12. New Beginnings, Right?

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Authors Note: Hey guys! Ok so, i'm starting a new story in these next couple of days. Honey Yasmine 2 will not be hold but to give readers a chance to catch up from the first book to this one i'm going on a little 1-2 week Honey Yasmine hiatus. I will be letting you all know when the new book that's completely unrelated to ALL Characters of the Honey Yasmine lineup is out. Thank you for reading! We will be back, enjoy this chapter. Yes this cliffhanger will piss you off and yes it's long ;)

1 month later..

"Put that over there near the whites, put the mannequin by the winter colors, then hang that banner up on the store front please" I exhale drinking my water as everything these days is making me dehydrated and out of breathe. This baby inside of me would just be my luck, but i'm making the best of it. Working to not think to deep about everything. I rub my stomach as my SON kicked me up a storm. Yes a boy. Which whom is going to look just like his father. This pregnancy has helped me in so many ways re-evaluate my whole life, but I can't shake the feeling I have inside of me of a missing piece. Of course the missing piece is the person who's put this blessing in me over one night of true passion we BOTH felt. His words replay over and over and OVER in my head of that night next to the moment he tore my heart right out my chest. The agony I felt those first couple days is the worse thing i've ever had to cope with. Then finding out a month and half later i'm pregnant was just my luck once again.

Don't take my sarcasm to seriously, of course i'm happy about becoming a mother. I've always wanted to have a family like mine but not like this, where it's just my baby and I. Doing this alone is harder because of the emotions i'm having the hormones is the worse. As badly as I want to hate Shane, which I truly do for the pain he's caused me, I can't shake that I love him more than any man i've ever laid with. They never made me feel the things he did and may I repeat IN ONE NIGHT. I let him in and he destroyed me which gives me clarity to never let that happen again. Hearing Jamie on the phone confirm that he married Mila tore me apart again, he didn't even fight for me. He didn't even come for me. He never really cared about me or at that LOVED me. He waited until my memory came back to just throw me to the side. Perfect. No matter what as long as he stay out of sight out of mind I will .. WE will be just fine.

I finish my day up at my store locking up ready to take my heels off to soak my feet in some hot water at home. Every night I read poems to my son so he don't be kicking me all hours of the night. Just ready to relax with my honey.

"Cass?" I freeze at the voice. No no no.. no. "what are you doing here?"

I turn to Steve with an annoyed look on my face. His eyes went right down to my belly as it hugged my pants suit. "Eyes up here buddy." He clears his throat fixing himself. "Steve why are you here?" "Can we talk, we clearly got a lot to discuss" I scoff snickering itching my head "discuss what?" "the belly in between us" "that's none of your business" "it's Shane baby isn't it?" I kept my strong straight face as I finished locking the door. "why Steve?" He sighs. His demeanor seemed like he was uncomfortable the way he was rubbing his hands together. "what is it?" "He's miserable" "how is that my problem?" "because you're the only one who can make him happy. Cassie there's more to why he chose Mila-" I lifted my hand up "I really don't want to keep talking about this man. Yes this is his baby-" I bum rushed him into my store putting my arm in his throat "and if he finds out I will know it's you and i'm going to kill you. You got that?" "He deserves to kn-" I tighten my pressure on his throat with my elbow as he gags. "YOU GOT IT?" He nods slowly as I let him go. "Stay away from me Steve, don't bring Seth over here to me either. My baby and I will be just fine without him." My car finally pulls up. "Cassie .. i'm sorry this happened to you." He says to me before my driver helped me in the car. I close my eyes as his words somehow hit me hard. God I hate these hormones. Sucking my teeth I turn around bringing Steve into a hug. "I'm sorry for choking you, just please don't tell him. I don't want to see Shane. Ever again." "Your secret is safe with me" Looking him in the eyes I believed him.

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