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It was a shock when your reading time was interrupted by a stranger barreling out of a tear in the void, letting out a line of glitched curses and staggering around your room. Even with your gentle soothing, he still lashed at you with fierce snarls and angry cussing. Though it took weeks for the stranger to finally leave the room they locked themselves in, it wasn't the last you seen of him.

He often came at random, inviting himself into your space with no explanation as you knew he watched you with an intense glare. He asked questions, simple but logical questions. One was being why you never stared at him when you faced him, you flinched at the question. Not wanting to get into detail of it but knowing he would pester you until you told him. You gave the shortest explanation possible. ".....I'm blind." He didn't press after he heard your tone, most likely remembering when he kept asking and asking to tell him why he found bloody tissues in your bathroom trash.

His visits where often long, and frequent. Sometimes to the point he would visit you twice a day, though you didn't care much for it. It was nice to have some company, even though he refused to be almost in the same room as you. You knew he had some weird hate for touch, though you could never ask him because he was always focused on questions about you. You didn't know if he was searching for something through the questions, but you answered them regardless.

If he was searching for something, he never found it because often he would leave in a explosion of rage. Though he never told you why, he came back forgetting his anger and continuing to pester you. During one of his visits, you didn't realize where he was until you smacked face first into his chest. He shoved you back, glitching violently but instead of hitting the hard wood floor. You landed in a web of what felt like thick strings, which you later found out that he had control of.

Saying it was some sort of magic he possessed and though confusing, he didn't go into detail with it. Though one day when you had guest over, their startled screams made you realize that your visitor wasn't human. You where quick to defend him, telling your friends he wasn't going to hurt them but his quick snarky reply didn't help any. "Please, i could destroy you all in a simple flick." Your guest didn't come back after that, you where upset about it and he knew that.

He never apologized for it, but he did allow you to finally ask a small amount of questions. What you learned was suprising, he was a skeleton and from a place called the anti-void. He even told you a short description of himself though, he didn't know if you comprehended colors at all. You did but thought it would be better not to say anything. You didn't think of him any less after finding out he was a monster, but you didn't really like the terminology of his kind.

He didn't act monstrous at all, though he did have his scary moments. He had told you multiple time he was more than capable of destroying your universe with a snap of his finger, yet he never did. He would get frustrated at your lack of fear of him, though it was more you didn't show it but also your strange comfort around him. After the entire fiasco with the guest, he was more open and less aggressive.

Often asking how had your day been, since he mostly visited at night and even going to the length of bringing you things. He brought you a book that read itself when you flipped the page and stayed on your pace of reading. Like you could see the words as it read itself outloud, he even asked if you liked it. Which should have been obvious by how many times you thanked him that day. Then it came to the day you nearly got yourself killed, you wheren't listening and hadn't noticed the traffic was switching to move.

So when people screamed that a large truck was coming your way, the shock of a missing feeling in your chest before you came too. In a familiar web of strings as people where now screaming at your new found friend. You wanted to defend him but your words were held within your throat, a constricting feeling in your chest while you helplessly listen to him snarl and threaten peoples lives if they dared to get any closer.

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