16 Limits (R)

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I woke up helplessly tangled in her, breathing her in, settled and happy. I found myself wanting her again. I didn't think there was any hope for me where she was concerned. I kissed her forehead and brushed lose hair away from her face. I started tracing the outline of her face as I watched her sleeping. I spied the bedside clock. We had time yet. I wondered if maybe we hit our daily limit. I reached down and touched myself. I was a little tender from being squeezed by her body so tightly and the friction of our bodies combining. It was going to take some time for our bodies to adjust to each other. I smiled. I couldn't remember ever being sore in any way. I chuckled briefly then went back to pouring my attention into her warm and soft naked body pressed and tangled with mine. Her breathing changed so I was certain she was awake and just enjoying the gentle touches I was lavishing all over her soft skin.

I woke up as he gently touched my skin. I was enjoying every minute. I sighed gently and stirred. "Good morning?"

"No, Sweetheart. We haven't had dinner yet," I whispered back gently not bothering to stop what I was doing. I drew small shapes on her back and sides and down over her hips then gently kissed her sleepy lips. "Did you sleep well?"

I snuggled into him. "I did. Did you?" My lips found the tender skin of his neck and nibbled away. "Mmm. You taste good." I was positive that I had never had this much sex in one day in my life. I found myself wanting him again, but I didn't think I could take him again. It didn't stop the fact that I was getting wet. He was like a drug and I was hopelessly addicted.

"Yes, I did. Thank you. Hmmm. Feels so good." I could feel myself rising for her as she nibbled my neck. I turned and gave her the access she needed. I kept my hands moving over her skin, touching her and barely touching her as I went. My touch was tender when it needed to be, and not when it had to be to avoid tickling her as I touched. I rubbed my feet against hers.

"I think I could spend forever in bed with you." I went back to nibbling on his neck, which he didn't seem to mind. I was probably going to leave a mark. Oops. All of his tender touches had my skin tingling. "You have this crazy effect on me. I don't think I can get enough of you."

I smiled. "Good. I can't get enough of you." I didn't mean to drop my voice but I did it. I kissed her forehead and slipped my hand under her chin. I turn her face up to mine and kissed her as tenderly as I knew how. I felt that kiss tingle all the way down to my toes. I broke out in goosebumps again and moaned softly into her. My hand traced down the side of her breast, tickling lightly yet touching just enough to reduce the tickle to a warm sensation. I breathed through my nose pulling air in and slowly letting it combine with her breath on an exhale between kisses. I tangled just my lips with hers, kissing her warmly and lovingly.

His hands were warm on my skin. His lips were soft on mine. I could feel him mostly hard against my thigh. I didn't want to disappoint him, but I was pretty positive that I wasn't going to be able to to take him in me again tonight. I trailed my fingers down his chest and around his ribs. I stopped them on his hips. I tried to bite at his lips, teasing him.

I accidentally pulled my lips back from hers when she went to bite mine. I gave them back and bit gently at hers running my tongue over the lower until she let me in her mouth. For once in my adult life, I'd had almost more than my body could handle. I was already fully aroused but had no intention of trying to have another round of sex. I didn't think she would either, but I didn't want to hear no from her either. Somehow, hearing no from your partner actually hurts. "Let's just touch and play until it's time to go teach you how to make barbecue ribs without a grill. What do you think about that, Lovely? Will that work for you too?"

"Hmm. That sounds good. Really good." I rested my hands on his ribs. "I don't know if I have another round in me today." I leaned forward to kiss him softly.

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