Imagine #3

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Imagine that you get an unexpected visitor, but it's not Kylo Ren.

You woke up on your bed in your black nightgown one morning and you noticed that your boyfriend, Kylo Ren, was not laying in bed with you. There was nothing but a note on his side of the bed. You picked up the note and you sat up against your pillow as you began reading it.

'Went to a conference meeting. Take a day off today. I'll be back soon, my love. Kylo'

After you read the note, you smiled and held the note against your chest, thinking about Kylo. Thinking how he makes you happy and thinking about the first time you two met. You were originally supposed to be trained as a Stormtrooper, but Kylo offered you a job to be his assistant. You accepted his offer and you two have been close ever since.

You got up out of bed and you went to the bathroom to brush your hair and your teeth. After you were done, you went to your dresser and closet to pick out the clothes you wanted to wear, even though it was your day off. But you wanted to wear something nice when Kylo got back from the meeting. You picked out a white V-neck top, black skinny jeans, and black boots.

As you set your clothes on top of your bed, you slightly jumped when you heard your door slide open. You turned to see who it was. It wasn't Kylo. It was none other than General Hux.

He walked inside your quarters with a slight sinister grin on his face

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He walked inside your quarters with a slight sinister grin on his face. You were confused. "General Hux. You spooked me a bit. What can I help you with?" You asked him. "I like to have a word with you, Miss (y/l/n)." General Hux said, while walking towards you, slowly.

"Umm...okay. But don't you have a meeting with Kylo?" You asked, while sitting on the edge of your bed. "Oh, no. I'd rather talk to you than go to some boring meeting." He said, as he sat next to you on the bed. "Right." You said, sounding skeptical.

"So, I hear that your assistant job for Ren is going quite well, isn't it?" General Hux asked you. "Uh, yes, it is." You answered. General Hux scooted slightly closer to you, making you feel uncomfortable.

"You know, it's quite a shame that you have to be Ren's assistant. I think you should've been my assistant. You deserve way better, darling." General Hux said, as he began rubbing your thigh with his gloved hand. Now it was starting to make you feel even more uncomfortable.

You pushed General Hux's hand away and you scooted away from him. "General Hux, I would really appreciate it if you don't touch me." You said, sternly. But General Hux scooted towards you. "Why not? For a pretty girl like you, you're so...divine." He said, as he caressed your face with his gloved fingers.

Suddenly, General Hux placed a sloppy kiss on your cheek. Your eyes widened. You were scared. Then, General Hux moved to your ear and he licked around it. Now you were more scared and more uncomfortable than ever.

You were about to get off the bed when, all of a sudden, General Hux pushed you by your shoulders onto the bed. You yelped as you tried to get out of General Hux's grip. You squirmed as much as you can, but he was strong. "Ooh. Little feisty, huh? Don't worry, my dear, I won't bite...hard." General Hux said, seductively.

With that, General Hux kissed you on the lips, with a sloppy kiss. Then, he placed more sloppy kisses on your cheek and your neck. You kept squirming even more. But, then, you took your hand and you scratched his face with your sharp fingernails. General Hux yelped in pain as he released your shoulders, freeing you from his grip.

You ran towards your door, trembling and with tears running down your cheeks. The door slid open and a Stormtrooper happened to walk by. He stopped when he saw you. "Call Commander Ren and get some help!" You yelled, but, then, you were yanked back by your (h/l) hair and you yelped in pain, with the door sliding shut.

The Stormtrooper started running down the hallways as quick as he can to get Kylo Ren.

In the conference room, Kylo, with his mask on, was talking to a couple of high rank superior officers of the First Order about a plan. "Suppose we could do a surprise attack on the Resistance Base—" Kylo began to talk about his plan, but, then, the Stormtrooper barged into the room. "Sir!" The Stormtrooper said, panting. "How dare you interrupt this meeting, TR-0229!" Kylo shouted, as he reached for his Lightsaber. "I'm sorry, sir, but there's trouble happening at (y/l/n)'s quarters. I think someone's hurting her." TR-0229 explained. "What? Who?!" Kylo shouted, but, then, he looked at an empty chair that was reserved for someone. Then, he realized who it was. "Where's General Hux?"

General Hux slapped you across your face before he threw you hard on the floor. "I'm gonna teach you not to scratch me like that!" He said, as he began punching and kicking you all over your body. Your cried out in pain as they were so hard. You were too weak to fight back.

After a minute of punching and kicking you, General Hux finally stopped. "I can sense Ren will be here any minute. I can't stay any longer. Well, it was nice talking with you, Miss (y/l/n)." He said, grinning. Before he left, he gave you one final kick on your right ankle. He kicked your ankle so hard, it felt like it was broken. You screamed out in pain. General Hux looked at you, smirking, then, he, casually, left your room, leaving you on the floor in pain.

You laid on the floor for a couple of minutes, holding your ankle, crying out in pain. Moments later, you heard your door slide open. At first, you thought it was General Hux again. But when you turned your head towards the door, it wasn't him. Instead, it was Kylo Ren, with his activated Lightsaber.

Kylo deactivated his Lightsaber and he, quickly, removed his mask and he threw it on the floor. He ran towards you and he kneeled down next to you. "(y/n)." Kylo spoke to you, softly, while he, gently, petted your (h/l) hair. You could barely see, but you could tell Kylo looked panicked and scared. "K-Kylo." You said, quietly. "Shh. It's okay, (y/n). I've got you. You're gonna be alright." Kylo said, as he, gently, picked you up, in a bridal style, and he rushed out of your quarters to take you to the infirmary.

Kylo waited for about twenty minutes in the infirmary waiting room to hear any news about you. He kept pacing around, worrying about you. He was also angry that General Hux would do something like that to you.

Finally, the doctor came into the waiting room. "How's (y/n), doctor?" Kylo asked. "She's doing good, Commander Ren. We bandaged up the bruises and scratches on her. Unfortunately, she has a broken ankle, which will take six weeks to heal. Right now, she needs to rest." The doctor explained. Kylo let out a sigh of relief. "Can I see her, doctor?" Kylo asked. "Sure." The doctor answered. "Thank you." Kylo said, as he headed to your room.

Kylo made it to your room. You were sitting on the side of the bed with your legs hanging down. You had bandages wrapped around your wrists, upper arms, knees, and your legs. You also had bandages on a couple spots on your cheeks. You even wore a cast on your ankle.

You looked up and saw Kylo standing by your door. He, then, walked towards you and he sat down next to you. He, gently, wrapped his arms around you and he pulled you closer to him. You, then, wrapped your arms around Kylo while you laid your head against his chest. You could hear his heart beating.

"I was so worried about you, (y/n). I can't believe this happened to you." Kylo said. "I wish that I could've done something to stop General Hux. It's all my fault." You said. "No. No. It's not your fault, (y/n). None of it is. I didn't think General Hux would go this far to do this to you. In fact, I'm going to deal with him once I find him. That red-head coward." Kylo said. "Oh, Kylo." You said, softly, as you hugged him a little tighter.

Moments later, you spoke again. "I'll get back to work once I leave the infirmary." "Oh, no. You'll get back to work when you're completely better. Right now, you need to rest here for a while. Doctor's orders." Kylo said, as he, slowly and gently, laid you down on your bed and pulled the blanket over you. Kylo, then, pressed his soft lips against yours. "I love you, (y/n)." He said. A smile spread across your face. "I love you too, Kylo." You said back.

Kylo stood up and said, "You go to sleep now, while I have a little conversation with General Hux...with my Lightsaber." "Okay." You said, as you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. Kylo, then, left your room to find and have a little 'chat' with General Hux.

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