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"KYLE!" I run to him jumping in his arms as he got off the private jet full of happiness. Work hit him hard so he had to head right back to italy. I love having him back with me. "next time you touch that plane i'm going with you." "If Cane even lets you." I suck my teeth. He grabs my face kissing me sending me into a everlasting bliss . He makes my heart feel whole when he's home. "Let's get home so we can make these babies" i mumble on his lips. "let's do that"

Digging my nails in the wall after hitting my 3rd climax, I try to get a hold on my heart beat as I plop on the bed. Our jaded breaths are all we hear instead of the love moans we were making for 2 1/2 hours. That's the only good thing about when Kyle leaves, the love we make when he comes home. "If i don't get pregnant from that, your sperm is weak." he laughs getting up heading to the bathroom. I hear the shower start. Immediately Shane pops in my head.

His return has been on my mind since he was at that dinner last week. I nearly lost my mind with him sitting in my face after 3 years. I didn't know how to approach the situation with him besides being malicious. Of course I knew about the divorce, but he didn't care enough to come to me afterwards. That's been Shane issue since the beginning. If he gets left he never chases, but i'm your sister! It took you 3 years to come for the woman you love , missing 3 years of your son's life, missing my wedding and now you're here asking for a "hi". I didn't know I was staring off at the sky until Kyle kissed me in my neck taking me out my trance.

"Shane again?" "I just don't know what to do.." "how about talk to him?" "why do I gotta be the one to talk? Because i'm the one who left?" "Yes Jamie. You left him, he's not going to speak first and you're not going to be stubborn with him either, you both just need to talk" I roll my eyes sighing. "My dad wouldn't want this." "He wouldn't, so call your brother and go talk to him." Before I could say another word my beeper and phone started going off the hook. When it does that something is wrong. I check my beeper first it's Yasmine "911-Pink" "you women and y'all codes" I checked my phone she text me "Meet for drinks, need to talk. See you at the club" It's 10 at night. Yasmine is never out this late. So this is definitely urgent. "You don't care do you?" "Of course not, I gotta check up on things in Italy anyway. Go see what's wrong with your sister." I grab my towel kissing his lips "I love you don't have me come home to an empty home" "i'll be here".

I enter one of the Blacks clubs spotting Yasmine at the bar throwing back a shot of vodka. This can't be good. I walk up on her touching her shoulder as she hits the counter. "another one Carter!" "what's going on?" She looks at me blowing raspberries before throwing back her maybe 10th shot. "Jamie, my beautiful sis.. sister" "are you drunk already?" Carter walks up to me "i'm the one who texted you. She's not coherent" "what the hell.. Yasmine never drinks this much. She drinks two cups of wine to herself if anything but straight vodka? straight henny? never. Something is seriously bothering her. "Carter why is she here shit-faced? She's suppose to be home with her kids and husband" "Here." He hands me her phone unlocked to messages, a screenshot of messages. "Back story please?" Yasmine grabs the shot glass full of Hennessy throwing it back. "That's my assistant texting my husband.. and he's falling right into her trap, plus lying to me. Do i- *hiccup* look dumb? Another one.." "Enough. Carter No. Get her a lemon water no more alcohol" I look at the messages. Something familiar from the way this woman talked alarmed me. This can't be who I think it is. "Uh one second.. " I take my phone out walking to the bathroom calling Marcus. The guy who does the surveillance, helps with shipments and background checks and system cracks for the business. "Boss lady." "Hey Marcus, how much did you get on the Miranda Lockhart?" "Ah, uh.. Miranda Lockhart, born in Wisconsin, 25 years old, recently broke out of a psych ward" "fuck, anything else?" "her original last name isn't Lockhart" don't say Adams don't day Adams. "It's Adams, she apparently becomes infatuated with her bosses husbands. she purposely goes to businesses ran by women with powerful husbands, stalks them and if turned down goes after the wife and kids if any. She got hospitalized last year due to nearly killing Pete Johnson's wife" "One second please" I put the phone on hold hitting the wall. "FUCK !" Miranda is an evil human being. When we were kids she's always had this obsessive behavior over Shane. She didn't seem to care that he is her cousin, she's been sick since her mother died years ago but somehow someway i've always found myself cleaning up her mess, she became a public shenanigan with Pete Johnson, she played normal for a little lengthy time with Pete because he showed interest. He was attracted to her crazy not knowing how crazy she really was. When he tried to end things she wasn't having it. Found out where his wife shopped, ate, hung out with her friends, when their kids went to school left school went their after school programs. Everything. She lost all her screws in her head when his wife ended up pregnant. Went off the cliff and broke into their home stabbing the wife in her stomach, I got a call from her before she did it causing me to come way to late, the baby was a soldier because it survived. I talked Pete down to giving her a restraining order  . I couldn't believe she did this but Miranda sees a man she wants, falls in love off sight plays her mind games and if the man gives in and doesn't continue the affair? She flips the fuck out. Twisted right? Now she's making her way into my life, ruining my sisters marriage and this time Cane is falling right into her trap. I have to stop her.

