8. Lines Crossed

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Flashback still..

She was there, she seen what happened. She's seeing it. Every detail of that night I don't have only seeing my father get shot is what I seen, then when I ran to his side Cane was running away. I needed to know more.
So I woke her up.
She opens her eyes looking at me. "How long have you been standing there?" "how long have you been seeing my father's death?" she closes her eyes exhaling rubbing them. "so you were here the whole time." "Cassie what the hell is going on?" Sitting up she grabs her bottle of water drinking it. "My nightmares haunt me maybe because from when it happen it didn't just weigh down on you. It weighed down on me too." "keep talking" "are you sure you want to hear it?" "yes i'm sure Cassie, I want to know what you saw that night."

We go sit outside in the garden so she could focus better holding a rose whose petals she rubs. "I was 10.. from what i can remember what it looked like. My dad had me in the backseat, your father pulls up with you in the backseat to make i guess an exchange. The normal between The Blacks & Carter's i'm guessing. It went wrong. Someone in a ski mask rides up, to my side of the car, the side neither of our fathers were on.... " "Cassie... " "i look him in his cold dark eyes, from the smirk on his face, as he lifted that gun up to me it was clear he was there for me." Those bullets weren't meant for him, they were meant for Cassie. The killer wanted to kill her. "Your father spotted him before mine did I guess, running around to my side of the car as the shots start to fire. I ducked moving deep in the car mainly to the floor I see from the window your dad.. give his own life for mine." Her lip starts to quiver. Tears come down her face as she wipes them. "I'm the reason your dad is dead Shane, I see your face every time I close my eyes heart broken. I guess it weighed down on me before this accident to where that's all my brain was forcing on me to remember, to eventually push me to speak about it and.." I get up rubbing my head trying to contain my anger. This whole time, Jamie was right. "I need a minute" "I understand." I walked away from her hearing her sigh of relief. Only my heart was aching. It's like my father set this moment up because walking into the kitchen there stood Jamie in her phone. She looks up at me "whoa what got you shit faced?" "I.. " I sat down at the counter covering my face because my mind is all over the place. "Cassie nightmares were about dads death." "I know." "YOU KNOW? Jamie what the fuck..!" "shut up! i knew because she told me, even before than I knew everything. I was waiting on you to figure it out on your own" "God why Jamie?" "because you need to heal Shane, you're this raging tyrant to the wrong people." "I've been mad this whole time because they were there, i've been thinking this whole time it was their fault. " "overall they were the target, but dad being the noble man he is gave his life for hers. The reason he didn't show up to the funeral but his WIFE did is because Cassie did get shot, two bullets made it through the car and hit her in the leg and arm. He was by her side but Mrs.Black came on behalf of them." "fucks sake Jamie" "I told you, you were focused on the wrong things Shane, maybe it's time to focus on the right things. It's been 13 years since then, the killer is still out there." "and how do you know that?" "I keep my tabs." I grab Jamie hugging her "I'm sorry Jamie." "You weren't made to be a monster Shane, you were always full of love but never had nobody to give it to once dad died. Do the right thing please.. let's find this guy, kill him and end this for Dad." "Let's do it."

After gathering clothes and taking a shower Jamie leaves, giving me the mindset that I need to go find Cassie. I go to her door yet again cracked walking in without knocking to look up and she's in nothing but a towel. She takes one off her head shaking her hair everywhere, my mouth starts to water. Her body wet in that little towel made me shiver, I wanted to rip that towel right off of her. My mind told me to walk out, but my body of course did the opposite. I walk up on her turning on by the waist towards me, she grabs my arms trying to push me. "Shane what the hell you scared-" I crash my lips into hers making her stumble back a bit, I caught her holding her by the waist bringing her closer securing her neck with my hand. At first she didn't kiss back, then she got in the motion of my tongue and started to kiss me back. This kiss felt different than all the other kisses i've shared with women. This kiss was intoxicating, hot, slow, aggressive and I didn't want to stop. I pushed her against the wall not stopping as she lifts her leg up for me to grasp in my hand. Still wet from the shower it turns me on. "let me know if you want to stop" breaking the kiss, I say holding her face. She brings my lips back to hers kissing me hungrily. She was liking the taste of me as I was loving the taste of her, I couldn't hold back anymore. I couldn't fake anymore. I knew from the moment we kissed it was going to bring more problems than I needed because I needed to stay away but I craved her, my soul craved her. I wanted to keep her close. Have her close. That moment, I knew I was fucked.

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