2. Breakthrough

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Authors Note: Instead of plainly letting you know it's someone POV their picture will be at the top and that's how you'll know who's telling the chapter in their POV.
Yes I will be getting to Cassie soon!

2 months, yes I said 2 months have gone by and in the beginning we all were stuck, we all were completely vulnerable and at the hands of Don G's control. His whole plan was to kill the women that meant the world to my father and Trevor, until he decided he wanted to keep playing games. Playing games with The Blacks doesn't end well for you. My dad has been out on retirement from this life since I turned 18 5 years ago to finally enjoy his life at ease with my mother after many years of constant conflict, yeah it was some calm times where the issues weren't that serious but there is always a crisis. Some of them don't be this severe where we're basically on our knees but he didn't stay down long. After Don G sat on the phone and beat my mother and my dad heard all of it, he lost it and so did I. We found all his businesses and underground ones all over and blew them to scraps. I know at this point he's shaking in his boots because i've been alerted he went out of town to check on his club we blew up in Miami. Not only have this been the worse situation to be in, i've been drowning myself in alcohol because my head is a mess.

Yasmine has been on my mind and in my dreams every single day, her face, her smile, her voice telling me "everything will be okay baby." I wake up and toss a drink back because not only is she captive but so is my child. Yasmine being pregnant has bothered me more with this situation because I did not see it coming, Yeah we have sex like rabbits but I thought I was being careful because now look. I got her in this mess, pregnant and probably scared out of her mind. With the way he beat on my mother, he's probably beat Yasmine to where she lost the baby. I can't even think of that without gulping down a bottle of scotch. I just feel like every day I get further and further away from finding her and it's eating me up. She has this permanent hold on my heart and I promise her, I promise my baby I will make it back to them.
My bedroom door opens as my face is under the pillows and I heard slippers squeaking. "Cane. Breakfast." I turn my head moving the pillow seeing the 2 bottles on the dresser and moving them out of Jasmine sight. Yes she's okay, she was in the safe house with the maid when I went and got her holding her stuffed animal that Yasmine got her. She's the only other reason I get up and handle this stuff the way I do, she needs Yasmine around, she needs her guidance and I will bring her back to her even if it costs me my own life. We sit at the breakfast table eating as she watches cartoons on her ipad I bought her. "Going with me today Jas?" she shook her head yes not taking her focus off the screen. "take your tablet in your room and get dressed we're leaving soon." " okay i'll go right now " she hops out the chair grabbing it and walks out the kitchen. Her tiny angelic ways honestly is what's keeping me sane, she's helping me remain controlled and not go slit everyone's throat. God what have they done to me.

We get to the warehouse as it's under construction on the top floor. After the explosion we started building back up, bigger and stronger so this can't happen again. We've lost many but gained many more and they're very attentive, precise and noble men. They've done everything i've asked and goes to war the right ways. Walking into the warehouse something in my chest told me today was going to be different. From the moment I seen my Dad face coming out of my office I could tell something has happened. "Jas go sit in the lounge and play on your ipad okay? Let me know where you're hungry." "okie dokie." My dad tussles her curls as she walks by smiling a little and then looks at me "You might want to take this phone call." "on my.. office phone?" "yes." I walk up in my office as the phone is off the hook and I stare at it "who is it Kyle?" "Just pick the phone up." I pick it up and on the other side the line was quiet.
"Hello?" "Hey baby."
Her voice, hearing her voice made the biggest burden on me lift up off me to know she's okay, so many questions to be asked. My heart could easily combust from hearing her voice after 2 months.
"Yasmine, baby.. are you okay? What's going on? Are you hurt? Did he touch you?" "Babe you talk to much. I'm okay and no he didn't touch me.. I um.. he's not going to touch me" "I know about the baby Yas, why didn't you tell me?" "Cane can we talk about this another time, please I'm calling to tell you this phone i'm using can easily be tracked in 2-3 days. Easily is the wrong word because it's a 2-3 days process to crack this phone.. " "Kyle, right now get Lionel to start tracking this phone. Baby keep the phone on for as long as you can until I let you know I got a location. How did you get this phone?" "just know, you're going to want to meet the person helping me." "whoever it is, is doing us a great deed. Just hang tight Yasmine I'm coming baby. " "I love you Cane" Soon as she said it the line dropped. She said the words.. she said it. I put the phone back on the hook and stood there feeling relief that I had to sit down. "He's tracking the phone location as we speak, he said he can crack it in a day or 2" "make sure he stays on it, I need to get them out of there and fast." My dad sat down rubbing his eyes "we're going to get mom dad" "so glad Yasmine is getting help, I can't wait to see who this person is." "Still no sighting of Cassie.." Kyle says. "We need to find her. It's been 2 months." "You don't think-" "if you say do i think she dead i'm going to cut your jugular out your throat. She's my twin sister if she was killed I would've felt it because that's just how we are" " then what are you feeling Cane because we have no leads as to what happened to Cassie besides that during her kidnapping a gang collected her, we don't know which one yet." "keep finding out! We need to bring her home." "we will Cane, let me get on the streets."
Leaning back in my seat I sighed rolling up a blunt. This breakthrough is exactly what I needed before I drunk myself into misery. I have so many unsaid things I need to say to Yasmine and her saying she loves me just confirmed that I have more fears for this than I thought. I haven't been able to keep her protected since the minute I met her, how am I going to protect her and a baby? The only guidance I have right now is my dad and he's all over the place thinking my mother could die at any minute. Cassie is still missing and that's making his grey hair come through full force and I've never seen him so stressed out, he's drinking just as much as me. If my mother was here right now she would've murdered the both of us for acting so weak when we're far from it. Blowing up Don G's places was an act of frustration but it brought his ass out and gave Yasmine the opportunity to do what she just did. I know that it sounds all to easy, but that was the easy part, it's still just the beginning for us. If nobody wife makes it out of this predicament alive? There is going to be a bigger war than it is just taking them and that's facts. I just pray everyday that wherever Cassie is, she's still breathing and she's still healthy. I'm coming for you soon Cassie. I promise. Just where the hell could you be?

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