Chapter 22

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"Hey!" I called as she started to walk away, and I pulled out my sword. "Why don't you fight someone your own size and with your same pain."

"Why do you care!?" She screamed, the strain in her throat echoing in my ears. "You're the one he truly loves! You weren't cheated on!"

"That may be true, but-" I shuffled forward, my sword right in front of her face. "I still love him."

"Elisa… don't…" I heard Christian plead, but I was taken back a little when Mildred pulled out a sword that was even longer than mine and somehow made me not notice it.

"You want to fight for him?" She asked, whipping it across my sword, and both our swords were crossed and at the dirt. "Fight me then."

"Do it." I ordered lowly.

"Don't!" Christian screamed, but it was too late.

"En Guard!"  She called, shuffling forward, and the swords started clinking together rapidly, and I regretted starting this. This was Christian's wife. Of course she knew how to sword fight.

"I really am sorry." I apologized before thrusting at her arm, but she dodged, swiping at my feet, but I jumped over her sword.

"No you don't." She lunged up and pushed against me, and we were both digging our feet into the ground, pushing against each other to not lose balance. "I bet you knew about this the whole time!"

"Did not!" I stated as shoved her, sending her back, and we both stood in ready stances. "I never would've even thought about having a relationship with him if I knew he was married."

"Go to Hell!" She cried as I ducked down and successfully struck her legs, and she shrieked and fell to the ground before she could get a decent attack on me. I kicked her sword aside as she rolled over, and my sword was back in her face.

"What, are you giving up?" I asked, running my sword across her face, making her cheek bleed.

"Go ahead. Kill me. I know that you want to." She ordered, but I was already given this temptation. "You just want Christian for yourself! You want to take him away from his own wife, his own son, his own life!"

"Trust me, that's the last thing I want to do." I shot at her, but I lowered my sword. "Wait… a son?"

"Leave him out of this, Millie." Christian ordered, now getting involved. "He didn't do anything."

"And somehow, I did?" She scrambled to her feet, picking up her sword. "It doesn't matter; you'll never see him again." She declared, and Christian's eyes softened, and stumbled a step back. I turned back when I heard her speak again. "And a wench like you could never kill." She whispered so softly, and then I sprang for her, and our swords crossed as our faces were literally inches apart.

"I'm not a wench." I growled before I shoved her back, and she went flying before hitting the ground hard. "No matter how many people call me that."

"Let's just get out of here." Christian ordered, grabbing my hand. "Goodbye, Mildred. Have fun on your next adventure."

She raised her chest as she propped herself up with her elbows. "Hope yours ends soon."

We took off before she could do anything else. "Wait! What about your son?" I asked seriously, and Christian looked back at the house, but shook his head and kept us going.

"I can't do anything about it now. You heard what she said- she'll do anything in her power to keep me away from him." He countered, his voice progressively whimpering.

I wanted to kill Mildred then, but Christian took me away from it, leading me in the trees and never letting go. He waited until after I stopped screaming and cursing at him to let go, and when we were far away from the village.

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