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What was that, stopping in your tracks you look around. It was dead silent all of a sudden, no birds chirping or even the sound of the wind in the trees. Nothing was in view but this sounded way to much like a horror movie for you before dashing back to your home for safety, you quietly told yourself 'nope' over and over again. You hated living this far in the woods but you couldn't afford the move, so you have a 130 foot long driveway that wasn't noticible if you wheren't looking or see the blue mailbox that had faded with age.

Slamming the door behind you, you gasp to catch your breath as you arms shook. You where grabbing your weekly grocery delivery so the run back hurt with 30 extra pounds slowing you down. Locking the door you sigh, taking the bags to the kitchen as you unpacked them on the counter. "Wait, where's the milk...?" Checking through all the bags once again, you found no sign of the milk jug. You assumed it fell out of the bag during your dash back, but you really didn't want to go back out after that whole ordeal.

You could live a week without milk, it probably busted anyways if you did drop it. Setting all the groceries away and stuffing the plastic bags in the trash, you sat down on the couch. Sighing quietly to calm down, when you looked in front of you. There the milk jug sat, covered in a bit of dirt on one side while a small dent was on the bottom corner. Looking around panicked you noticed the window was cracked and open, your first and only thought was that someone broke in.

Rushing to your bedroom, you grabbed the bat that was leaning against your desk. Holding it securely in your hands while glancing around the small room while you locked the door. There was two places you had to check, under the bed and in the closet. Lowering yourself slowly, you look carefully in the darkness under the bed to find nothing. Glancing at the closet, you felt a chill run up your spine as you approached the small space. Using the end of the bat to push open the door and move the clothes around to check every nook and cranny.

A breath of relief leaving you as it was empty too, backing up to turn around. You where face to face to bright red pupils until a jabbing pain stabbed into your stomach, their hand covered your mouth before you screamed. Not like anyone would hear you this far out, darkness fluttering your vision before you fell over. You assumed you where dead from the numb feeling running through your body, you were really cold and dark was all you seen. 

Though when you blinked awake lazily, you could see the ceiling of your room and in the edge of your vision was yellowish tan fur and white bone. You didn't know what it was but whatever it is was absorbing the warmth from your body, you felt your heat drain as you subconsciously shivered from the cold. All attempts to lift your arms where left as failures, like you where nothing but dead weight. You could tilt your head but it took a lot of effort to turn it away from the fur. With the sound of a quick swish, a large scorpion like stinger was directed to your head.

A deep and slow hiss leaving whatever laid ontop of you, making you freeze even though you wheren't moving much. You didn't dare move any further with the stinger pointed at you, even as dark as the room was you could still make out the shape of your attackers weapon. They shiver, snuggling close to your torso and grabbing your sides to hold you up to their...ribcage? They felt completely like bones as they pressed you tightly against them. It wasn't long until they seemed to get frustrated, growling lowly as they rose up to finally give you a view of them.

They where a skeleton, another skull sitting atop their own that was more animalistic. A golden tooth shimmering on the left side of their mouth, and what you thought was fur was just apart of the hood of their jacket. The two right horns of the animal skull where broken as cracks ran around it from the lack of care. They looked to be male by their broad shoulders and defined jaw. You could see his thin tail wave around behind him, it was fairly thin and if your zoology degree taught you anything that meant his venom was not as deadly.

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