Imagine #15

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Imagine you're a doctor and you're nervous when you have to take care of Kylo Ren.


After the destruction of Starkiller Base, the First Order has temporarily settled on the Finalizer until they find a new planet to settle on.

You were in the Finalizer sickbay helping take care of patients. "Dr. (y/l/n)." You heard someone call your name. You turned around and saw your boss, Dr. Vektor, standing behind you. "I need you to help take care of Commander Ren in Room 9." He ordered.

You were immediately frightened, especially when it involved the most feared man in the First Order. Your boss could easily see that you were. "I understand what you're feeling right now, but we sedated him, so don't worry about it. Now go take care of him." He said. You looked down and nodded, timidly, and headed to Room 9 to take care of Kylo Ren.

You're a high-ranking successful doctor of the First Order. You were also the youngest doctor to work in the First Order. But you had one problem. You were very shy. Most of the doctors and the workers even thought you were a mute because you mostly nodded and shook your head to respond and you would write on sticky notes. But you weren't. You would easily get shy, nervous, and even scared when people would try to talk to you or when you're trying to socialize. But above all, you were also afraid of Kylo Ren.

You made it to Room 9 where Kylo Ren was waiting inside. Your heart was racing as you were getting ready to go inside and see him. You were hoping he was still sleeping from the sedative and that he doesn't attack you out of nowhere.

After taking a deep breath, you opened the door, walked in, and you looked at the patient bed, expecting to see an old or disfigured being laying down. But instead, you saw a young, handsome man, with black shoulder-length hair, on the patient bed, with a bloody gash on the right side of his face and shoulder.

Your breath was taken away as you, slowly, approached his sleeping form, staring at him, with a dreamy look. You've never seen a beautiful face like his before. 'This man is the most fearful being behind the mask in the galaxy?' You thought to yourself.

But, then, you snapped back into reality. You went to the sink and washed your hands and put on a pair of gloves. Then, you took a pair of medical scissors and you started cutting Kylo's tunic shirt to tend the wound on his shoulder. For a brief moment, you were awestruck about his muscular chest, but, then, you continued on what you were doing. You wiped the dry blood off the wound with a cloth. Then, you took some suture and you, gently and carefully, put it on the wound.

After you were done tending the wound on Kylo's shoulder, you moved to his face. You wiped the dry and wet blood off the gash with a different cloth. Then, you started to put the suture on the wound. As you were doing that, you kept staring at Kylo's handsome facial features. You felt a warm sensation in your body and your heart skipped a beat. You've never felt like that before.

As you were finishing up, you heard Kylo groaning. You looked down and saw him moving. The sedative was wearing off. Your heart was racing as you started to panic. Kylo's eyes were starting to flutter open and he briefly winced in pain while he touched the wound on his face. You took a couple of steps back as Kylo opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" You heard Kylo talking to himself. You didn't say a word. He, slowly, sat up and looked around the room for a bit until he looked at your direction. You felt your heart had stopped beating.

Kylo stared at you for a few seconds until he got off of the patient bed and started walking towards you, slowly. You started taking steps back until the wall behind you was blocking you. Your body was shaking as Kylo was getting closer to you. He finally stopped in front of you, with his lips parted. All you did was hold onto your left upper arm and look down at the floor.

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