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Blue's gonna cheer up his baby uwu

⚠️Warning; Heavily Depressing themes. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED⚠️


"Baby...?" The soft murmur of the skeleton pulled your gaze from the window, which you'd previously been watching the rain. Blue was staring at you while leaning against the door frame, he'd just come back from his morning run. "What are you doing sitting in the dark..? Come on, lets go watch a movie.." You simply nod your head, letting out a loud sigh as he walked over to pick you up. For how frail and sweet he usually portrays himself, he was actually really strong and could beat alphy's in an arm wrestle if he didn't keep up his childlike persona. You've given up just telling him you felt like doing nothing, the worry in his bright sockets being the only reason you let him keep pretending its okay.

Soon he'll think your well enough to be on your own and then leave for work again, like he always does and you'd be left alone to rot for a bit longer. Settling the two of you to comfortably snuggle on the couch, blue flipped through the channels to find a movie to watch while his other hand lightly rubbed your back. You'd learned to stop wincing every time he brushed over a scar, it kept him from worrying over them and his suspicions from rising. The last time he found out was when he first learned of your... condition, broke down in tears as he held you like shattered glass. Afraid that if he let you go, you'd break even more. He'd spent hours carefully disinfecting, cleaning and dressing every scar across your body then he took every possible sharp thing away for good.

He'd only ever gave you sharp objects as long as he was supervising you to make sure you didn't do anything stupid, then immediately take them away if he had to step away for anything. It was hell to find a new one to use and to keep it hidden, yet his naive trust allowed you to continue your nasty habit. It wasn't for attention or some sick way of pleasure, you didn't think it fixed you either or even was a way to punish yourself. It just helped speed up the process, you could feel yourself getting weaker with each slice of the blade against your weak skin, energy drain along the blood as it flowed out from your open wounds. Blue didn't need to know that though, he was only caring because he felt guilty for being a bad friend.

He'd get over you fairly easy and you wouldn't be a burden to his schedule any longer. Him and his brother could go along their merry way to a better life that didn't involve you, while you sat 6 feet under where you belonged. "Angel...?" He called out, he knew you wouldn't respond but he still tried to coax something out of you. Your voice had been left unused for months, gone just like everything else within you. "You know i love you right...?" Liar.. "A-An i know you are going through a lot but i promise! The magnificent sans will help you push through it in the end! Mweheh...heh.." Just give up... i already have.. "S-So i wanted you to know, no matter what it is or when you need me. Send me a message or call me. You don't have to speak but just give me a sign that you want me to be here and i will, okay?"

Stop wasting your time on me...  "...I know your not getting better, (y/n).." he's using my name... he's upset..  "Your not letting yourself be better, i know the underground can't medically help and i really wish we could in any way but you need to put effort into your recovery.. i know all you do when i'm gone is lay in bed.." You heard him sniffle, your eyes slowly dragging to look up at his worried form. Struggling to hold back his tears as he held you, he was loosing his composure seeing you like this. His hands shakily taking a hold of your shoulders as he leaned his forehead against your own. "I-I..i don't know if you even need me.. i j-just don't want to see you wither away anymore.. please.. p-please just tell me how i can get you better. I j-just.. want you to be okay, i don't... i can't help you-u because i-i don-nt even know wh-hats wrong."

He stiffened as he tried to hold in a choked sob, his tears dripping onto your arms while you stared blankly. " i can't ke-eep watch-hing you di-ie l-lik-ke th-his..." His breath hitched as he felt your arms slowly wrap around him, your grip tightening as the soft hitch of your own cries filled the room. "I-i'm..s-s..orry.." your voice croaked with the lack of use, burying your face into his chest as your built up emotions crashed through. Muffled wails leaving you as you grasped for large handfuls of his shirt, his own hands rubbing your back while he rocked you. Gods above, you were such a fucking idiot. You'd isolated your feelings for so long to make it easier for you but deep down, there was still that selfish desire to stay with blue.

He was so happy and cheerful with everything and you broke that just to watch his true happiness turn into a lie for you. He was what always made you hesitate to finish the job, his memory always made you lower the blade from your neck. "I-I'!" You sobbed, the overwhelming guilt controlling your actions as you showed him the new scars and told him where and how you got that damned knife. You spilled everything like a broken dam, you told him that you began to truly believe you didn't want to live anymore and that you were selfish for making him suffer by watching you fade. You told him that beyond him and his brother that you had no one, no family and no friends to make you feel wanted. That just a year before the two of you got together that your best friend abandoned you in a parking lot a state away from home because she wanted a quick fuck instead of taking you home.

Leaving you vulnerable in a drunken mind and raped by a man who haunted you for months, that when you confronted your friend, she blamed you it was your fault of what happened to you and it was your fault her apparent prince in shining armour left her because all he seen her as was a game. That three months after you and blue started dating, the last bit of family you had left died in a hurricane in a different state and you where the only one to attend all of their funerals. You truly felt like the world hated you and you'd be better off dead then suffering.

The rest of the night was spent crying between the both of you, apologies being thrown back and fourth as he cradled you in his arms. When you woke up, he took you to clean all your scars and dress them in bandaid patches and medical wrap. When he was done, he peppered your face with kisses while hugging you gently. Repetitively reminding you that he loved you and that he would always be there for you. He even tried healing your wounds with magic but since he wasn't practiced in the craft, he could only close the more freshly open cuts. 

In his hold, you truly felt like you were okay. That everything was going to work out as long as you had him.

You truly felt loved...

-1334 words

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