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Your friend, papyrus, had asked if you would watch his brother, bitty blue. You agreed because who could say no to the little energetic skeleton, he was so positive and cute! Papyrus was going out on a buisness trip and sadly couldn't bring sans because he said he can be quiet a handfull. He checked your house to make sure it was bitty approved and after hiding your sweets, alcohol and all sharp objects he could possibly hurt himself on. Papyrus handed you the small blue ball of energy. He was excited to spend the next month or so with a human like you.

The first week of blues stay you understood exactly what paps meant about blue being a handfull. He had found the sugar cubes for your coffee and ate two or three cubes. Running around the kitchen counter, you made a soccer dive to catch him when he fell off. It scared you half to death that you yelled, scolding sans for nearly getting hurt. Apologizing quickly when you seen the tears in his eyes and his shaking form, he forgave you. Saying he understood you only yelled because you where worried, he said paps did that too sometimes. Today was a month into having blue in your home, over the month he became very clingy to you.

Always wanting to be on your shoulder, never wanting you to leave him home when you go out, even to the point he sneaks onto your bed and cuddling up to your neck to sleep. You didn't think much of it, hearing over the phone from paps that he is very affectionate. You had been washing the dishes while he sat on your shoulder, Out of the blue he asked "do you love me, human?" Dropping the plate you where cleaning you looked over to blue. "W-wha-?" He tilted his head, his baby blue pupils looking into your (e/c) eyes. "Do you, human, love me?" Smiling you shook it off as his innocent nature, seeing it as he likes you like a friend. "Of course i like you blue, your a magnificent friend!"

Drying your hands off, you gently took him onto your left palm. Going into the living room and sitting on the couch, letting blue sit on the cushion beside you. "What movie would you like to watch?" You asked, looking down to him. Only to worry as he was sniffling with tears in his eyes. "Wo-oah blue whats wrong?!" You turned to face him, laying down on your stomach so you could be level with him. "..i-i..." He seemed to whine, looking at you with watery eyes.

He got up running to your head and attempting to hug your cheek.
Gently cupping him in your palm, you rub his skull with your thumb. "Shh, dont cry. Whats wrong blue? i hate seeing you cry.." Looking up at you with watery sockets he sniffles. When you got no response, you looked down to him. In which his skull was a bright blue while he fidgeted slightly. "....i asked if you loved me...not liked." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes to try and stop his tears. It was your turn to blush as you realized, he was being serious about the whole thing.

You didn't know what to say, you did find blue very adorable but what would papyrus say. He was quite the protective type of his miniature brother and didn't want him to be mad. "I...I don't know blue... would your brother approve of this..?" Blue looked up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes that made your heart melt. "He let you watch me for a month didn't he..? He's never done that before throughout all his trips... he always would bring me with him." He mumbled, not so sure of his brothers feelings either but he looked so sad. "But i do love you human! Your so kind to me and you don't tease me for my tiny size! All of papy's friends treat me like a baby and i'm not a baby! Your the first to let me do things on my own and your...r-really smell n-nice..."

He stuttered towards the end, fumbling as he held your thumb. "B-Blue, let me call your brother first before we get ahead of ourself okay...?" You gently stroke the small skeletons skull, taking your phone out to ring up papyrus. Taking sans to the dining table you set him down with a mini lunch before going to the other room to speak to his brother in private. "Yo (y/n), how's sans holding up?" Dismissing his question, quickly you got to the chase. "Good fine, um quick question. Does blue normally say he loves people and say they smell nice?" You ask, taking a small bundle of your shirt to smell the fabric.

Papyrus was silent before you heard him burst out with laughter. "Haha! Seems like my bro's got a crush on ya! Hehehe didn't think he had that mentality yet but hey, glad he picked someone trusted." This left you flabbergasted, looking back to the door that led to the dinning room, you held the phone close you to not believing what this over protective skeleton just told you. "Wait a minute, your okay with this? I thought you would loose your mind and teleport here to strangle me out!" Papyrus chuckles from the other side as you here him shift the phone. "Well i thought about it, but hey. Your one of my most trustworthy pals and he wouldn't be safe with anyone else. Sides, he seems to really like ya if he commented on how you smell." He snickers, which makes you blush slightly.

"But what do i do..? I don't know if he's wanting love or actually is looking for a relationship out of this." Pap hummed slightly. "Well, why don't you find out? Go with the flow of it. I'm not gonna stop ya, just treat my bro right 'kay?" Sighing quietly, you rub he back of your neck. "An hey, gives me an excuse to come to your house more often. Your cooking is the bomb." Rolling your eyes you smile, classic papyrus. "Of course you'd come just for the food." Pap laughed at your comment, then quieted slightly when another voice mumbled. "Well take care of blue (y/n), i gotta get back to work. My breaks over."

An with that you said your goodbyes and hung up, returning to the dining room. You found a sleepy blue trying his hardest to stay awake. "What did he say...?" He mumbled, reaching his arms out meaning he wanted to be held. Picking him up in your hand, you smiled gently. "He said it was okay, so what are you...really wanting out of this blue?" Blue brightened up tiredly, smiling at you.

"I want you human! I told you i loved you and i wanna stay here as long as possible!" He had laid down in your palm, gently hugging your thumb. With a soft yawn, he kept mumbling. "Your a great i wanna cuddle you and go on dates....and.." he had dozed off mid sentence, making you smile at his adorable innocence. "Alright blue... i love you too." Gently kissing his skull, you set him on your shoulder and sit on the couch. Playing a movie at a low volume to not wake him up.

-1255 words

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