Imagine #21

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Imagine you taking care of a drunk Kylo Ren.

You were walking down a hallway, slowly, carrying a drunk Kylo Ren, who was giggling. You had one of Kylo's arms around your neck and you held onto his waist. It was tough to hold him due to his height and size.

"Kylo, I really wish you didn't drink all those vodka shots after you had one glass of scotch." You said, grunting, as you tried to keep up your balance. "Well, I needed something to wash that scotch taste down my throat, (y/n). Ooh, boy. That scotch...ooh...that was strong. It makes me feel stronger now that I'm Supremeee Leader." Kylo said, slurring a bit and tipping over a bit. You rolled your eyes and shook your head as you tightened your grip around Kylo's waist.

"Kylo, since your quarters are further down, you're gonna sleep in my room since my quarters are closer." You said. "Your room? Are we having a sleepover, (y/n)?" Kylo asked. "Uh...sort of, Kylo." You answered. "Mmm...nice." Kylo said, seductively, and, then, he giggled.

You and Kylo met when the First Order moved their new base on the planet, Aramir, and you were one of the new officers. You both got to know each other. Then, sooner or later, the two of you became close and got into a relationship. He's been by your side all the time and you've been helpful to him whenever he needed help with something.

The First Order threw a celebration for finding a new planet for the new First Order Base and for Kylo being the new Supreme Leader. The celebration was for high ranking superiors only, but Kylo included you since you're his girlfriend. Basically, everyone just sat around, talking to each other and drank alcoholic beverages. You only drank water instead of the alcoholic beverages.

Most of the time, while you were talking to a couple of high ranking superiors, you've been noticing that Kylo has been stealing a few shots of vodka after he drank a small glass of scotch. After the celebration was over, Kylo was drunk. You couldn't leave him alone all by himself. This was the time to help him.

After walking through a hallway for five minutes, you and Kylo finally made it to your quarters. You let out a sigh of relief after you took Kylo's arm off of your shoulder. But your neck was aching though.

While you were holding Kylo's waist, you used your free hand to type in the passcode and the door slid open. Then, you carried Kylo into your quarters, with the door automatically shutting itself. "Okay, Kylo, we're here. I'm gonna take you over to my bed." You said, as you carried Kylo over to your queen-size bed. Kylo chuckled and said, "I like your bed, (y/n). It's so warm and soft and sooo comfy. Why can't I have a bed like yours?" Kylo said, in a drunk way. You tried not to laugh when he said that.

When you got to your bed, you took your arm off of Kylo's waist and you stood behind him and you turned him around to face you. "Okay, Kylo, I want you to sit down on my bed." You said, as you put your hands on his chest to help guide him down on the bed. Kylo grinned at you as he put his gloved hands on your waist and said, "Okay, (y/n)." Then, he sat down on your bed.

Suddenly, Kylo fell backwards on your bed, on purpose, and he took you down with him. "Whoa! Kylo!" You yelped, in surprise, as you landed on his chest. Kylo laughed as he wrapped his arms around your back and held you close to his body. "Well, (y/n), if you wanted to cuddle so badly, I would've taken my shirt off. Oh, well. I love your cuddles anyway." He said.

Then, Kylo started planting sloppy kisses on your neck, jawline, cheeks, and all over your face. Even though Kylo was drunk, you still enjoyed his kisses. You even let out a small moan. "Umm...Kylo..." You started to say, but you were interrupted by Kylo's lips pressed against yours. You, briefly, kissed him back, but, then, you pulled away from the kiss.

"Kylo, as much as I want to cuddle with you, which I do, don't get me wrong. But right now, with the condition that you're in, I need to get you to settle down." You said, as you got off of Kylo and you stood up in front of him.

Kylo sat up, with a pouty look on his face, and said, "But I was enjoying that." "Well, maybe we'll cuddle later. Right now, I'm gonna go change into my night clothes in the bathroom." You said, as you walked over to your dresser and grabbed a black tank top and gray sweatpants. "In the bathroom? But I've seen your body before. You're so beautiful." Kylo said, as he laid on your bed, looking seductive.

