Imagine #16

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Imagine you are a newborn baby and Kylo Ren finds you.

On the planet, Nikara, Kylo Ren and the First Order were exploring an abandoned village during a snowy blizzard to search for needed supplies. General Hux was accompanying along on the mission. The village was deserted, there weren't that many needed supplies.

As the Stormtroopers were finishing up their search around the village, Kylo, suddenly, heard something nearby. "Ren, we're getting ready to leave this dreadful planet. Why are you standing there?" General Hux asked. "I hear something. It sounds like a baby crying." Kylo said, as he followed the sound to an abandoned hut. General Hux scoffed and rolled his eyes as he watched Kylo walk towards the abandoned hut.

Kylo walked inside and looked around. At first, he didn't find anything. But, then, he found a cloth covering a basket. He walked towards it, removed the cloth, and he found you, wrapped in a raggedy blanket, crying.

You were only a newborn baby. You were abandoned by your parents moments before the First Order arrived. Your parents were very poor and they couldn't take care of you after you were born. But your mother ate a lot of food while she was pregnant with you in order to keep you alive and healthy. Before they left, they cleaned you, partially, and they cut the umbilical cord. Then, they wrapped you in a raggedy blanket and placed you in a basket. They left you in the abandoned hut before the First Order arrived.

Kylo, gently, picked you up, looking concerned, as you were still crying. He somewhat unwrapped the blanket a little bit to look all over you to make sure you weren't hurt or anything. "A baby girl." Kylo said. You were still crying, so Kylo wrapped the blanket around you, to keep you warm. "Shh. There. There. It's okay, little one." Kylo said, softly. You, then, stopped crying and you opened your eyes and you looked up at Kylo.

Kylo looked at you and he felt something inside him that he had never felt before in his life. He felt like he needed to protect you and take care of you. "Who would abandon a beautiful little baby girl like you here? You can't be left here all alone on this miserable planet. I'll take you with me." Kylo cooed, as he walked out of the hut, with you in his arms.

The cold blizzard wind was blowing so hard, Kylo took off his cape and he covered you with it to protect you and keep you warm. He held you close to his chest as he walked through the blizzard. He finally made it to his Command Shuttle. He walked in and sat down on his chair and he looked down at you as the pilots were starting up the engines. You were cooing for a bit until you fell asleep in Kylo's arms. He smiled a bit at your sleeping form.

"Ren, why do you have a baby with you?" General Hux asked, sternly. "I found her in an abandoned hut." Kylo said. "Get rid of that baby, Ren!" General Hux demanded. Kylo held you closer against his body, protecting you. "No, General Hux! I'm not leaving her on this awful planet! I'm going to take care of her." Kylo said.

General Hux snickered a bit. "You, Ren, taking care of a baby? You can't even take care of the messes you make when you have your daily tantrums." He said. Kylo glared at him and said, "I can learn, General Hux. She needs a family after all." General Hux rolled his eyes and sat down on his chair and said, "Whatever, Ren." The Command Shuttle flew in the air and it headed to the Finalizer in outer space.

Once the Command Shuttle landed in the Main Hanger Deck, Kylo carried you off the Command Shuttle and he headed to the infirmary to have you be checked. When he got there, a couple of nurses and droids took you to a room, with a radiant warmer bed. They put you on it, unwrapped the cape and raggedy blanket around you, and they started cleaning you, which made you cry.

Kylo was by your side the whole time. He put a gloved finger in your little hand and you grasped it. One of the nurses checked your weight. "Surprisingly, she weighs five pounds, eight ounces." The nurse said. "Is that good?" Kylo asked. "Yes." The nurse answered.

A doctor came in and he checked your heart rate, gave you vaccine shots, and he did some blood work to make sure you were healthy. After the doctor left to do some lab work, a nurse wrapped you in a fresh new blanket and she handed you to Kylo. He sat on a chair as he rocked you.

"It will be a while for the results to be completed, Master Ren. Would you like to feed the baby while you wait for the results?" The nurse asked. "Sure." Kylo answered. Then, the nurse handed Kylo a bottle of warm formula and Kylo started feeding you.

As Kylo was feeding you, he did nothing but smile at you. The whole time, you never cried while he was feeding you. He was completely mesmerized. He was happy to hold you in his arms and feed you and keep you safe. "You're the most beautiful little star in the galaxy. You've changed my life. I promise I'll take good care of you." Kylo said.

Moments later, the doctor walked in just as you finished up the formula. "Commander Ren?" The doctor said. Kylo looked up and said, "Yes, doctor?" "The results are good. The baby has no health problems. She is a healthy baby girl." The doctor explained. Kylo let out a sigh of relief. "Good. I'm glad." He said, as he held you closer towards him.

"Where are her parents, Commander Ren?" The doctor asked. "She has no parents, doctor. I found her in an abandoned hut on Nikara." Kylo explained. "Oh. Well, do you want her to be sent to a different planet to a new family?" The doctor asked. "No. I won't have her be sent to a planet to a new family. I found her, I'll take care of her. She'll be my new daughter." Kylo said.

The room was silent for a couple of seconds until the doctor spoke. "Well, alright, then. I'll put your name on her birth certificate as her father and I'll have it sent to you tomorrow. Also, you can take her to your quarters since she's healthy and she's good to go and so you could take care of her. I'll have one of the nurses and the droids send some stuff down for the baby." "Thank you, doctor." Kylo said, as he stood up, looking down at you at the same time.

Just as the doctor was about to leave, he turned around and asked, "What's her name, Commander Ren?" Kylo, looking down at you, thought about your name for a moment until he said, "(y/n) (y/m/n) Ren." The doctor wrote down your name. "Thank you." He said, and, then, he left.

Later in the evening, in his quarters, a shirtless Kylo was laying on his bed, watching and cooing at you while you were laying on his muscular chest. One of the nurses recommended to Kylo to do a skin-to-skin father-daughter bond so you could be close to him and you would know that he's your father. One of the droids brought a black bassinet for you to sleep in and some baby clothes and supplies.

As Kylo held you close, admiring you while he was smiling, you let out a small yawn as you were beginning to fall asleep. Kylo smiled even more as you snuggled against his chest and fell asleep. Kylo, slowly and quietly, sat up, while holding you, to put you in your bed.

As Kylo stood up, he hummed a lullaby while he rocked you. He placed a gentle, soft kiss on your little head and whispered, "Goodnight, my little (y/n)." Then, he put you in your bed and placed a blanket over you.

After that, Kylo laid back down on his bed and he fell asleep.

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