4 About Time

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I woke up with the music he played me last night stuck in my head. It really was beautiful. Maybe I could get him to sing to me soon. I had actual work to do today so I climbed out of bed and hit the shower. It wasn't much, just a couple of album reviews. I had to wait for the files to be emailed anyway. I got dressed, set up my laptop and made breakfast. While I was waiting for my tea to steep, I sent a quick text to Avi.

Good morning! I hope you have a good time with your parents today. I seriously hope that you consider recording what you played me last night. Anywho, have a great day and I will talk to you later. <3 Lizzie

I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window, so I also took a selfie and sent that to him as well. My laptop dinged letting me know that my email had arrived so I took my breakfast to the living room and sat down to listen and write.

I woke up earlier than normal without the assistance of my alarm and stretched in bed. I looked at my phone. No, last night was not a dream. She invited me over for wine. Why didn't I go again? Oh yeah, parents. I did a small morning workout in my living room which put me into the most relaxed state I had been in in a while. I took my shower and picked up my phone. The message light was blinking. I checked that first and smiled while I send my reply. She's so pretty.

Good morning, Beautiful. It is always wonderful to see my parents. We are meeting out at the Sage & Stone and just spending the day outside as much as possible. I will likely do that, been working on the song for a while now. It is finally coming together. Are you sure you're not biased? I hope you have a wonderful day. I will call you later. Love and Light -- Avi?

I checked my other messages, frowned and didn't bother with replying. I took a look at my DMs, tweeted a message about the value of family and friends dressed and headed out to the Sage & Stone. I'd be gone all day which meant I couldn't talk to her much, but I was going to find a way.

His text came through halfway through the first album. I paused the music to read it. I knew he would call at some point because he said he would. I was grinning from ear to ear at his message.

I am not biased, I don't think. But I do look forward to hearing it in its entirety someday. I think you inspired me to go for a run later. I'll let you know. Talk soon <3 Lizzie

I turned the album back on and went back to work. The reviews were easy to write and I had them both knocked out and sent to my editor by lunchtime.

I met up with my parents and wandered around for awhile just walking and talking. "I met a girl."

"Oh yeah," My mother asked softly as we walked arm in arm.

"I like her. She is very nice and sweet."

"I bet." My dad said from a little ahead of us. My mother and I both gave his back withering looks.

"We've been talking on the phone, but I haven't asked her out yet. Her name is Lizette Michaels. She is from Chicago but lives and works here. This is her." I pulled up the picture she sent that morning for Mom to see.

"She's very pretty Avi."

"I like her eyes and the sound of her voice and the way she carries herself. She is so caring, worried about me, see." I probably shouldn't have shown Mom the texts but I wanted to prove to her that Lizzie was nice. "I think I am going to ask her out. I couldn't believe it when she gave me her phone number."

"Is she a fan Avi?" My dad asked from ahead.

"Yes, a good one."

"Be Careful, Avriel."

"I will." I found a beautiful view and stopped my parents to take a few photos of them. I took a selfie or seven picked the best one and texted it to Lizzie without a message. We took a break for lunch a while later and I sent a proper text.

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