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Love is a funny thing. You see, when you fall in love, it’s never planned. It can happen during the best times and it can happen when you least expect it. What the point is, love is love, and there isn’t much you could do about it. That’s how it was for Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. The two newlyweds entered their homely reception to their close friends and family cheering them on.

Louis’ cheeks tinted the lightest rose coloring as he hid his face in the crook of Harry’s neck. He felt Harry laugh, being the kind of guy that loves the attention, as he gave Louis a peck on the top of his head.

Harry and Louis led themselves out on the dance floor as their song began to play, surrounding the entire ballroom, the soothing sounds making everything seem serene. Everyone’s eyes focused on the lovers dancing, forgetting the world was watching their first dance.

As they danced in time with the song, it seemed as though looking into each other’s eyes, they reminisced about their first meeting.

Harry was a sophomore at university, struggling to find a balance in studying and keeping up with his party friends, but he knew he was suffering since his freshman year consisted of going out nearly every night, drinking and hooking up with other lads that would give him the time of day.

He wandered his way to the local coffee shop, picking up a cup of tea, before making his way to the library, hoping to get some studying in. He knew he needed to get his stuff together. He was slacking and that’s not the type of man he wanted to be.

As Harry entered the library, he made his way to an empty table and cracked open one of his culinary books, hoping he could study for his upcoming exam on knives to use when cutting different foods in the kitchen.

Across the library, Louis Tomlinson remained silent as he delved his nose in his book. He had been reading his leisure book for an hour or so and he was content. He went to take another sip of his chai tea, but was disappointed to see that there was nothing left in his cup.

“Oh bother,” he mumbled to himself as he closed his book, annoyed with the fact he left off at a cliffhanger. He picked up his bag, slinging it across his shoulder as he went to toss his cup out in the trash and make his back to his room.

At the same time, Harry had decided to take a sip of his tea, only to almost spit it out as soon as the taste touched his lips. He had forgotten to put sugar or any type of sweetener in it, practically ruining the taste for him.

Harry sighed as he pushed himself off the chair, deciding to toss his tea and get a soda from the vending machine instead. He couldn’t believe he had forgotten to add anything in his tea; no cream, no sugar, nothing. It tasted disgusting to him.

Harry went to the trash can, or rather, almost made it before he bumped into Louis Tomlinson, or as Harry knew him as, the silent upperclassman. Harry blinked as he looked down at the older lad who was readjusting his glasses mumbling apologies.

“Sorry ‘bout that. Just putting my rubbish in its proper place,” Louis said smiling a bit, trying not to be awkward.

“I-It’s alright,” Harry said, surprised that he was speaking to him. “I was about to do the same. Can’t do anything with this rubbish.”


“Yeah, forgot to put anything in my tea,” Harry said as he nervously chuckled.

“That’s the best kind of tea!”

“You think so?” Louis nodded ecstatically as Harry asked his question with a raised skeptical eyebrow.

“Tea is best au natural.”

“Well that’s weird, but alright. Would you like this one?” Harry asked as he offered Louis his drink. Louis, however looked at Harry as though he was crazy.

“Um, why would I take a drink from a stranger?” Louis snapped. Harry blushed as he lowered the drink back to his side.

“Sorry. I-”

“Haven’t your parents ever told you never to trust strangers?”

“Sorry mate. I just didn’t want it to go to waste!” Harry said, exasperated at Louis’ antics; out of sheer frustration, Harry threw his briefly touched tea in the trash, and saw how Louis never took his eyes off of his every move.

“What?” Harry snapped, wondering what he wanted.

“Well, we can always get new drinks together,” Louis offered with a shrug. Harry paused for a moment, contemplating his school work, but something told him maybe he needed a breather.

“Sure,” Harry said after a moment had passed. “Let me just get my things and we can go.”

Louis nodded and watched as Harry gathered his things and they walked to the coffee shop together.

Now many people say it was love at first sight that brought these two together, but asking Harry and Louis, they both knew there was something there when they first met. In Harry’s eyes, he fell for Louis the minute he heard his melodic laugh. It drew him in, the way his eyes shown and how he couldn’t stop smiling. As for Louis, he says he fell in love with Harry the minute he started talking about how he was changing for the better. He admired the fact that Harry was trying to get his life together and was working hard to do so. It was respectable and Louis was attracted to a hardworking man.

Over the years, Harry and Louis fell in love with each other’s quirks and little things; they also learned how some of their habits weren’t the brightest parts of their personality. As the two grew stronger in their relationship, people around them knew they were a sure thing.

That’s why as Louis and Harry danced in each other’s arms, surrounded by the people they love, they knew after five years of dating, they knew they were okay with this.

“Whoever would’ve thought I’d be married at 24?” Harry whispered as he held Louis close to him.

“You’re telling me,” Louis chuckled out. “I’m 26 and practically a cougar.”

“I like cougars. They’re quite feisty.”

Louis’ felt his face flare up, but smiled up at his husband.

He had a feeling that their lives were beginning a new chapter; one that they would start together as two husbands.

A/N: A new story! Tell me what you think? Love you guys!! xx

-Ariel x

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