23 Soon R

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I woke up completely unable to move. There was a very warm, very furry body wrapped tight around mine. I felt like I was watching an angel sleep. He looked so peaceful and serene. I lightly kissed his shoulder to see if he would stir. He didn't. I softly kissed his cheek and still, he didn't move. He was softly snoring and there was a soft rumble in his chest that I could feel. I giggled and sighed. This was perfect. I was safe, and loved, and content.

I was lost in a sea of warmth and comfort, encircled in a dream that wasn't a dream. A part of myself had slipped away, given to the woman I held in my arms. In time I would give her more of myself than I had ever given to another person. I was surrounded by love and prepared to learn to trust, not only her but myself and the love we shared. My dream, green fields shrouded in warm mists, bare feet dancing on the dewy grass, dissipated and gave way to the face of the woman I loved. My eyes slowly opened to see the most beautiful face I would ever see and a smile crept up on my face.

His eyes opened and he was smiling. "Hi," I whispered. I didn't know what time it was, but it was still dark. I smiled back at him and just watched his face.

"Hi." I reached up and gently touched her face. Her sweet blue eyes searched mine and I hoped she found all that she was looking for, as I did in hers.

I brushed his hair out of his face with my fingers. "That was beautiful and wonderful. Thank you." I moved my feet against his.

"I'm so moved. Thank you, My love. I have never felt so loved." I rubbed my feet with hers and kissed her nose.

I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. "I love watching you sleep. You looked so peaceful. Pleasant dreams I hope."

"Hmmm. Yes. Very sweet." I stole a warm kissed and snuggled in closer. "So very sweet." I slipped another kiss in. "You?"

"Mmm. My dreams about you are always sweet." I stole a quick kiss. "I love being safe in your arms."

"Funny. I love being safe in yours. Do you want to go back to sleep?"

"Ummm. I need to go potty first. You?"

I laughed. "Naturally." I kissed her and rolled out of bed. I didn't' bother with covering up as I walked down the short hall to the other bathroom. I was already completely comfortable in her presence, and sometimes likely to be nervous as hell. That was not one of those times.

I climbed out the other side and popped into my bathroom. I hurried up and ended up back in bed before he was. I climbed under the covers and settled in to wait for him. It was 3 am. I yawned and stretched.

Mostly still sleeping I was in no rush. I did what was needed and headed back to bed. She was snuggled under the covers and I very much felt like joined her. I reset my alarm for an hour earlier than I needed to wake up and snuggled down under the covers in her arms. "Good night, Lizzie. I love you." I gave her a small kiss not meant to tempt either of us and pulled her closer. It wouldn't take me long to fall asleep.

"Hmm. I love you too Avi." I snuggled into him as close as I could get. I closed my eyes and I don't remember anything else.

Morning came way too soon, but not because I felt like I hadn't slept. I slept extremely well. It came way too early because it meant I would have to leave her home and be without her for most of the day. But then again We had over an hour to kill. I watched her sleep, breathed her in and smiled to myself as I set about waking her. I gently kissed her forehead, she didn't stir. I kissed her cheek and whispered her name. Still, she was calmly sleeping. I traced her ear, whispered her name a little louder the kissed her nose. I got very little movement and a mumbled: "go away." I couldn't help but laugh. "Lizzie, Baby it's me, Avi. I'm naked in your bed. Wake up." I added please for good measure and waited to see if her ears would trigger her brain and wake her up.

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