Imagine #6

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Imagine you returning Kylo Ren's cape.

You were just finishing up work for the day on the Bridge of the First Order. As you were about to leave, a hand grabbed your shoulder. You turned around and saw General Hux standing behind you, grinning. "Do you need something, General?" You asked. "Yes, Lieutenant (y/l/n). Commander Ren left his cape on the Bridge. Could you go to his quarters and return it to him?" General Hux asked, as he handed you the cape. You looked at the cape, and, then, you looked up at General Hux and said, "Right away, General." Then, you took the cape and left the Bridge.

General Hux intimidated you a lot whenever he gave you orders. This time, it was worse. He was grinning the whole time when he asked you to return Kylo Ren's cape. You could tell that he's a coward and that he wanted you to return Kylo's cape because he was afraid of what Kylo would do to him when he's upset.

You were a little bit intimidated by Kylo Ren as well, but not as bad as General Hux. It was only the mask that intimidated you whenever you saw him. You often see him most of the time on the Bridge. But yet, he acted so strange whenever you were working. He stared at you all the time and you found it very odd. But the same time, you often wondered what he looked like under the mask. No one of the First Order knew what he actually looked like.

After walking down the hallways for a while, you finally made it to Kylo's quarters. You took a deep breath and knocked on the metal door. Seconds went by, no answer. You knocked again. Still no answer.

You were about to leave when, all of a sudden, the door slid open. You expected to see Kylo standing in front of you, but he wasn't there. You peaked your head in Kylo's room and he wasn't around. It was all clear. You, then, walked inside his quarters and the door slid shut, which sent shivers down your spine. You felt trapped inside Kylo's room.

At first, you wanted to throw Kylo's cape on his king size bed and get out before Kylo came back. But you didn't want to be rude. You, nicely, folded Kylo's cape and you, gently, placed it on his bed. For some reason, a smile grew on your face as you, slowly, slid your fingers off the folded cape.

Now you were even more curious to see what Kylo looked like.

Your thoughts were soon interrupted when you heard the door slide open. You turned and saw none other than Kylo Ren, with the mask on. You gasped as he looked in your direction. You were scared and nervous.

"Lieutenant (y/l/n), why are you in my quarters?" Kylo asked you, in a robotic voice, as he folded his arms across his chest. "G-General Hux s-sent me here to drop off your cape that you left on the B-Bridge from earlier." You explained. But Kylo didn't say a word. He just stood there, with his arms folded. "Y-Your door slid shut. It may have malfunctioned." You said. But Kylo still didn't say a word.

Seconds later, Kylo started walking towards you, slowly. You started taking steps back, slowly. Now you were even more scared and nervous than ever. "I-I'm s-sorry, K-Kylo. G-General H-Hux t-told me to come down h-here." You stuttered. You were soon trapped in the corner of his room. Your heart was beating rapidly as he came closer towards you.

You closed your eyes and turned your head away as he stopped in front of you. Tears were streaming down your cheeks as you breathed heavily. You were worried what he was going to do.

Then, unexpectedly, Kylo pulled strands of your (h/l) (h/c) out of your face. You opened your eyes and you looked up at Kylo. He, gently, wiped the tears off of your face with his gloved hand. You were confused. "Don't be afraid." Kylo said. "Huh?"

Kylo reached up and placed both of his hands on his mask and he removed it. Your breath was taken away when you saw Kylo's face for the first time. His jet black hair, his brown eyes, and his attractive face. 'So this is what he looks like under the mask all this time.' You thought to yourself.

Kylo set his mask on the floor and he looked at you. "What's your first name, Lieutenant?" He asked you. "It's (y/n)." You whispered. "What was that?" "It's (y/n)." You said. "Why are you so afraid of me, (y/n)?" Kylo asked, softly. "You're not going to punish me for being in your room?" You asked, worriedly. "No. Of course not. I'm not going to hurt you. You explained to me why you're in here and I believe you. Plus, I'm glad that you're here, (y/n)." Kylo said. Now you were even more confused. "Why?"

"You've probably been noticing that I've been staring at you whenever you're working on the Bridge, correct?" Kylo asked. You nodded. "Why's that?" You asked. "When I saw you for the first time, I felt this warm sensation from within me that I've never felt before. I had to leave afterwards. But since that day, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't even talk to you in front of General Hux or anyone else. That's why I've been on the Bridge a lot and why I kept staring at you. I've developed feelings for you because I've never seen a beautiful girl like you before." Kylo explained.

You were surprised. The most feared man in the galaxy and the one who intimidated you a little bit had developed feelings for you. No man has ever said that to you. All you did was blush and smile. "Really?" "I mean every word that I said, (y/n)." Kylo said, while smiling, as he, gently, grabbed your hands and placed soft kisses on them. You gasped, quietly.

Then, Kylo, while he still held your hands, slowly, pulled you closer towards him. He put one of his gloved hands on your cheek and he stroked it with his thumb. You blushed even more. Kylo, then, leaned his forehead against yours and whispered, "Will you stay with me, (y/n)?" You looked into his dark brown eyes. You whispered back, "Yes."

With that, Kylo pressed his soft lips against yours. Your eyes widened for a second, but, then, you closed your eyes and you returned the kiss. You wrapped your arms around Kylo's neck while he wrapped his arms around your waist.

Moments later, the two of you pulled away from the kiss as you both needed to breathe. "I love you, Kylo." You said. Kylo smiled and said, "I know."

Kylo, then, kissed you again. This time, the kiss was deeper and passionate. You moaned a little bit as he started kissing your jaw and your neck. You ran your fingers through his soft, thick hair as he continued kissing your neck.

Sooner or later, Kylo started guiding you back to his bed while you both continued kissing. Kylo, then, gently, laid you down as he laid on top of you. Then, you both stopped kissing. "Thank you for returning my cape, (y/n)." Kylo whispered, while he petted your (h/l) (h/c) hair. "You're welcome, Kylo."

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