10. Explosives

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A week later..

Sitting in the firearms room I'm polishing the new ones that has just arrived. I get joined by my dad as the door closes.

"Getting married" His voice sounded very enthused and by the look on his face he is proud. "I thought i'd never see the day" "Yeah me neither" "Your mother and I fell in love young in only a month. married her 4 months later and had you 7 months after, yes she was pregnant before I married her." "with yours truly" "and your sister, which by the way someone is here to see you about her" "what?! dad why didn't you start off with that?" He chuckles walking towards the door. I follow him. "Where is this person?" "She's at the entrance." I look towards it as I seen a beautiful, bout 5'5, brown haired rich girl standing there. Before I could approach her I grabbed my dad "Did she give a name?" "Mila Moretti" "Of the Moretti Family? What would she know?" "How about you go find out. We're having a family dinner in 2 days, bring my daughter home." I wave him off as my eyes went back to Mila, she stood there looking so polished. Just by how she was holding her bag you could see how rich she is.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jamie says from the corner. Her face screamed anger which made me start walking towards them. "Oh hello Jamie." "What are you doing here Mila?" "Doing what you should've been did. Hello Mr. Black" Jamie turns to me with a pale face as her hands started to shake. "Ms.Moretti, weird to see you on this side of town." "Daddy told me where to find you, since you've guys done business before." "Of course, your father is a promising client. My father tells me you have information on my sister?" "I know where she is and where's she been." She shoots a look at Jamie, she lowers her head so I wouldn't look her in the eyes. "Where has she been?" "For the past 4 1/2 months she's been staying at the Carter residence with Shane Jamie and I." "Excuse me?" Jamie lifts her head opening her mouth to speak "The hell do she mean she's been with your brother this whole time Jamie?!" "Cane it's more to the story I was going to tell you" "WHEN JAMIE? You've known where she was this whole thing and i've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off!" "Let me explain please." "both of you my office NOW."

I called my dad and Kyle into the room with me as my blood was boiling through the roof. For Jamie to be under my nose this whole time and also my sister at my fingertips is really driving me up a wall, i'm trying to not haul off and choke Jamie against this wall.

"Start talking now Jamie." "The night of the kidnapping the explosion all of that, Shane's guy were riding by and seen a masked set of people carrying Cassie body to a van. Knowing who she is they followed and knocked the van off the road, killing the two drivers. During the impact Cassie hit her head very VERY bad, to where when she woke up in my home her brain was severely swollen and all her memories of who she was and her family were gone." I felt myself explode hearing all of this so I jumped up hitting my desk "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?" "Cane calm down son" "Dad she's had Cassie this whole time!" "She didn't want to come to her family and not know who you guys were. She just started researching you guys and fighting again, she's coming to herself but uh.." "but uh WHAT?" Mila cuts her eyes at Jamie "But she's also fallen in love with Shane." Mila lowly says. The hurt in her voice told me more than she needed to. She has a ring on her finger that she toys with biting her lip. "How do you know that?" "I heard them, last night.. He, they.." Jamie gasped "THEY SLEPT TOGETHER?" "He loves her Jamie, more than he will ever love me." I rubbed my temples trying to collect all of this at once. Cassie has temporary memory loss, she's starting to come to herself but in the mix of that fell in love with a man who completely hates us. Great westside story in a twisted way. "I think it's about time I pay Shane Carter a visit and Jamie you're taking me. NOW."


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