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Someone asked for it

Sexual content ahead, you've been warned.


Waking up to the hum of your now skeleton boyfriend, your eyes open to him seeing if the new gloves you gifted him fit. He seemed happy with the results since he left them on while turning to you as you sat up. "Morning sweetheart~ I went to Sunbucks for you an got your favorite order of donut holes and coffee." You smile sweetly, sliding out of bed tiredly while he watched in amusement.

"You really need to not stay up watching that show doll, you look like a zombie." He joked, standing from the stool he was sitting on while walking over to you. "Little zombie need her breakfast?" He prodded at your stomach, making you giggle and shield your tickle spot before giving a sly grin. "Yep, an skeletons on the zombie menu! Graaaah!" You grabbed his arm biting his shirt sleeve as he dramatically gasped. "Noooo! I'm going to be a Skeleton Zombie!"

He managed to sneak past your arm shield, continuing to prod at your belly as you both went into a fit of laughter. After calming down, his hands set on your hips, a content but unsure look on his face. "This okay..?" You nod, leaning your head against him while wrapping your arms around him. "You don't have to ask every single time you touch me, you know? You even asked me if a hug was okay and you know i love hugs."

He nods, slightly swaying you to an unheard beat. " i know love, but i just.. have been struggling the past few weeks but i'll eventually adjust." Planting a toothy kiss on your head, sans started humming as he continued swaying you slowly in a waltz. "I wish i could help in some way.." Chuckling and tilting you head to look up at him. "There's nothing to help, i'll get use to the surface and being able to hold to most beautiful girl in the word is a good enough remedy for me."

Blushing softly, you pout up at him while he kept his gentle hold on you. "That's not what you told me last time.. i know there's another way to help you.." His mood seemed to shift while he averted his gaze. "Forget i said that dear, its really not a way to help. I didn't mean to say that." Softly kissing the tip of your nose, his smirk returned. "Besides, i told you i'll be fine while figuring the surface rules out.." Still pouting, you played with the fur of his jacket hood while speaking.

Not noticing him shiver slightly in return. "I know but it seems unfair to you.. and if it really isn't a way to help, why did you bring it up?" His cheeks radiated with embarrassment, gently taking your hand into his own while he smiled sheepishly. "I wasn't in the right mindset in the moment, i lost a bit of control. I'm sorry dear but really, it's not going to help." You sigh slightly, leaning your head against his shoulder while he continued to slowly rock the two of you around.

"Are you sure..? I don't want you overdosing on pills just because your with me... it seems unfair and i don't want you to get sick on accident." He chuckled at you worry, a slight purr to his tone that made you bright red. "Darling dearest, i'll be fine. Besides it would only make me crave you more than i already do~" You squeaked in surprise of his sudden change of tone, attempting to hid your blush with your hands.

He chuckled while planting a kiss on your forehead before slowly pulling your hands away from you face. "An you know me, awful at control once I'm riled.." He sighed momentarily but still gave you a sweet smile. Yet your eyes wandered, gaining more courage then you'd think possible for you as your hands dragged across his bottom ribs from underneath his shirt.

Sans breath hitched while tensing in surprise, you'd learned from him that his bones where especially sensitive and that the right stroke of a finger could get him started. A low groan leaving his maw as he arched into your touch, you could basically feel his urges beginning to rise with each brush of his ribs. "Baby, you don't know what your starting~" He purred, focusing enough to grab your arms and stop your teasing.

An oh how he already missed the feeling, a sly smirk arising as he set an arm around your waist carefully dipping you back against the bed. "Haven't you learned anything from our makeout sessions love~?" With a pitiful whimper you held close to the skeleton you loved so dearly. "I just want you to feel good too..." you shyly admit, to which he chuckles to. His expert touches beginning to grope at your sides and slowly slide up your back, then back down to your hips.

"Baby, being able to call you mine is the greatest feeling i've ever felt. You don't have to worry about a thing.~" Leaving a tender kiss against your collar bone, he shifted to capture your lips with a deep kiss. His tongue sliding to meet your own as they wrestled, making you moan softly as his hands stroked your thighs and guided them around his pelvis to wrap around him. You could tell it was taking all of his focus to not lose himself in the moment, yet still enjoy the intimacy.

A startled squeak making you pull away as his hips jerked, grinding into you and making you moan startled. He chuckled, pushing a wild strand of hair behind your ear. "Sorry baby, that to far?" He asked genuinely, smiling patiently at you while still panting. You shook your head, face flushed as you tugged him by the jacket. "N-No, just supris-sed me is all.." You pant, in which he grins to. "Alright, i'm sorry baby. I'll warn you next time~"

He teased, gently planting a kiss against your neck. He turned the two of you, laying on his side while letting you snuggle up to him. "Love you baby~ to the stars and moon." Smiling, you hug his chest and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I love you to sans.." He chuckled, returning the favor by kissing your forehead while sitting up. "Now come on, don't want your food to get cold now do we?"


An that's the end of the underlust boy :')
He's trying his best for you.

-1103 words

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