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Mentions of abuse and Acts of sexual harrassment/rape.
Read at your own risk

"Doll face~"

The teasing voice of your captor made you shiver lightly, he always spoke like that when he had something cruel in mind. Your hand already starting to trace the scarred skin on your arm from the time you attempted to escape, he bit a mouthful of your flesh as a warning. Telling you next time it would be your throat that he would sink his fangs into, his fangs.. large, carnivorous and dagger like fangs. His predatory grin always made you shudder and no matter how many times he'd draw blood with them, they stayed there terrifying glistening-white color.

Your eyes nervously trailed up to his vibrant red pupil, much to your distaste but if you didn't acknowledge him, he'd get mad and hurt you worse. "How's my little lamb chop~?" He asked teasingly, crouching down to your retreating form. You pressed yourself as far against the wall as much as the laws of mass allowed, a feeble whimper leaving your throat at his amused chuckle. His hand snaked the chain connected to your neck, harshly tugging it forward causing your body to follow suit. Wincing as the chains scrapped across the already swollen bruises on your neck, hell it was hard to breath already when the chain just rested against your neck and he just made it worse, but you knew better to complain.

Every disobedient act in his eyes led to pain that left you in tears, that's all he seemed to know what to do with you. His clawed hand reached toward you, instinctively flinching while your eyes shut tight to prepare for the upcoming pain. The sound of chains falling to the floor while air rushed into your lungs with a gasp. Your hands grasped at your now free neck in shock while your wide eyes watched him unclasp the cuffs on your ankles, you couldn't even feel them anymore from the lack of blood circulation. Yet he only proved you wrong as his sharp nails dug into the skin of your ankle, his foreboding glare basically daring you to try anything. "Run and you'll suffer more pain then even i could imagine.."

He snarled in an animalistic tone and released your leg, standing as he waited for you to do the same. Grunting with effort, you slowly made your way to stand up by using the wall for balance. Stumbling as his hand smacked your back and caused you to jolt forward. "Get moving, doll." He spoke while walking behind you, anxiety filled your empty belly as you shuffled to the door hesitantly. What if this was all a trick to hurt you again, would he seriously go through all that trouble though? He reached around you to push open the door, cold wind rushing against your body as he forced you out into the snow. Directing you to what looked like a rundown house, you kept your eyes from glancing anywhere other then where he wanted you to go.

He'd might take it as you thinking of running and that was the last thing you wanted, your shaking hands opened the door to the home as he shoved passed you. Pointing to the old couch against the wall, he sharply ordered you to sit and wait while he went into a different room. Following his command, you trembled fearfully at what he was planning. It couldn't be good because he was never good to you, you were nothing but a torture pet to him. When he came back, he held a stained bag in his hand while crouching in front of you once again. "Strip." He ordered, catching you off guard as you shielded your body with your arms. "W-W-ha..-" His predatory snarl cut you off, glaring at you intensely.

"I'll force them off myself if you don't. Now take your fucking top off." You hesitated but slowly complied, he was angry and by the looks of it, nearly ready to strike you for disobeying. Setting your shirt aside, you looked at your hands uncomfortably before he pointed once more. "That too." Looking down, you seen that he'd pointed to your bra. Eyes swelling up with tears, your hands undid the clasp while letting it fall limp on your lap. Crossing your arms to hide your breast in humiliation, he'd never done anything like this and it killed you to be experiencing it. He never seemed to think the human body was more then just meat and flesh he could eat but if he was having other thoughts now.. you were scared of the outcome.

He dug in the bag for a moment before he pulled out a roll of dirty medical wrap. Tying it under your chest while he led it up your cleavage to your neck, wrapping it around three times to cover the bruised skin before it went down your back. Making a strange sort of harness as he wrapped it twice around your mid section again before it crossed over your shoulder. You knew he was purposefully leaving your tits exposed, while covering the rest of your chest and neck. Tying a bow on the back of your neck, he cut off the rest of the wrap before he properly wrapped your ankles. You were terrified he'd ask you to strip your jeans, you couldn't handle being fully exposed to this deadly skeleton. Softly whimpering as tears streamed down your cheeks, causing him to hesitate as one hit his knuckle and slowly slid down into the hole in his palm.

His hand tilted your head up to meet his sadistic gaze, his magic tongue sliding over his fangs just to make you shudder. "Awe~ Come on doll face~ Don't act so bashful, you look better like this~" His hands groped at your exposed breast, pinching and roughly circling the mounds of flesh. Your cries increased, pain filled whimpers from the roughness and from biting your tongue to give him any thought that you'd might enjoy this. "Come on~ Be a little thankful! I've decided to let you live.. at first i was just gonna slowly eat ya alive, but i've changed my mind..~" He chuckled, grasping your boob tightly within his palm as he left scratches. "You'll be my little breeding whore~ Soon your belly will be pumped full of my brood~ Heh, wonder how many i can get in there~ two? Maybe even four?"

You sob at the picture, weakly leaning away from this..this absolute monster. You wondered if he could he even get you pregnant and were desperately hoping not from the species difference. His hands slid down your form to squeeze at your thighs, humming a sickly sweet tune while he leaned close to drag his tongue over your jugular. "Such a sweet taste~" He teasingly mocked before his teeth nipped and suckled at the skin of your neck. Frozen in fear, you waited for him to be done toying with you. Why did he have to make you enjoy the moment too, you hated this, you hated him. You yelped as he bit into your collar bone, his magic drool causing the wound to sting while your hitched sobs came back. Then he went back to being gentle, hands fondling your hips and breast while colliding his lips onto your own.

Carefully nipping at your bottom lip, you whined in fear while opening your mouth. To which his tongue lunged in, maintaining control of the kiss while letting out a guttural growl when he heard your weak moans that you tried to refrain from making. Mixed feelings clouding your head as you tried to decipher what he was thinking. You tried to lightly push him to let him know you where running out of air but he persisted, panic flaring in your chest as you struggled to break free from the kiss. Weakily hitting his ribcage while whining in his strong grip on you. It was only when black began to dot your vision that he actually pulled away from the kiss, the string of saliva connecting you breaking as you coughed desperately to revive your lungs. His tongue dragging up your chin to lick away the drool that had fallen while his sickly lustful gaze stared your dead in the eyes.

It terrified you to no end, yet matters only got worse as he began to force your shorts and panties off. You kicked to try and stop him, holding onto the fabric to hide your little bit of dignity left. Yet he was stronger and easily tore them off you, watching in mild amusement as you crossed your legs and cupped your hands over your woman hood to hide it from his sight. "Don't fight me doll, unless you want to end up as nude as you were the day you where born." He threatened, sliding a very slutty like piece of clothing up your legs with little trouble of your legs being crossed. It looked like the bottom piece of a bikini, yet the suspicious zipper that led from the front to the back suggested it was used for a different act. He grinned, seemingly proud with how he dressed you before his hands pried open your shaking legs. His tongue ran over his fangs once again as his needy growls got worse. "Lets see how well they work hmmm..?"

I'm ending it there.

Ooooo boy this was a tough one :'D
Horror G and his little prisoner.
What a ride

-1604 words

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