Chapter 27

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"Christian, it's been too long." He finally came close enough, and then his arms closed around him fast. I thought he was attacking him at first, but he was actually hugging him. "And I'm so, so sorry."

"You should be." Christian shoved him off. "Come on, Elisa. We're leaving."

"No." Robin stopped him. "Please, I want to explain myself."

Christian slid his sword back in his belt, "After you left me like that? There isn't much explaining to do."

"You don't understand." He responded, "After we got separated, I spent my life searching to find you. I didn't leave you. I would never leave you."

This was getting a little weird for me, so I finally had to speak, "How do you two know each other?"

Christian let out a sigh, "Robin is… my brother."

"Your… what?" My mind frazzled, and I almost lost my wording. "The brother you said that died?"

"You told her I died?" Robin gaped, his hand over his heart, "I'm offended by that."

"Lost." Christian corrected, "Not died."

I don't care what his wording was. It only made me miss Henrik more.

"Christian, I'm so sorry." Robin apologized again, "But you should know, I formed my pack of men to find you."

"I saw you as the criminal that was on all the wanted posters." Christian shot back, "You're wanted everywhere. You've robbed a lot of villages."

"At first, we weren't robbing. I assembled them to have connections in other places, thinking that maybe you'd be somewhere else." Robin smiled weakly, "But, somehow, here you are. The robbing came later, when we realized we had no money to travel. But I needed my little brother back."

I don't know what it was, but something just snapped. "My brother was one of your men! How could you let him die like that!? You got tons of your men killed just so you could find him!?"

"Elisa!" Christian held me back as I wanted to attack Robin, and he kinda stepped back a little.

"Look, miss, I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything about it." He spilled, looking either frightened or pretending to be. He looked at Christian, "Who is she, anyway?"

"My girlfriend." He stated, and I jerked again, trying to get free, but I couldn't. "And I would much appreciate it if you didn't piss her off."

"Oh." He muttered, avoiding my eye contact. "I'm sorry."

Christian let go of me, "It doesn't matter now. Come on, Elisa. We're going back to the ship."

I walked to go with him, but I turned back. "My brother was one of your men, among many others. I hope you feel the shame for the rest of your life." I shot at Robin before turning back around and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"The ship?" Robin asked, now following us. "Christian, I'm not losing you again. Not after I just found you. Can I come with?"

"No!" I shrieked, "You ruined my life!"

Christian held my hand and dragged me along, "Just don't, he never listens to anyone."

"Please don't let him come with us." I begged, but I could hear Robin's steady footsteps behind us. "I can't handle it."

"Okay, you go ahead for a moment." He urged as he stayed behind with Robin to talk to him, and I kept going. I tried to keep myself cool and collected, but how could I? He was the person who basically took my last living family member away from me.

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