ch. 5

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Ville's POV

After the smoke, Samu and I went to a café for breakfast. Of course, a few fans came to get autographs from us, but it didn't bother us too much. We talked about our careers, memories and other stuff. I may have known him for a little bit over a year, but I knew absolutely nothing about his band. Or, well, I knew that they started their band in 2008 and that the singer's name is Liisa. And that he plays the rhythm guitar. After about 2 hours, we said our goodbyes and went home to ourselves.

When I got home, the whole place was a mess. Suddenly, an object flew right against me. I ducked and it smashed into the wall behind me. Indra stomped out from the kitchen, angrier than a thousand bees.

"You've been out cheating on me! Pig!" she shouted and I ducked when she threw a punch towards me. My mouth got dry and I clenched my jaw.

"Oh, you can't even give a response. How pathetic!" she spit out. I started to see red.

"What the fuck, Indra?! Here I am, talking to one of my friends and making an income for us and you accuse me of cheating? What have I even done to you to make you behave like this?!" I shouted back. She just straightened her back before walking upstairs, ignoring me. I groaned loudly.

"Bitch." I murmured. I went to my music room and sat down by the piano. I put my elbows on the side of the keys and put my forehead against my palms. How did it become like this? I loved her for 3 years, until about 3 weeks ago; when she snapped completely.

The week went by, I had the meeting and our manager gave his approval. We set up a meeting with the others one week before the tour started. With the weeks, Indra became worse and worse.

Liisa's POV

Today's the day. Today we get to meet the band we're touring with. Samu wouldn't tell us a word about who they were, only that they're 'cool dudes' that are 'chill'. I had laughed many times at that statement.

My curiosity have eaten me from the inside since the day he told us we have another band with us. I put on my black jeans and a plain dark purple t-shirt which I rolled up the sleeves on. I let my hair out from the ponytail before I brushed it and made the side parting I've always had on the right side. Then I went into my bedroom to switch out my piercings to all silver ones. Before I put on my black Doc Martens and my black vega cap, I drew on my eyebrows and sharp eyeliner and mascara. I put on my winter coat, which too was black. One last glance in the hall mirror and I was ready to go.


When I got the the studio, the other band hadn't got there yet. Timo and the guys looked surprised at me.

"Call the news, something magical happened! You're on time!" Lauri said sarcastically with a big grin. I chuckled and gave him the finger. He gave it back with the same grin. I hanged my coat on one of the hangers in the smaller room beside the main room. In the corner of my eye, I saw a packet of cigs poke out from Samu's jacket. I furrowed my brows. Did he start smoking again? Which made me realize, I forgot my packet at home. I groaned and went into the main room.

"One of you owes me a cig." I said before I realized that the other band had come. They were 5, just like us. I blushed and heard a slight chuckle from behind the band members.

"I can take that responsibility." I heard a voice say. The voice's owner stepped forward so you could see him. And man, did my jaws drop when I saw him.

It's the guy I bumped into at the grocery store 1,5 month ago. The most beautiful man I've ever seen stood further away from me now than when we were at the store. But this time he wore a hoodie with CKY, a black beanie and black gloves that were cut off by the fingers.

I could tell he recognized me too since his jaws dropped too before he had a big smile on his face. I blushed even more and tilted my head forward so my hair could hide my face.

"Thanks." I murmured. I heard Lauri whistle. I gave him a death glare through my hair and he held up his hands in defence. Silence fell between us all, awkward silence.

"SO let me introduce the bands. Uh guys, Ad Astra, meet HIM. Samu, Timo, Max, Liisa and Lauri." Samu said breaking the silence and pointed at us when he said our names.

"Mikko 'Mige', Mikko 'Linde', Mika 'Gas', Emerson and Ville." he continued and pointed at them after each name. Everyone shook each other's hands, except Ville and I. We just greeted each other's band members. At last, it was only the two of us who hasn't greeted each other and the others went silent. Awkward silence became more awkward before we spoke. Ville put his hand on the back of his neck and the other one in the front pocket of his jeans.

"Soo, uhm, I'm Ville. Ville Valo." he said shyly.

"Liisa Itälä." I said quietly back, looking at the floor with crossed arms. Timo coughed to get my attention and led me into the room with the jackets. He closed the door and leaned against it.

"Liisa, tell me what's going on. This isn't you and you know it. Please be honest with me." he said with a hint of worry in his voice. I took a deep breathe and bit my lip. I looked straight into his eyes.

"Timo, I think I'm in love. With Ville."

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