Chapter 18

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Over the next month, we didn't do much on the ship. The air has practically frozen to us and we try to stay inside as much as possible. Val was always steering the ship, claiming he was immune to the cold. Although, today was Christmas, and even though they were pirates, they had something special planned.

Christian healed about a week after getting shot with an arrow, and in another week, he could hold a sword and continue to teach me. The only thing I now wanted to do was beat Lila in a sword match. I felt so uncomfortable around her because I knew at any moment I could get stabbed. But since today was Christmas, I wasn't too worried.

"Merry Christmas, everyone." Val gestured to everyone on the ship. "I know this isn't exactly where you would like to be for Christmas, but thanks for being here all the same."

The pirates were all standing around with shot glasses filled with rum, and they all drank. I wasn't much of a rum drinker, but all the pirates, including Christian, were having a fun time with it. Dinah and I were the only ones not drinking.

"So, I see your pirate's getting a little happy with the drinks." Dinah joked, pointing to where Christian was standing with the other pirates. We were the only ones excluded.

"Yeah, but I trust him with drinks." I assured her, but I kept a close look to make sure he didn't do anything too stupid.

"It always ends bad when pirates drink." She took a couple steps back, trying to tug me with her. "Why do you think I'm keeping my distance?"

"They aren't that bad." I stated, but looking back at them, I wasn't so sure. "How many drinks do you think they've had?"

"More than they should."

"Hey." Christian said as he stumbled over to us, and I caught him to make sure he didn't fall. "You guys have got to try this." He said, sticking out the wobbly glass in front of us.

"I'll pass." I told him as I pushed him up against the wall, "It's late, so I'm going to retire for the night." I said before heading off to my room before either could say anything else.

I wasn't thinking about the pirates or drinking or any of that. I stared out the small window, looking up to the sky and past the horizon, mentally seeing Kenilworth in my head, as well as Henrik. I know he has Iris, but it still hurt that I wasn't there with him for Christmas. And it hurt even more that Mom, Dad and David haven't been there for a long time. Christmas is a time for family, not drinking. These pirates didn't know how to celebrate it. It seemed as if I was the only one missing my family.

"Elisa?" Dinah asked, coming inside with someone else. "Someone followed me, by the way." She gestured to Christian, who was now leaning against the wall and trying not to fall in any direction.

"It's Christmas." I stated, but I wasn't feeling it. "It's Christmas and I'm with none of my family."

"How do you think I feel?" She asked, her voice whimpering slightly. "My family is out there too and they have no idea where I am."

"At least yours is alive." I whispered, looking back up to the sky. I know they're up there somewhere, but it hurt that they weren't here.

"Let's go back and celebrate!" The drunken Christian cheered, stumbling to me and slinging an arm around my shoulder, but I immediately slapped it off. "I know we're not your family, but being with people will make you feel a lot better."

"It depends on the group of people." I muttered, but he took my hand anyway and led me back to the drinking party. I wasn't exactly going to refuse, especially not to Christian, drunk or not.

"You just need to try a little. A sip, that's all I ask." He pleaded, and we were back to the party, and they were still having a good old time, not even fazed that they aren't with their family.

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