Imagine #4

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Imagine the First Order throwing a ball and you want to go with Kylo Ren.

The First Order made an announcement to every single worker and Stormtrooper, including you, that there's going to be a ball later in the evening. It was the first (and possibly the only) time the First Order had ever thrown a ball. It was a chance for everyone to finally do something besides work or fight with the Resistance.

Everyone was excited, even you were excited. But there was one problem. You couldn't decide who you wanted to go with to the ball since you didn't want to go by yourself.

But, then, you thought of the only person that you've been thinking about lately. Kylo Ren.

There was one time while you were working, you noticed that Kylo wasn't wearing his mask like he usually does. You stared at his facial features since no one doesn't know what he looked like under the mask. Since that day, you've developed feelings for him.

You thought about asking him to go to the ball with you. But you decided not to. You were too shy to ask.

Once your shift ended, you walked down the hallways to go to your quarters. As you were walking down the hallways, you noticed Kylo Ren, General Hux, and Captain Phasma talking to each other. Kylo wasn't wearing his mask this time.

As you walked by, you glanced at Kylo. 'Gosh, he's so handsome.' You thought to yourself. But, then, Kylo glanced at your direction. You, quickly, turned your head away and continued walking down the hallways, while blushing.

When you got to your quarters, you walked over to your bed and you collapsed on your back and you stared at the ceiling. After what happened earlier, you felt embarrassed and you felt like you ruined your opportunity to ask Kylo to the ball. You kept having thoughts whether you should go to the ball or not.

Minutes later, you heard the door slide open. You didn't look up because you knew it was your roommate, Captain Phasma. "Hey, Phasma." You said. "Hello, (y/n)." Phasma said. "You're off work a little early." You said, as you sat up and you noticed Phasma removing her Chrome Stormtrooper armor, leaving her with just a black long sleeve shirt and black pants. "Well, I have to get ready for the ball tonight." She said.

"Are you going to the ball?" Phasma asked, while she set her armor on a shelf. "I...I don't know. I don't think I'm gonna go to the ball." You answered, while looking down at the floor. "And why's that?" "Because...Because I'm a terrible dancer." You lied.

Then, Phasma sat next to you on your bed. "I can tell you're lying, (y/n). I know why you don't want to go. It's because of Kylo Ren, isn't it?" She asked. You didn't answer. Instead, you turned away while you blushed, deeply. "I knew it. I know that look. You like Kylo Ren. Really, really like him." Phasma exclaimed. You sighed and nodded.

"Why didn't you ask him to the ball?" Phasma asked. You looked up at her. "Because he probably doesn't like me, even after earlier when I stared at him. Plus, he's probably going with somebody else." You explained. "Oh, I don't think that's true, (y/n)." Phasma said. You were confused.

"After you left, while Hux was talking, I glanced at Kylo and he was blushing and he was trying not to smile in front of us. That man hardly ever smiles. But when I saw him, I could tell what he was thinking about." She explained.

Your eyes widened a bit as you were not expecting to hear that. "Do you think he likes me, Phasma?" You asked. "Absolutely. I think he does, (y/n)." She answered. You blushed even more.

"(y/n), you must go to the ball tonight. Kylo Ren and General Hux are starting the ball with the first dance. Armitage—I mean, Hux asked me to dance with him, but Kylo has no one to dance with." Phasma said. You smiled even more after she said that. You were glad to hear that Kylo wasn't going with anyone.

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