Imagine #33

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Imagine you're an orphan on Jakku and Kylo Ren finds you.


You're an eight-year-old orphan that lives on Jakku. You've lived on Jakku your whole life after your mother died, unexpectedly, when you were five years old. You've been living in a small Jakku village, where you stayed in a small homemade hut by yourself. You would help out with some of the villagers and earn more food at the end of the day as a reward.

You've never met your father before. But your mother has always told a lot about him to you since you were so curious to know about him. His name, Ben Solo, what he looked like, talking about their memories together since they were childhood sweethearts, and a little bit about their last moment together before he left to be trained as a Jedi. Then, sooner or later, your mother found out that she was pregnant with you.

Sadly, you mother never told you what happened to him after he was sent away. You've always wondered where your father was and what happened to him.


It was late at night as you were sitting in your small hut, eating your food that you've earned earlier. A loaf of bread and some cooked bits of meat and water.

All of a sudden, you heard the village bell ringing and you heard people shouting. You stood up, walked up to the entrance of your hut, peaked through the curtains, and saw what was happening.

All you saw were figures in white armor, firing their Blasters at some of the villagers and a couple of them were setting the other huts on fire. Some of the villagers were fighting back. Even one man that you didn't recognize was firing a Blaster at three of the figures in white armor.

Eventually, a black ship landed and the figures in white armor were gathering all the villagers in the center of the village, holding their Blasters up at them. After the villagers were gathered, a figure in black with a black and silver mask walked out of the ship and walked towards an elderly man.

You couldn't hear what they were saying. You were scared. All you could do was watch.

The whole time, you watched in horror as you saw the figure in black kill the elderly man with a glowing red sword, taking the young man from before on board, and above all, you witnessed the figures in white armor shooting their Blasters at the villagers. It was horrifying to see. You walked backwards, with tears running down your cheeks, and you sat on the ground, in shock.

"Sir, where are you going?" You heard a female robotic voice. "That small hut right there. I sense a strong Force connection coming from there." You heard a male robotic voice. You had a bad feeling that they were coming towards your hut. You scooted backwards, panicking, until the wall of your hut was touching your back. You held your legs, tightly, against your chest, hoping that nobody doesn't enter your hut.

Then, suddenly, the figure in black with the black and silver mask entered your hut. You were even more scared than ever. He was tall and he looked frightening.

He looked down at you as he was walking, slowly, towards you. "Please. Don't hurt me." You whimpered, as you began to cry, softly, between your legs. The figure in black kneeled down in front of you, tilting his head a little. "I sense a strong connection from you. It's like...I know you." He said, in a robotic voice.

You looked up at him, looking confused. "What?" "Don't worry. I won't hurt you." The figure in black said. But before you could say anything, the figure in black waved his gloved hand in front of you. The next thing you knew, you closed your eyes and you were surrounded by black.


You woke up with ceiling lights shining above you and you felt sheets over you. It was confusing to you. It wasn't your hut and you weren't on Jakku anymore. You sat up and rubbed your eyes while you let out a big yawn.

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