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A week later ..

"Daddy why are you in here?" I open my eyes to Mason holding his milk up in his Pjs. Sunday mornings for me. "I must've passed out in here" "you've been in here a couple days." "have i?" he nods as I sit up rubbing my eyes. "Why aren't you in bed with mommy?" I pick him up sitting him on my lap. "Want to know a secret? You can't repeat this to your sister or your aunt not even mommy" He nods "Mommy isn't to happy with Daddy right now, so till she's not mad anymore i'll be sleeping in here" "Did you hurt mommy feelings?" "Yeah, i did." "Are you going to do it again?" "Of course not." "Ok good daddy, I'll keep your secret then.. Can we play the game today before Gmom and Pop come over for dinner?" "that's tonight? damn it.." my mother and father doesn't know about Yasmine and I being at an odds right now so tonight it's going to be rough.

I haven't seen Yasmine in a week and we live together. She goes to work, comes home makes my dinner leaves it in the microwave and goes to bed since i'm in the warehouse. I've stayed there till I know she's in bed so when I see her I won't have the urge to kiss her beg her to forgive me but I even know to not go down that route if I ever want her to forgive me.

Miranda kept texting me nonstop to the point I got a new phone and number. To erase her from all aspects of ruining my marriage again. I needed to know just how Pete got rid of her. "we can play the game later ok big buy. daddy needs to go handle something. I promise i'm all yours when I come back" "Okay!" I kiss his forehead as he runs out. I dial Petes number getting him on the first ring. "Pete Johnson speaking" "You sounds white Johnson" "Blackkkk my main man, hows it going?" "Uh, not so good. We need to meet up and talk." "Oh shit, what about?" "Miranda.." He got silent as I heard him close a door and his voice lowered "What the hell do you mean Miranda?" "Your old assistant Miranda. She started working for my wife and.." "You didn't.." "I.. she's persuasive" "She's manipulative is what she is and she's fucking insane. Cane I can't talk about this here meet me at your cafe near your building downtown in half hour" "Bet" I get myself together to go hear exactly who this woman is.

I arrive there to him sitting in the back sipping coffee. We greet each other as he's looking around like someone could be watching us. "Why are you frantic?" "She could be watching or listening by now" "what?" "You let your wife hire that maniac? She's crazy, something in her mind is loose Cane. You should've never slept with her because now she's not going to let up." "What do you know? What did she do to you?" "She cloned my phone, put a chip in my body to always find my location, she did the same to my wife. Yes I cheated but that was before I knew how insane she was, I wanted to end things soon as my wife found out, so I did. She played it like it was cool but..she was secretly boiling in the inside. She followed my kids home from school to school their after school programs, put bugs and mics everywhere to hear all my conversations. Listen to me having sex with my wife." ".. you've got to fucking kidding me... what made her go off?" "she got pregnant, when i told her to get rid of it she finds out my wife is pregnant as well. Goes off the rails, breaks into my home and stabs my pregnant wife" "fuck.. man" "you need to make sure your home isn't bugged, your kids isn't being followed and your wife has surveillance on her at ALL times and that you're not being followed and there's no tracking device in your arm" "Oh great you two met." Before I could respond a female voice comes from behind me. I turn to Jamie finishing her martini. "Jamie.." "Pete.." "More secrets huh Carter?" "You told your wife what happened huh Black? Move over" I moved over in the booth as she orders another drink. "What do you know about Miranda?" She sighs. "Miranda Shane & I are related. She's our cousin." "Jamie! For fucks sake!" "Let me finish!" She positions herself towards me "Since we were kids she's been twisted since her mom passed. She had a thing for Shane, that's where it all started." Jamie told me their whole story plus Miranda history with men and ruining their lives to her spending a year and a half in a psych ward and breaking out. "Then why haven't you sent her back?" "She's gone underground due to you changing your number Cane. she's after you now.. she's changed her car her phone number everything. That means.." "She's coming for me" "And she's not going to stop by any means. So we need to keep strong security on my sister and your kids. You need to tell her the whole story." "She won't listen to me, she's pissed off about what I did" "I'll come over for dinner tonight, she told me your parents are coming over. I'll bring Kyle." "Great." "And Pete, put security on your family as well. She's still pissed about how you did her.. you're not safe as long as she's around here incognito." In all of my years of being a head of these type of things someone has out smarted me. She got into my head battered it dismantled my home and now we're all in danger because I didn't take the time to figure out who she really was before my manly needs came first. I was sick to my stomach to know that once again my family is in danger.

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