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"Heyya sweetheart."

Looking up a bit surprised, you seen sans who was letting the door gently shut behind him. "Oh! Hello sans!" Giving a warm smile, you carefully climbed down the small step stool while holding a flower pot in one hand. "What brings you here today?" You asked, setting the pot on the stool to greet your large friend. He held out a hand for you to set your own in, giving them a gentle shake. "Decided to stop by after i seen ya through the window. Was walkin' home from grillz." You smile kindly, taking your apron off to set it aside. "Well aren't you just so generous today."

Pausing to sigh, you set your hands on your hips. "But really, you goober. You normally visit on thursdays not sundays." Giving a sheepish grin, his expression spoke 'you caught me' as he rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling quietly. "Its nothing really sweetheart, honestly i just wanted to come see ya..." Playfully rolling your eyes, you cross your arms with a bit of sass. "Did metta chase you out the house again?" Sans sighed, slumping his shoulders forward in defeat with a small pout. "....maybe." Giggling, you picked up the pot that had a small sapling in it. Patting his shoulder while walking by him, you removed your apron and hat to set them beside the entrance.

"Aw poor sansy, come on. I was about to close up shop anyways, just taking this one home for my collection." His pinpricks seem to lighten up as he followed behind you, almost like a large puppy as he watched you turn the lights off and lock the shop up. You both walked back to your home, since it was only a block away and sans seemed a bit chipper then his typical relaxed mood. "The place is a slight mess so excuse any left out dishes or trash.. i rarely get company other than you." Shrugging it off, he chuckles and sets an arm around you. "That's alright, can't be worse then my room." Nodding, you giggle to his statement.

"Yeah, i can believe that. Seeing as how you and papy are still arguing over a sock in the living room." His sheepish grin comes back as he looked to the side. "I'm mostly teasin my bro ya know." You nod as the two of you approached your home, unlocking the door and welcoming sans into your home. Setting the sapling's pot by the others on the window sill, you quickly cleaned up your tiny mess while telling sans to make himself at home. Which he did, sitting on the couch and observing as you rushed to tidy up before catching your breath.

"Mm, come here sweetheart." Looking at him confused, you walked over to his side. "Yes? Do you-" Getting cut off as he easily lifted your small frame up, you let out a surprised squeak as he sat you beside him. "Relax.. ya don't need to over work yourself just cuz i'm here.. i just wanted to chill out for a while." Twiddling your fingers, you looked up at him unsure which he just gave you a grin while the arm around your shoulders never left. "Okay i guess.. i just hate not being prepared for guest." Chuckling, he slumped down in the sofa while looking over to you. "I know doll, but you really don't gotta fancy your home up for me. I don't care about a bit of mess."

Sighing, you brushed a strand of hair back from your face. "Can I at least start some tea for you? Its the least i can do." He sighed, but gave in. "Alright." Removing yourself from under his arm, you headed to the kitchen and started up a pot of tea. You were so distracted of fixing the tea and pulling the cups down, you hadn't heard sans follow you in. Picking a more sweetly tea for him, you set the pot on the oven to let it boil while you wiped down the cups with a clean cloth. Sans startled you by wrapping his arms around you, setting his head on your shoulder while sighing softly.

"S-Sans..?" You questioned nervously, shocked by his slight advance since he typically never hugged you without asking. "Hmm..? Don't mind me i just wanted to hug ya.." He mumbled, his hold still surprisingly warm despite him being a skeleton. You gulped slightly, continuing to wait for the tea to boil but with sans enveloping you in his hold, it was hard to focus. Once you heard the first shrill from the teapot, you quickly removed it and shut the oven off. Tilting it slightly to pour into the cups, filling them both to half before you set the kettle back down. Picking them up you lift one slowly to sans, trying not to shake.

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