ch. 7

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Liisa's POV

I glanced over at Ville several times. He had pulled his hood up over the beanie and his hair was sticking out. It was adorable. Absolutely adorable. I carefully watched every one of his facial expressions in every glance. Last one was a thoughtful expression. With a cig between his fingers, his daze was located between Timo and Gas. I took a chug of my beer, forgetting the glass I already had poured it all in. Mige and Emerson giggled at me. I started to giggle too, which soon broke out to a loud laughter. I caught everyone's attention and everyone started to drunk-laugh. It was hilarious. Until I got hiccups. I swept the beer in the glass and the guys clapped. Or the guys from HIM clapped, my guys already knew I could do that.

Hours went on and I haven't talked to Ville since we were alone. We just smiled and glanced at each other from time to time. At this point, I had a lot of alcohol in my system. My mind was blurry and my stomach started to feel weird. I could take a lot, but I think I went over the line this time. My hand automatically went over my mouth when a big burp came out.

"Ewww Liisa, stooop." Timo said and playfully slapped my arm.

"Sorry. I think I need to use the toilet. Vomit on the way." I excused myself and stumbled across the pub to the ladies. When I was inside, I looked in the mirror. My makeup was lightly smudged, my hair was kinda messy and my hat was slanting. Probably cause Emerson knocked it over before and I didn't bother to fix it. A second after, I ran in to one of the stalls and puked for my motherland. Jesus Christ, I haven't puked this much for years. I sat flat on the floor besides the toilet. Why did I drink so much? I am soo doing to regret this tomorrow.

After what felt like an eternity, I went out and checked the clock. 2 am. I sighed and went over the our table. Empty. I checked around and nobody was found. I felt my body sinking down on a chair. The bastards fucking left me here. I rested my forehead against the palm of my hand when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a guy looking down at me, smiling.

"Hey pretty lady, why so sad?" he asked and squeezed my shoulder. I snatched my shoulder away from his grip.

"Why do you bother?" I murmured.

"Oh, I bother." he said and gripped both of my wrists so I stood up. He smelled more alcohol than I did. I tried to get away from his grip.

"Let go of me! Let me go!" I exclaimed and he just tightened his hands around my wrists.

"Not tonight, babygirl." he whispered in my ear as he took my wrists in just one hand. His hand slid down to my bum and squeezed it. I squealed and tried to kick him. He didn't move away. Suddenly, he looked over his shoulder.

"She said 'let go'. It's gentleman manners to do as the lady says." I heard someone say before the guy who held me got a punch right in the face. The voice's owner grabbed me and led me outside the pub. When outside, I saw a familiar beanie and out-sticking hair from it in the dim light of the streetlights.

"Thanks Ville." I said and smiled at him.

"Everything for such a fine lady." he returned the smile. I giggled. I noticed my coat over his arm and he helped me put it on. My eyes scanned the area, but we were alone. I furrowed my brows.

"Where's the others?" I asked him. He sighed.

"They went to a club. I, who's not a clubbing person, didn't go with them." he answered as I nodded. I started to hiccup again. Hiccups turned to giggles and giggles turned to laughter. I felt my legs fold and Ville was quick enough to catch me before I hit the ground.

"Woah, easy there Cinderella. Let's take you home, okay?" he said and scooped me up in his arms in bridal style. I leaned my head against his shoulder and thanked him yet again. He chuckled. After a lot of miscommunication about the way to my apartment, we finally arrived. He let me down, took the keys from my pocket and unlocked the door.

Ville's POV

I opened the door and was met by a dark void. I turned on the light to see Liisa fumbling forward as if it still were dark. She then realized it was light enough for her to see. Her legs took her to the couch and she almost slammed herself on it. She groaned and had troubles taking her coat off. I couldn't stop myself from smiling so I went over to her and helped her take it off.

When I hanged her coat on the hangers, she lifted her feet up in the air.

"Shoooooes." she whined. I laughed and helped her take them off too. I was on my way out, when she grabbed my sleeve.

"Stay." she almost commanded and pulled me down besides her on the couch.

"I can't, I gotta get home-" I explained when I caught her looking at my lips. She put one hand on my thigh and the other on my cheek.

"Please?" Pretty please?" she locked her eyes with mine. I couldn't do anything but to agree to stay and took my coat off. She lay down on the couch and signalled for me to do the same. Without hesitation, I laid down next to her, facing her. I closed the space between us by pulling her into my embrace. Her free hand traced my arm.

"I like you." she said sleepily. My heart skipped a beat.

She likes me?

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