackets and stuff and went out.


Before we went inside the pub, Timo grabbed my arm, leaving us two alone outside.

"I saw you going out with Ville before, how did it go?" he asked curiously. I smiled.

"It went well, we talked about ourselves and music and stuff. We really clicked." I told him.

"That's good to hear." he said back with a reassuring smile and patted my shoulder before we went inside to the others. They had put together 2 tables. Timo took the seat across Ville and I took the one right across Mige, Ville sat on his right. We ordered our meals and beverages. We all ordered beer, except 3 of us. I suspect Max or Timo was one of them. We all talked and laughed and had a good feeling around us. Not as awkward as at the studio, but I think the alcohol had something to do with it now.

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