Chapter 14

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"Christian-" I breathed as I saw two red glowing dots behind him, and I threw him aside after taking the sword back, aiming it right at the creature.

"Well…" The creature talked, its voice dark and deep. "You're part of the group that came through here today, yes?"

"That doesn't concern you!" Christian snapped, jerking me behind him. "Now leave before I give the vultures a good meal."

"Silly boy." He laughed, emphasizing the last word. "There are no vultures on this land. They all migrated away because they kept getting killed. Now tell me-" He stepped closer, the light of the moon showing his furry body and sharp teeth. "Why are you helping them?"

"Doesn't concern you."

"Yes it does." He started growling, getting low and looking ready to pounce. "Although, I haven't eaten a human in years."

"We're here for the apple." I said quickly, and Christian gave me the 'what are you doing' look.

"Oh. One of those." He sat straight, not amused with us. "They can't give it to you, and even if they could, we'd still kill all of them."

"Then why haven't you?" Christian shot back, feeling way too cocky for his own good.

"They're our food source." He dropped low again. "Like you."

"Run!" Christian ordered, shoving me aside as it launched on him, but his sword couldn't protect him from that thing. "Elisa, go!"

I took a couple steps back in hesitation, deciding whether to run or stay. I watched as it covered him, its paws on the ground and its open jaw over his head as he lied on the ground, only a sword to defend himself. I slowly lowered my gaze to my sword, gripping it tightly before sprinting to the creature, driving the sword into its back. It screeched as I jerked it out, but its eyes met mine, and it stepped off of Christian. It slowly prodded towards me as I stepped back as far as I could, glancing at Christian to make sure he was okay.

"Go! Run! Now!"

Just like that, I pivoted around and ran as I heard it roar and the running footsteps behind me. I tried to run, but all the trees made it so difficult, and the growling behind me didn't help. I just had to get to Fairacre. That was it. Val and them would take care of it then.

"Where are you going, girl?" He growled, way too close for comfort, and I changed directions. "Can't find your way?"

I jumped behind a tree and stood flat against it, and it ran further and further past me. I stayed there with the sword vertically straight in front of me, breathing silently, not daring to move or even look. But when I did, it was silent, and I was alone.

I stepped out into the open, turning in complete circles to confirm my solitude. Only when my heart rate lowered to a reasonable rate did I start walking again, hopefully towards Fairacre. But that was when I realized my solitude meant that Christian wasn't here, either.

"Christian?" I choked out, my eyes following anything that they could catch. I had no torch again, just the moon, and even then it didn't help. "Christian, where are you?"

I didn't know what to think about him being gone just then. The level of fear that I only felt when I thought Henrik wasn't coming back was slowly seeping into me. The level of fear that rose my heart rate and made me pace the floor slowly came back to me, and I knew it wouldn't go away until I saw Christian again.

I took off once again, the sword hanging lazily in my wrist as I headed to where I thought Fairacre was. Hopefully I wasn't too late to save them.

"Going somewhere?" I heard the creature's voice again, this time next to me. I didn't stay to figure out what he wanted this time and kept my mind on Christian- I mean, Fairacre.

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