3. Innocence

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Pretty sure y'all recognize who the white girl from Book 1 who was talking to Cassie is if you watch Star. She's the leader of this gang Cassie is with sister.
"But she's white." and that will get explained because the leader is definitely black. Just bare. Back to the story.


These last two months have done my head in more than any two months ever could. Who am I? Just started talking did i?
My name is Jamie Carter, 20 years old and a bad bitch and not just by looks, but my feelings normally get me in deeper shit than I expect and all the time my brother is there to bring me out of it. Shane is the leader of this whole thing since our father was killed off an enemy beef and he still has his mother. I never knew mine, she gave me up when I was born but has written me letters as I got older telling me she was getting herself together not just for me but I have siblings out there. I don't know where or who they are but hopefully I can meet them one day. I got a letter from her 2 1/2 months ago and haven't heard from her since. I hope everything is okay, but I have bigger fish to fry right now being as though one of the most wanted females is up unconscious in my home, ever since the night she came to and didn't remember who she was she fell back to sleep and had slipped into a deep sleep. I'm calling it a coma.

Yes, Cassie Black is who i'm talking about and from the blow to her head medical attention would raise to many questions so I hired a doctor to handle her brain activity. Where's Shane you ask? Why isn't he dealing with this? Oh because his dumb henchmen haven't told him and he's been in Italy handling product and alliance issues for the past 2 months. He comes home tomorrow and somehow I need to toss in that Cassie Black is unconscious upstairs in our guest room without lighting the house on fire. He's going to lose his shit that nobody told him way sooner than now and I'm bout to give his henchmen an ear full about it.... Now.

Busting out the office I hear them talking in the kitchen. I walk in there tapping my foot. "You look pissed" Steve says. Steve is one of Shane main men, he stays behind on missions that I don't go on to make sure nothing happens to me. Standing next to him is his brother Stan, a year younger and stays behind for the same reasons. They're suppose to report to Shane if anything unusual happens and I want to know why I talked to Shane this morning and he did not happen to yell or mention Cassie. "She is pissed" I plop my phone on the counter showing who I just got off the phone with. They both made dumb faces knowing exactly why I'm giving them death eyes. "would you two shit heads like to tell me why Shane hasn't said one word about the girl in a coma upstairs and by that girl I mean CASSIE BLACK." My voice raises piercing their ears which made them uneasy. "Yeah get uneasy because I told you two tell him, that's y'all job! It's been two months and now he's going to come home tomorrow with tramperella and that's not just one headache, that's TWO." "when are you going to get over his fiancée?" "never, the fact he's marrying that cum bucket is enough to piss me off and he didn't even tell me, she did!" "so that's why you're not telling Shane about Cassie because you're being petty?" Steve says sipping his champagne. I smacked the glass out his hand as it shattered on the floor. "now clean it up, that's being petty." I snatch my phone off the table "where are you going?! You can't just walk off like that." "wow.. *turns around waving fingers* that's what i'm doing" I roll my eyes heading to the steps to go talk to the doctor to check on Cassie progress, every week there's a little progress. If she comes to this time and still doesn't remember who she is, we have the biggest problem.
"How is she doc?" "well Miss.Carter, her brain activity advanced, there's something going on in there but there's still an issue" "she's going to wake up?" "she will in maybe 24-48 hours but the part of her brain that got hit with the pole during the impact is still very swollen, where all her memory was. So-" I sat down on the bed rubbing in between my eyes sighing "she will still have amnesia. Is this permanent?" "not exactly." "thank you, Shane is going to lose his shit" Shane hates surprises, especially stuff like this. A Black.
When our father died it was heard through the street Blacks had something to do with it, a miscommunication of protection and alliance that was broken. From the Blacks history I didn't believe it, the Blacks are highly respected and very loyal to the people they have an alliance with. Shane just takes things and run with it and ever since hated the Blacks and completely blamed them for our father's death, the REAL killer got away with it and still to this day we have no closure and it's been 13 years. My father found me when I was 5 years old due to my mother telling him she was pregnant and there was a baby out there. I only had him for 5 years before he was killed at when I was 10. Shane was 13 himself. Shane is stern, he's mean, and he's irrational. He's a hot head and he acts without thinking. He will hurt you with no second thought about it, but if he loves you he will do everything to keep you safe. He will honor you and give his life for yours. He's that noble and he's been that way with me and his main men since the beginning. He's like a hard rock on the outside but a soft play doe boy once you get past his exterior. Hopefully Cassie being here will help him face some demons with our father and himself period. I hope she does gain some memory, cause that's all the closure he needs.
"I need a drink"

The next day...

