Imagine #41

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Imagine you're at a First Order party and you play a game, unbeknownst to you, with Kylo Ren.


You were sitting alone at a First Order New Year's Eve party, drinking your non-alcoholic beverage, while you watched everyone socializing with others. You're very shy when it comes to talking to people. Sometimes, Captain Phasma and other female workers make fun of you because of your shyness and awkwardness. Even though you didn't want to go to the party, you thought it would be a good idea to go since it's an open invitation to the New Year's Eve party and you have nothing else to do.

As you were looking all over the party, you spotted someone that you have a crush on that caused you to blush. It was Kylo Ren, the Commander of the First Order. You've had a crush on Kylo ever since he stopped wearing his mask and showed off his true handsome human face around the First Order Base. You've never talked to him before because you were too shy and also worried that he'll get upset with you and he would hurt or kill you with his Lightsaber during his temper tantrums.

Your thoughts were soon interrupted when you heard someone say your name. You looked up and saw Phasma, without her chrome armor on, and four female workers behind her. "Um, hello, Phasma, ladies." You said, as you set your drink down and stood up. "I see that you're not socializing with anyone, (y/n)." Phasma said, somewhat rude. You nodded and said, "Yeah, but it's fine. At least I'm here."

"Well, we actually have a solution for you, (y/n). There's a game that we want you to play that can help you socialize better." Phasma said. "Um, okay. What's the game?" You asked. "It's called 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'." Phasma answered. "How do you play it?" "It's easy. We'd put you in an isolated area and you'll get to spend some 'special' time with a man." Phasma, briefly, explained.

"And you've played it before?" You asked, curiously. "Absolutely, I have. I was making out with General Hux for the best seven minutes of my life and he's one damn good kisser." Phasma said, while blushing. "So, the kissing part is considered the 'special' time?" "Exactly! Now, come on, (y/n). We'll take you somewhere isolated around here." Phasma said, as she grabbed your wrist and started taking you to a nearby closet, with the four other female workers following from behind.

Eventually, Phasma took you to a nearby closet. She opened the closet and gestured you to step inside, which you did. Then, one of the female workers took out a blindfold, stepped into the closet, and she wrapped it over your eyes, which confused you. "Wait. Why do I need a blindfold?" You asked, sounding a bit worried. "Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that you can't see who it is while you do this, (y/n). But don't worry. We'll find the right guy for you. Have fun, (y/n)." Phasma explained, in somewhat of a sarcastic tone, before you heard the closet door slide shut.

A minute had gone by and nothing happened. You kept thinking that Phasma and the others were pulling a foolish prank on you. 'Why did I consider doing this? I feel so stupid.' You thought to yourself. You were about to take off the blindfold when you, suddenly, heard the closet slide open. You couldn't see who it was because of the blindfold, so you felt nervous of who it was in front of you.

As soon as the closet door slid shut, you heard the man that was in front of you take a step forward. For some reason, you felt like the man was towering over you, which made you feel even more nervous. Then, you felt gloved hands sliding on your cheeks and caressing them. Your nerves soon calmed down when you, suddenly, felt soft, warm lips pressed against yours.

At first, you were surprised since it was your first kiss, but you immediately kissed whoever it was back. You, slowly, moved both of your hands up on the man's clothed, muscular chest and you let them rest there as you continued kissing the man you're with. Whoever it was kissing you was a really good kisser.

Four minutes have gone by and you soon pulled away from the kiss to break for air. You had to admit, you enjoyed making out with whoever it was. You felt the man's breath tickling your skin as he was close to your ear. "For your first kiss, you're one good kisser, (y/n)." He whispered into your ear. When you heard his voice, your eyes widened through the blindfold when you somehow recognized that voice. "K-Kylo?" You stuttered.

Then, you felt the blindfold being removed off of you, but you still couldn't see because of the darkness surrounding you in the closet. But, all of a sudden, the light was switched on, out of nowhere, giving you the chance to see who it was in front of you. It was none other than Kylo Ren himself, looking down at you.

"O-Oh, my gosh. Sir, I didn't know it was you. Phasma and—" You were about to explain, but Kylo put a gloved finger up to your lips to make you stop talking. "I know, (y/n). Phasma and the other female workers made me come in here. They said that you were being naughty during the party and they wanted me to punish you. But I knew they were lying. I read your mind that you were expecting to do this so-called game 'Seven Minutes in Heaven', so I went along with it." Kylo explained.

You didn't expect Kylo to say all of that, especially the last part. "You went along with kissing me?" You asked. "Yes, (y/n). In fact, I'm actually glad that I did." Kylo said. You were confused. "What do you mean by that?" "When I saw you for the first time, walking down in one of the hallways, I couldn't stop thinking about you, (y/n). I wanted to talk to you earlier during the party, but I was too shy to talk to you. But when I saw you in here and I read your mind that you really like me, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to kiss you so I can show how I feel about you." Kylo explained everything.

After that, you smiled up at Kylo and said, "Well, I'm glad that Phasma and the others convinced me to do 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' and you were the one that I got to kiss, Kylo. I've had a crush on you ever since I saw your handsome face for the first time." Kylo smirked down at you as he placed his gloved hand on your cheek and stroked it, gently, with his thumb, which made you blush. "Well, I'm glad that I was told to come in here too. By the way, you're so cute when you blush, (y/n)." He said, softly. You chuckled.

"What do you say we get out of here, show Phasma and the others how we are, and enjoy the rest of the party?" Kylo asked. You nodded. Then, Kylo held his arm out to you and you wrapped your arm around his. After that, Kylo waved his hand in the air and the closet door slid open and you both walked out, with both arms linked together.

You could see Phasma and the others looking at your direction, shocked and speechless. They were expecting you to be upset and be hurt or worse. You smirked at them and said, sarcastically, "Thank you for the game, ladies. My 'punishment' wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Phasma and the others didn't say a word after that.

Then, General Hux announced that it was time to count down. As soon as everyone started counting down from ten, Kylo freed his arm from yours and, then, he put both of his gloved hands on your shoulders and turned you so that you were facing him. You smiled while you looked up at his beautiful dark brown eyes as you were wrapped your arms around his neck, while Kylo wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Happy New Year!" Everyone cheered. Then, Kylo leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, with his eyes closed. You, without hesitating, closed your eyes and kissed him back, passionately. It was the highlight of the new year for you. Kissing Kylo Ren, your crush, on New Years Day.

Moments later, you both pulled away from the kiss and looked up at each other, with Kylo's forehead leaned against yours. "Happy New Year, (y/n)." Kylo said. You smiled even more at him and said, "Same with you, Kylo."

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