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It was strange, you had a tendency to be scared of everything but once you felt like you where being watched, the figure just at the edge of your peripheral vision while if you stared where it was. It was gone just like that, you didn't know what the figure looked like other than the midnight black outfit they wore. When it first occurred, you didn't know what it was and often tried to look at it but now you just watch it silently at the edge of your range of sight. You didn't know if it was human or not though by the way it disappeared you assume not.

It started out from on the streets at night, where you could barely see it while walking home from work. Then it began appearing during the day, following you through out your daily routine before appearing into your home. Sometimes you'd catch it staring at you from the doorway as you drifted to sleep, yet you never felt afraid of it. You only began to realize the longer the thing stayed, the happier you felt and less afraid you where. Hell you even agreed to do sky diving once but your friends cancelled the trip, an that was completely unlike you.

You wish you could see your weird follower, but they seemed more stubborn to keep themselves hidden than you thought. You made a hobby out of trying to sneak as many photo's of them as possible, sometimes you'd only catch a small bit of them and at the rare times you catch their entire figure, its blurry. It annoys the shit out of you but from the pictures you catch of just bits and pieces of them, you always catch a cold icy blue eye which is staring straight at the camera. Half the time, you think they actually know your taking pictures but you still do it anyways at any chance you get.

Once before you went to sleep, you hid your phone under your pillow while recording to see if they would talk to you. Though the idea was stupid, it worked. The next day when you listened to it, a tingle ran down your spine as he spoke to your sleeping form. "Your stranger than most humans i see... Why are you different, unafraid and almost knowing. Heh... your unique, aren't you little human? Dream thought he could hide this universe from me but i can sense all the negative energy gathering here. Your negativity is how i found it, little human. I wonder why dream never visits any residents of this universe.."

Then the voice began to hum a song, their voice flowing through the speakers of your small device until the video went quiet for the rest of the night. You saved the video with all your pictures of them, looking in your peripheral to see them closer than normal. Your eyes widen as you instinctively turn your head to them, yet they didn't disappear like normal. They stood in the dark of the other room as their shinning blue eye stared back at you. You couldn't see their full features but you could see something moving behind them.

"H-Hello?" You asked, trying to take a step towards them and yet they where gone. You sighed in a bit of frustration, looking away as you put your phone into your pocket. After that day, you noticed they have gotten closer and even though you tried to record them again. They knew to turn your phone off, yet when you looked at the short clip you seen a type of skeletal hand grab the screen before it ended. You were getting more and more agitated that this follower being so stubborn of hiding from you.

You sighed, throwing your phone to the side after watching the shorter video for the fifth time, trying to rack your brain around what they where. Why where they following you out of everyone and how could they disappear into thin air. Setting your arm over your eyes, you exaggerated a loud sigh while sliding down the couch. Moving your arm to stare at the ceiling, jolting as a small tap hit your shoulder. Two large tentacles trapping you against the couch as another slid around your neck to hold your head still. Your eyes shifted to the side, trying to reach for your phone but just as your fingers brushed against the screen.

A familiar skeleton hand grabbed it and pulled it out of sight, a deep chuckle from right behind you that made you shudder. "I don't think so sweetheart, you got enough photo's as is." His voice was enough to make a grown man tremble, yet you where awfully calm. He had brought the phone back into your veiw while turning it on, seeing that one of the photo's you had taken of his eye, was your wallpaper. "The hell..." He mumbled, which you tried to reach for it again but he pulled it back. He was silent for a few moments before he shown the album of photos and videos you had of him.

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