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"S-Sans come on, i gotta go to work.." Sans just hissed, his long tail coiling around your small frame and pulled you back into the house. Pouting up at your roommate, you let out a defeated sigh. He wasn't going to let you out of the house anytime soon and struggling against him would just result back to the last time he trapped you in his coiled tail. A while back you opened an application for someone to move in with you, at the time you needed help paying rent so this was your best option and your rules where simple that any decent human understood.

Though when a snake monster was brought to your home, it was the start of a weird friendship. After six years of living together, you'd think he would get use to you getting sick every once in a while. No, everytime your barely sniffling, he acts as if you where dying and to be honest it took you away from work most often than not. Huffing as he lifted you up into his arms, he returned you to your bed and glared while watching you carefully. "Don't you move from that spot." He hissed, slithering his way out the door and you wanted to jump out the window. Though knowing sans's sense of smell, it wouldn't take long for him to find you walking your way to work.

Crossing your arms, you lay on the bed and grumble about life. Sans was being ridiculous about you being sick and you didn't feel too bad, other than a small headache or coughing. When you heard him return, he dumped a pair of your cozy pajama's and slippers onto you. "Really sans, this is the third time these past two weeks and i can't keep missing work." He rolled his eyes, flicking your forehead. "I call ahead of time so you won't get fired, i even mailed them some of your medical bills since you refuse to tell people." You gave him a look of betrayal, unhappy that he did that as you sat up.

"Sans, i refuse to tell people because i hate the sympathy.. That was private information." He hummed, slithering to the door as he looked back at you amused. "I'm not letting you get onto me until you put your pajamas on." He shut the door behind him and knowing sans, he wouldn't let you leave your room until you changed. Sighing, you switched your outfits and toss your work clothes in your hamper. Going over to the door and knocking, you waited for him to open up. "Who's there?"

He joked, seriously he wanted a pun now of all things. Huffing and rolling your eyes, you reply stupidly. "Ya butter." He chuckled from behind the door. "Ya butter, who?" "Ya butter, open this door before i get mad." The door opened and sans was grinning slightly, flicking his tongue. "That's a new one." He commented, his tail slowly wrapping around you to drag you closer, checking your temperature by setting the back of his hand against your forehead.

"It wasn't that big of a pun, i just wanted to leave my room." He shrugged his shoulders, frowning slightly when he seen your fever had risen. He dragged you to the couch, laying you down while he slithered toward the kitchen. "What soup do you want?" You turned onto your side, using your arms as a pillow. "Potato soup." You mumble, pulling the blanket down from the back of the couch as you curled up in it. After taking a short nap, you woke up to gentle prodding against your cheek.

Opening your eyes, you look up at sans who was holding a bowl of soup before he smiled gleefully at you. He waited for you to sit up before his tail wrapped around you, setting the bowl in your hands but taking the spoon. "Sans come on.. hand over the spoon." You spoke, unamused but a small smile tugged at your lips. He shook his head dipping the spoon into the soup before holding it up to your mouth, using his free hand to stop any droplets. "Say aah~." He teased, a small chuckle rumbling under his breath that made your face flush a light pink.

"I-I'm not a baby!" Flicking his tongue out, his hold tightened slightly. "Then humor me for now." You sigh, slowly giving in as you let your mouth open slowly. He fed you the soup until you where full, setting it to the side and leaning against you. Grunting as you look up at him and try to not fall over by his weight. "So can i go now?" He shook his head, chuckling at your angered face. "Your on containment measures bucko and will not be released until cured." You huff, glaring at him slightly while laying on a section of his tail.

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