I sat up out my sleep to a sound of commotion and yelling voices. I close my eyes trying to collect my swirling head only for the noise to intensify.

''JAMIE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!'' His voice bellows through the house like a angry lion and I groan, now these idiots decide to say something. I throw my covers back and put on my slippers. Taking my good ol sweet time as they get yelled at for something I told them to tell him when it happened now I gotta deal with the mess. ''JA-MIE!'' I enter the hallway pissed off because if there's one thing people in this house know it isn't to wake me up, especially Shane knows. I get to the top of the steps and I see his angry fiancee standing there with her fake nose and botched face turned up. Her body is bought, her face is bought, even her extensions, she's just fake all around. I've been in shelters before, I've been around snakes before, I know sneaky bitches and she's one of them but somehow Shane loves her. At least her vagina isn't bought.. or maybe it is. I look at the scene at the steps as I looked at everyone. There was a 5th body down there and she was against the wall with fear in her eyes. Cassie. My defense mode went up as I quickly ran down the steps to her. I pushed Steve and Stan out the way since they were blocking her ''what did he do Cassie?'' she was shaking with tears coming down her face, her knees to her chest looking at me. ''what did he do?'' ''the FUCK is going on Jamie? What is Cassie Black doing in my damn house?'' I stood up moving past the boys and slapped Shane across his face. As his head cocked to the side, his fiancee grabs him and then looks at me ''what the hell did you hit him for? she's the one in our damn house walking around like she owns the place!'' '' you roughed her up!? Why is her arms red?'' ''What is she doing in my damn house Jamie?!'' I looked at Steve and motioned for him to tell him as I went back to Cassie. She stayed in her position looking at the floor away from Shane, the look on her face screamed bewildered. She was scared and Shane roughing her up didn't make her feel any different.

''Boss, she was being kidnapped, their warehouse was being blown up and we saved her'' ''Why?'' ''Shut up and listen Shane'' I mumbled as I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. Shane watches in disgust then looks back at Steve. ''She hit her head on a pole with the impact of us stopping whoever it was and the only reason she's not back with her family is because she doesn't remember who or what she is'' Shane whole face went from angry to soft, so nobody could see the change in his face he reverted back to his hateful look. ''What do you mean?'' I touch her face and she looks at me from her trance ''we will get you back to your room okay?'' ''keep him away from me'' she lowly says, her voice was shaking. The sound of her frightened voice infuriated me even more with Shane to react the way that he did. I stood up and looked at him ''she doesn't know who she is, what she does, who her family is nothing, the pole hit her the part of her head and her brain where he memories are and now she's like this and you roughed her up when she's already scared out of mind, great job asshole'' ''you act like I knew anything Jamie, you two idiots were suppose to tell me stuff like this, this isn't just some stray who stumbled onto someone getting killed this is one of the most wanted females sitting in my home with no memory, didn't think that was a SOS Steve? Stan?'' They both didn't say a word but just looked at each other ''both of you my office'' I went over to Cassie standing her up and holding her as I walked her back to the steps. I shot Shane a look and scoffed at botched barbie. ''it's going to be okay Cass, I'm so sorry for him. He's impulsive. '' We get her back in her room and I close the door as she sat down on the bed rubbing her head. ''i'm really so sorry'' ''it's fine, really'' ''no it isn't let me see your arms'' Shane gripped her with so much force that her arms are really red. ''I'm going to cuss him out'' She looks at me as I touch her arm ''ow'' ''i'm sorry, let's put a heat compress on it and wrap it up, did you eat?'' ''ye-yeah, who was the guy?'' ''Shane, my brother, he's the boss around here and next to him is his fiancee'' ''as in their getting married?'' ''sadly yes.'' ''why sadly? you don't like her?'' ''it's a long story but let's just say yes. I don't like her'' ''she does look like a bitch'' We chuckle together and seeing she was relaxing. ''how are you feeling?'' ''a little light headed but I believe i'm okay'' '' would you like to get some air?'' ''sure'' ''we have an amazing garden'' She smiles as I went in the drawers and gave her a white half shirt and some jeans and a pair of my sandals. ''Can you help me with my hair?'' ''of course''.

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