22 Slow and Tender R

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I cleaned up the kitchen after we cleaned out plates and headed to bed. It was still early in the evening, but I was both tired and restless. She hopped in the shower. I took off everything but my underwear and crawled into her bed. I snuggled her pillow close, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Maybe a nap would be a good thing.

The shower was nice and helped to relax me. I came out of the bathroom and found him sleeping and cuddled up with my pillow. I didn't want to wake him so I quietly slipped into some panties and a tank top. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of bottles of water and slipped back to the bedroom. He was still sleeping so I carefully took the pillow from him and replaced it with myself. He sighed softly and snuggled into me. I flipped off the light and drifted off to sleep.

I woke with the soft smell of Lizzie filling my nose completely wrapped in her. Her body wash smelled so good on her pink skin. She was sleeping, so I just lay next to her, pleasantly trapped in the security of her warmth and watched her sleep. I had no idea what time it was, just that my alarm hadn't gone off and the birds were chirping. There was dark outside the window. It had to be still some time in the night. I studied her face and prayed there never come a day when I didn't know I was going to see it again. I watched the rise and fall of her breathing, listened to the little noises she made while she was sleeping. I knew. I had known before she ever touched me before I touched her. This, was my one. I smiled, happy for the first time in a very long time.

I instinctively turned into the warmth of his body. I woke when I felt skin instead of my pillow. I opened my eyes and smiled at the eyes that were smiling at me. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Not a dream." I leaned in and kissed his nose as I found a way to snuggle closer to him.

"Nope as real as can be." I kissed her chin and just held her close. "I don't ever want to find myself anywhere else." I snaked my arms around her and pulled her closer tangling our legs and our hearts then kissed her forehead.

"Me neither." I was enjoying being held, but I wanted to be so much closer. My lips found a spot under his beard and nibbled softly as my hands found their way into his hair. I was gentle but slow and methodical as I claimed that piece of skin. I slid my thigh in between his and pressed my body as close to his as I possibly could.

Her hands found their way into my hair, her lips to my skin. She slipped her thigh between mine. We moved together. My hands roamed her back as I moaned softly at her kisses.

I felt his moans through my lips on his throat. I bit a little harder at the encouragement. I moaned against his skin as his hands traveled over my back. I tugged a little harder on his hair. "God, I want you," I whispered against his ear.

"Okay," I whispered back. It was the furthest thing from my mind while we played video games and cards together, but it was the only thing on my mind right then. I didn't turn the tides on us I let her have her way and let my hands wander where they wanted on her body. I touched her slowly everywhere while she nibbled on my neck and tugged at my hair. I moved my thigh up tight against her and felt the heat of her body through her panties. I moaned a little louder, knowing where we were going to take each other.

I went back to his neck for a little longer. I shifted my body so that I was halfway laying over him. I took a breath and found his eyes. They echoed the lust in mine. I attached my mouth to his letting the kiss evolve into whatever it chose to. My hands were still in his hair. I moaned as his hands squeezed my ass as they paused in their travels over my body. I hoped he would take control soon. Spending time with him today had been amazing and it went a long way to confirm that this wasn't just a physical thing. I had been good all day, but I suddenly needed him to take over.

She lay half over me half not and kiss me. For as much as I wanted hot and wild, I needed slow and tender. I moved her laying over me and let the kiss devolve slowly, I left my hands on her hips and settled my knees between hers while starting a slow grinding motion with my hips.

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