7. Boundaries

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Authors Note: I got my two names Cassie and Cane from the author Lady Dianna who does the Deep Attraction series on episode! I love the names so credit to her!

2 weeks later..

Jumping out of my nap sweating bullets I hold my head trying to help my blurry vision. My hand happened to fall on Cane side of the bed feeling how empty it was my instincts code for my PTSD reverted back to being in the underground prison only for me open to my eyes to being in the home I share with him. For fucks sake I think to myself getting out the bed and dragging myself to the bathroom to splash my face with water. As I bring my head up from the water I see him out the corner of my eye. "Where were you?" I blandly ask. "Taking Jasmine to preschool. You okay?" "I just touched your side of the bed, got a little scared but I'm fine." He grabs my waist as I went to go past him. His touch calmed my nerves in my body down making me close my eyes exhaling. He plants kisses on my shoulder, the side of my face tightening his grip. "I'm not leaving you Yas, calm down." "what's going on with Don?" "Starving him & Kim in lock up, I think i'll save his fate for my father." "Bully?" "He escaped, something happened he's out of the state." "I just.. this PTSD is driving me up the wall." "I know baby, maybe you want to speak to somebody?" "Am I mental patient?" I moved his hands and walked into the bedroom "i'm not saying you are Yasmine, I just think you need to speak to someone. Make sense of everything and to also help with your PTSD. I'm only doing this to help you so this pregnancy don't completely stress you out." Cane meant well, he just wants to help me.. I know he meant I needed to also figure out why I'm so angry with my father. I have so much built up anger bitterness in my heart that every-time I look at him I get sick, I want to hit him. I want to actually kill him. He left me. He's the stress on my mother that made her do drugs, not even made her.. she found the comfort in drugs and not the man who's suppose to love her. ''If I can't face my dad then i'll consider it, but I am fine. It's still to fresh for me'' ''alright. As long as you're taking the steps to heal.'' Rolling my eyes I tie my hair up ''i'm hungry'' ''your mom made french toast.. '' He grabs my wrist twisting me to look at him. ''I love you.''

This 'I love you' wasn't a fast one, it wasn't a because I said it first one, it is a genuine 'I love you'. He kisses my hand making me smile ''you are a charmer Mr.Black'' ''tonight we're gonna go out to dinner I need to tell you something'' ''is it bad?'' He shrugs grabbing his car keys kissing my lips. ''only if you take it that way, bye Yas'' I shook my head as he ran out of the house thinking to myself I should go join my mom in the kitchen. As I walked to the kitchen I heard a familiar voice, a female voice. Turning the corner there she sat, the white girl. Laughing and enjoying time with my mother. Making myself scarce I wanted to see how they communicated with each other. The glow in this girls eyes spoke volumes, she looked at my mom like she's been looking for her forever and have finally found her. Looked at her with love, My mother looked at her with the same type of look. At this point I needed answers, this girl has been in and out of this house for 2 weeks every time I missed her, now she's here. Step 1 of trying to heal myself is not approaching things with hostility. I took a breather and stepped out to be noticed, she's the first to notice me. Her eyes weren't scared, to me her eyes weren't giving off no coldness but they were full of warmth comfort. "Ladies" "Hey babygirl."
"I never caught your name" I say towards her.
"Jamie, Jamie Carter" Her voice even was strong. It wasn't prissy or annoyingly eager. She was wearing all black since that's Cane's color for their outfits in the gang. She wore her clothes with confidence, her strong demeanor like smacked me in the face. She reminded me of myself in a way. Child.. was I right.
"Actually Yasmine, sit we all need to talk."
"Sure, about?" "Well honey I-" before she could finish her face completely fell. Like she was seeing a ghost. Following her stare my eyes meet Trevor's. "oh for fucks sake" I mumble getting up. "What are you doing here?" She says with a shaky voice. Here it comes, the anger because he's in my face. "Yalena let me just talk to you." "You got some nerve" "I know but I just want to talk." I look back at her seeing if it was okay to leave her there alone with him. Jamie gets up seeing her confirm it was "mind joining me outside Jamie?" She nods okay following me out the side doors to the deck. "bad blood?" "you have no idea" she chuckles "what is he?" "my supposedly dead dad and her ex husband" she started laughing holding her chest as my face stays straight. "holy shit you're serious. But he's like married to.." "yeah I know.. I know, i just found all this out 3 months ago and it just triggered the worse side of me. He lied to me, to us. I don't know what to do or say so I avoid him" "well..maybe you just need someone to talk to." "now you sound like my boyfriend" she smiles trying to hide her snicker. "My brother is tyrant, the reason for all his problems because he doesn't know how to deal with things head on. Anger is a powerful force and can have you make the worse decisions. Don't be my brother" She was right. Absolutely. "Thank you Jamie. I needed that." "also got a degree in psychology so I know these things." "wow, a smart girl." we get silent looking around the garden area . "how long have you been working for Cane?" "eh, couple weeks." "what's your background?" she crosses her legs looking at the ground "well.. dad died when i was 10 and my mother gave me up for adoption when I was born." "ouch.. how did you get back to your dad?" "she never told him about me.. he found out through the streets I learned she was going through a lot and i'm understanding enough to know sometimes times get hard." "have you been in contact with her?" "yeah i have, we've kept in contact for years." "well that's great, how'd your dad die?" "some whole thing .. he was mixed in with the Blacks and-" "wait wait wait.. " "it's a long story for another time. let's just say i'm not holding it against the Blacks" "your brother is" "very much so." "is he pissed you're working for the Blacks now?" "oh yeah but.. he will learn to get over it." "he won't if he doesn't have someone to try and help him to move on." "mm, he doesn't even have that just some rich snob fiancée" "ooouu I hate those." "ME TOO!"
Jamie and I sat out there talking for hours, we talked like the best of friends. We had so much in common I see a lot of myself in her, it's like my long lost otherhalf. I never felt that comfortable to sit and talk with someone like this other than Cane. It felt nice.
"Girl time?" Cane deep voice behind me says.
"It's time for dinner babe, go get ready. I know the baby is hungry." I roll my eyes. "the baby this the baby that. What about me?" Jamie chuckles getting up.
"it's always about you baby now come on."
"I'll head home as well make sure my brother hasn't completely lost his head"
Cane stops Jamie from walking to the exit gate by her arm "Do me and favor and try to at least get some people on the search for Cassie" "of course Cane. You two have a good night."
I turn to him as she leaves. "you ready?" "i've been ready girl you go get ready"
Little did I know this dinner completely shifted everything in my life.

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