Your eyes widened, but you still blushed when Kylo said that. Ever since you two have been together, nothing happened between you two. But in his condition right now, you didn't want to argue with him because he could possibly snap and end up hurting you. "I bet you have, your dreams." You said, under your breath, while rolling your eyes. You, then, headed to the bathroom to change.

After you changed into your night clothes and brushed your teeth, you came out of the bathroom and saw Kylo sitting on his knees on your bed. "What are you doing, Kylo?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Kylo patted on an empty spot in front of him. "Sit here." He said. You walked over to the spot on your bed and sat down in front of Kylo. "What are you gonna do?" "I'm going to give you a massage." Kylo said, and, then, he put his gloved hands on your shoulders. "Umm...okay." You said, sounding a bit skeptical. Kylo, then, started 'massaging' you.

But Kylo wasn't massaging you. Instead, he was shaking you, making your head flop back and forth. "Whoa, Kylo!" You exclaimed. "How do you feeel now, (y/n)?" Kylo asked, slurring a bit. "I feel nauseous, Kylo. This isn't a massage. It's more like flopping me around, like a ragdoll." You said. Then, Kylo stopped 'massaging' you, much to your relief. You took a moment to relax and let that nauseating feeling go away. It finally went away.

Suddenly, Kylo wrapped his arms around you and he put his head over your left shoulder. "Feel better, my love?" He asked. You nodded. He chuckled and said, "Good. Perhaps, my good kisses will make you feel even more better." Then, he started kissing your cheek multiple times.

You chuckled a bit. "Aha! I told you they would work. These lips are made for good kissing." Kylo said. You giggled and, then, you turned your head and you pressed your lips against Kylo's. He returned the kiss after that. "Mmm. Your lips are so soft." Kylo muttered between the kiss.

Moments later, you both pulled away from each other. Kylo grinned at you and said, while tapping his index finger on your chest, "(y/n), do you know how much I love you?" You played along and you grinned back at him and asked, flirtatiously, "I don't know, Kylo. How much?" Kylo, then, stood up on his knees and pointed to the corner of the ceiling. "As far as the galaxy goes. Right out there." He said, as he kept pointing at the corner of the ceiling. "Aww. That's so sweet, Kylo." You said, while smiling.

Kylo stared, blankly, at the corner of the ceiling for a minute until he spoke. "Wow. The galaxy is so far, far away, it makes me wanna fly." He said, as he pointed his finger straight out towards the corner of the ceiling again. But, then, he lost his balance and he ended up falling, face first, on the bed. He groaned afterwards.

"Kylo, are you okay?" You asked, as you rolled Kylo on his back. He looked miserable. "I...I think so." Kylo said, groaning. "Come on, Kylo. You should rest." You said. Kylo nodded, slowly.

Then, you sat Kylo up and he sat on the edge of the bed. "Here. Let me get you out of your clothes." You said, and, then, you took Kylo's boots off and set them on the floor, next to your bed. After that, you took his gloves off and set them on your nightstand. Then, you took his tunic shirt off of him, revealing his bare muscular chest. Your breath was taken away for a moment, but, then, you set his shirt on the edge of your bed.

Then, you, slowly and gently, laid Kylo down. "Aren't you going to take off my pants?" Kylo asked. "No, Kylo, you like sleeping in your pants." You said, and, then, you pulled the covers over Kylo. "Oh, yeah. I'd forgot." He muttered.

After you put Kylo to bed, you walked around to the right side of your bed and you crawled into bed with Kylo. "(y/n), will you cuddle with me?" Kylo asked, holding his arm out towards you. "Of course, Kylo." You said, and, then, you scooted towards Kylo and you laid against his body, with his arm wrapping around you, holding you close to his body as he could with both of his arms.

You rested your head on Kylo's chest and you put your hand on his cheek, stroking his scar, gently, on his face with your thumb. Kylo placed a sloppy kiss on your forehead. "Don't leave me, (y/n). Promise me you won't leave me." He said, holding you tighter against his body. "I promise I won't leave you, Kylo." You said. Kylo, then, gave you one more kiss on your forehead, before he collapsed his head on the pillow.

Sooner or later, Kylo finally fell asleep. You lifted your head up and you placed a soft kiss on Kylo's cheek. "I love you, Kylo. Goodnight." You whispered. Then, you cuddled against Kylo's chest and fell asleep.

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