13 Again (R)

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My body was still buzzing. How on earth was he still hard? I found myself still wanting more of him though. It was highly unusual for me to get there twice, let alone be jonesing for a third. "I, uh, yes please." I couldn't tell you how, but damn, I wanted, no needed more of him. I trailed my hand down between us and ran my fingers over his hard length. "How?"

"You." I shivered at her touch, was all I could say as I shifted us so I could kiss her again. Her fingers felt so good. I moaned her name. "I need you." I breathed against her lips. "I just do." I kissed her again pulling her over me. "I want this." My hands were everywhere on her body. I raised my hips up into hers. "Ride me. Please, Lizzie." I had no idea where that came from either. She brought out a lot in me. "Please?" Was I begging? I was. I was begging and whining. I wanted her something fierce.

He pulled me over his body and asked me to ride him. I nodded. "This is something I've never done before, but I'll try." I kissed him soft and slow as I lined us up with my hips. I rubbed myself on his length. I sat up on my knees and stroked him a few times before guiding him into me as I sank down on top of him. I went really slow as I got him in me. I guided his hands to my hips as I rocked them in a slow circle. "Like this?"

"Wait never?" I held her hips still as my head cleared and she adjusted and starting riding me like I had asked. How innocent was she? I didn't have time to think about it. I didn't have time to think. I let my hands follow her hips and moaned. "Perfect," I strained to say. I put my head back as far as the pillow behind it would let it go held my hips up and firm for her and got lost in the feel long enough to take my eyes off her. With in moments they were watching her face. I panted out. "Take what you need from my body." I watched her muscles tighten as her body stretched and her back arched into her movement. I grew harder still inside her as the friction and smoothness of the touches pushed me closer to the edge. The expression on her face as she rode me drove me wild. I took her hands and put the on my hips through a rotation or two of hers then held them to support her. I gave a little pushing forcing her to lean back a little and watched the results roll over her face. Her whole body was alive with mine. I could feel every hair on my body raise, I broke out in goosebumps everywhere, my scalp was tingling, she was taking me there. "Oh God," tumbled out of me as she pushed me harder and closer to breaking again.

I guess I learn quick. This position felt amazing and gave me most of the control. He offered his hands to help me change it up a bit and it felt even more amazing. I felt completely exposed and I didn't care. I moaned his name several times as the pressure built. I picked up speed and changed directions. "Oh god, I'm so close."

"Let go. Take me with you." I could hardly breathe. It was a struggle to make my brain form words.

I took his hand and guided it to my clit. He knew exactly what to do. I tightened myself around him as I rocked a little faster. I came with a series of incoherent noises and he followed soon after. I disconnected us and collapsed on his chest. I was a sweaty mess. I found his lips and kissed him softly. "I think if you need to go again, It's going to need to wait until after a nap." I felt myself slipping into sleep as I lay on his chest.

"Okay," I whispered and synced our breathing so she could rest. I had no clue how tired I was. I drifted off to sleep and woke later on my side tangled in her arms and legs. She looked so peaceful sleeping in my arms. I Kissed the top of her head and slipped out of bed to the bathroom.

I was vaguely aware that he untangled himself from me and climbed out of bed. I whined and rolled over. I was suddenly very cold. I pulled the covers up over me and wrapped myself around a pillow. I was sticky and I had no idea what time it was. It had to still be early morning because there was no sunlight coming in through the window. Okay, I was fully awake now. I laid in bed and waited for Avi to come back.

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