1. Family Ties

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Welcome to Honey Yasmine Book 2. Id advise you to not read this book before the first one you will be incredibly lost. I have no idea how many chapters this will be but to get a better sense of the story and in depth it will be lengthy and it won't be rushed so bare with me. I will be showing flashbacks to bring story lines together as well, they will always be in bold! So Enjoy, welcome back to the world of The Blacks.
"Keep your eyes covered." "you're covering them Cane how else am I going to see it?" "it's a surprise you're going to love it." "I don't like surprises" "so you're tell me our little prince or princess isn't to your liking ?" "of course he or she is , oh Cane just what the hell is it ?" He moves his hands and I look at the new renovated room that was connected to ours. A crib was installed, a changing table, a dresser and drawer, plus a brand new closet for the clothes and shelves for the the shoes. The new curtains were neutral colors and there was a stretch mark moisturizer kit sitting in the rocking chair. The happiness I felt in my chest at this moment was something i've been waiting to feel for months. We've finally gotten to a peaceful time in our lives as we live everyday falling deeper and deeper in love with the life we're building with our baby coming and bettering our relationship.
"Oh Cane this is-" I turn to him, as a gun goes off. Blood splashed all over the walls and on my face and my belly. He falls in my arms and I started to completely panic "Cane! Cane! Baby no please!" "I love you Yasmine" Then he disappears out my arms, the room disappears and everything around me goes black.
Turning around in circles in this abyss I drop to my knees feeling completely defeated, I started to cry as my hand went to go touch my belly it fell on my lap. Looking down I completely felt my heart break as my belly was gone. "No no.. no WHERE'S MY BABY WHERES MY BABY!" All I could do at this point was scream. Scream till my chest hurt.
Scream until I woke up strap to the same bed i've been attached to for almost 2 months.

Yes, I said two months.

It has been 2 months since the whole Don G takeover and the men have gotten completely nowhere, we the women are still under Don G's watch and from my knowledge. Nobody knows about Cassie whereabouts. For two months, we've been stuck in this rut and I couldn't be more unhappy and lifeless. I'm here once again for my father's past escapades, as if hating the man isn't enough now i'm strapped to a bed, 2 1/2 months pregnant. No I haven't been beaten, no I haven't been starved they've been treating me like some prized possession. The night I met Don G I was confused, I was dumbfounded and I was blindsided. I went to sleep happy to see Cane relaxed that I was alive, waking up in a random room with people who could kill me at any minute.
I always wonder as I sit here in silence what it would've been like if I never met Cane. Would be life be simple? Would my brother still be alive? Would my father still be "dead"? Would I still be stripping? Most importantly... would I be happy? I ask myself these questions everyday because even with the situation I'm in now I wouldn't trade meeting Cane for no amount of peace. Meeting someone who makes you feel whole is rare, meeting someone who once you're together there's not a worry in the world, the person brings your soul at ease, even thinking about them keeps your soul alive and your spirits high. You can't see life without them. Cane is my home, Jasmine is my home and without them I have no peace. I've been having nightmares and every night they're different the longer I stay here, seeing Cane die in my sleep is as worse as it can get. Being in this hell hole isn't helping me mentally only thing keeping me together is my baby, is the faith that Cane will come for us, is the faith that he will get us out of here. I pray for his peace of mind every night, knowing damn well without me being there, he has no peace.

I hear someone playing with the door knob and I keep my head turned to the window, gazing outside . Everyday Don G sends one of his girls to come and feed me and let me loose to shower and move so they can tend to my wounds and then I get back in bed, the straps is because due to my nightmares I get physical. So to not harm myself they strap me down. Today Elizabeth is here and she's been in here for the past 4 days. She's a very sweet girl, who is very gentle with me. I just need to know what's going on out there not to be treated like a mental patient. "Afternoon Yas.. how are you feeling?" "the same as yesterday." She closes the door which she isn't suppose to do, and fixes the camera to not be on us. "what are you doing?" She loosens my straps and I move my hands to flex my wrist. "Elizabeth what's going on?" "Don G is under pressure, The Blacks have went completely insane tired of playing games with him." "and what's that suppose to mean?" "Yas.. I hate it here, I hate what he's doing and not just to you." Her face was very stressed out, bags under her eyes, hair is all over the place and she looks pale, but then I seen her face.. her eye is black. I grab her face looking more at it "oh my god he hit you?" "because I stopped him from beating Cassandra.. he's beat those women to pulps for the last 2 months, it's admiring how they're still staying strong." "even my mother?" "the strongest of them all, she's the only one spitting blood in his face." "before we get to why you're telling me all this.. how is she in there with trevor's wife?" "how she's still alive in there with the woman who's man she stole is beyond me." "my mom is stronger than you think. I just-" "I have a plan to lead the blacks here." Taken aback from her words I folded my arms "how do I know he didn't send you in here to play me to get them here and he kills all of them?" She sighs getting up going to the window looking out it. Her body was still but her breathing was going in and out. "Don G killed my dad." "join the club" "you don't understand.. my dad...my dad was Cade Black, I found out through this whole situation. I never understood his hatred towards the Blacks, he only would tell me half the story, that they just killed his wife for no reason." "you're not from his wife?" "no, my biological mother gave me up for adoption when she gave birth. wonderful family, but he tracked me down." "you resemble The Blacks don't know why I didn't see it." "I was asking the ladies why was he doing this and Cassandra says they killed his wife because he killed my father over her. He's always told me someone killed my dad because that's just the unfair ways in this life, all along he pulled the trigger over a woman."
This poor girl who's about 17-18 at the most has lived her life knowing a complete lie about her family and who's blood in running through her veins because of Don G's obsession with overthrowing the Blacks. All along he had a black under his nose. "you're pregnant by my supposed cousin, that's why I took on the job of keeping you fed and together, I wanted to show you and eventually at the right time which is now who I really am." She was telling the truth, eyes are the windows to the soul and it hurt her to know the man who's taken her in is the man who's taken her father, he's the reason she's went through the system, he's the reason she's in this. We're going to get out of this. I closed my eyes thanking God he brought this girl to me. I bring her in for a hug as she cries on my chest. "Where is he?" "He.. *sniffs* he's away on business with his kids and left his careless crew on watch, which made this the perfect time for me to stay behind and help you guys out of this.. and meet my real family." "what's your plan?" She goes in her pocket and takes out a small phone and ive never been so happy to see a device in my life. "i know enough to know that if you call Cane and you stay on long enough he can get a location cracked out this phone in 2-3 days." "Elizabeth..." she puts the phone in my hand. "My dad named me Claire." "damn C's in this family you'd think you people are crips.. " "call him, let's get you guys out of here. quick."

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