Taking Marcus off hold I ask him to get me a location on Miranda, keep eyes on her and if she's spotted anywhere near Cane or his home to alert me. Miranda is dangerous. More dangerous than even Yasmine knew. She's gotten better my ass, in my eyes if she's out here now? She's gotten 100 times worse. Her urges to this to someone else feeds her, but what she missed is? She messed with the wrong one. Marcus tells me she's in a hotel room, then pauses like he's seen something he shouldn't. "What? What is it?" "Boss just walked in her room. He looks.. off." "GIVE ME A LOCATION NOW!" " N 115 Hamilton Road .." "Wow she was bold enough to be at their hotel, i'm on my way. Whatever you do! Blow up Cane phone!" "What's going on?!" "JUST DO IT!" My hands started shaking as the thoughts of what could happen tonight could ruin my sisters marriage. I didn't have much of a choice as I started to panic who I ended up calling.

I step on the breaks in front of the hotel getting out frantic. Shane came to me as my breathing started tripping. "jamie what's going on? you text me 911" "i'll tell you while we speed walk we don't have time just come on" running in the hotel I go to the receptionist asking for the room Miranda is in. She gives it to me without question but of course Shane hears her name which raises all the questions. "Miranda is out of the psych ward and you didn't care to tell me?!" "I just found out myself she's been working under Yasmine nose, coming onto Cane and he's dumb enough to fall for her shit." "What is she doing out!" "I don't know how she got out or when she did, but The Blacks aren't the only people in danger with her release it's Pete and his wife. ELEVATOR LETS GO" "This is not good! I hope we're not to late." "It only takes her a month to suck an idiot in, this would crush Yasmine" The elevator finally dings the doors open but we get stopped in our tracks as we come face to face with a messy Cane. The look on his face as he noticed who we were fear washed over him. Shame became a mask on his face looking back at me, it doesn't help that Yasmine & I have each the same eyes. So it's like he's looking in her eyes of disappointment. "What did you do?" I slowly ask. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. "Shane go knock on her door, tell her sit her ass down till I come in there." He does as I say not even looking at Cane as he pasts him. He looks down at the ground as he does then looks back at me. "You didn't.." Just by the look on Cane face he did. My heart drops as he puts himself together. "How could you let her sink you into that?" "I.." I made him look at me. He's lost for words, he's lost for excuses, he's lost for anything. "Please don't tell her.." "Are you going to tell her?" "How do I tell my wife I cheated on her? How do I tell her I can't even control myself for her? How do I look her in the eyes and break her heart?" "Go home. Whatever you do.. don't say a word to her, I will silence Miranda and keep this a secret" Before he could completely walk off I grab his arm "but you will eventually tell her, do not live your marriage with a lie, deal with the consequences." He nods getting on the elevator, as the doors closed once again I scream "FUCK!" Why did I have to be to late, yet again. Ruining someone else's life because of my sick cousin? I pushed open her hotel room door causing it to hit the wall so hard i messed up the dry wall and painting, leaving a permanent hole. I charge into the room seeing red gripping her by her t shirt and throwing her against the wall. She groans in pain sliding down to the floor "GET UP!" She sits there infuriating me. I grip her by her shirt again picking her up pinning her to the wall with my elbow in her throat, choking her. "If you even think of going near Cane Black, my sister or his family again? I'm not cleaning up your mess no more i'm going to be the mess for you. Do you understand?" She chuckles while gagging making me sick to my stomach. "Cane Black is a weak man, just like Pete was." "That gives you no right no ruin their marriages because you couldn't keep a man" "maybe i'll go for yours next" I push my elbow more into her throat as her smile disappears. "Not so funny nomore is it, don't threat me because we both know what i'm capable of. Fuck with me Miranda." "Let her go Jamie!" Shane grabs me away from her. She gasps for air dropping to the floor with a loud thud. "If you want war with me Miranda, start it so I can finally finish you." "Oh believe me, if I start this war it'll be the darkest one The Blacks have ever seen." "You don't know who you're messing with. Stay away from them, from here on out you are fired." "like that'll keep Cane away from me" "He's staying away from you." I grip her face up in my hands smushing her head into the wall "Cane will never love you, Pete will never love you, Shane will never love you. Get that through your thick skull or go to war with me your pick." I nudge her head into the wall grabbing my phone off the floor. "Shane lets go. I'm placing surveillance on you, if I see any strange activity? i'm sending you so far away in a psycho nut house that you'll bash your head to a bloody pulp." Her eyes cut at me as her chest went up and down. She's pissed and I want her to be. Miranda thinks she's untouchable because we're related but if I haven't proved by now, that doesn't matter to me. You test me? I test you. The difference between her and Shane is? He's not completely the fuck insane.

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