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Authors Note: I have changed up the story line. You will notice what I mean.

My head feels like it's multiple sharp needles in my skull. The sun makes it way through my curtains stabbing me in the eyes. "fuck me.." i groggily mumble sitting up slowly. I didn't mean to drink so much but after finding the messages I did in Cane phone from Miranda, i went off the railings. Left my kids with the nanny just to drink my insecurities away. Seeing the messages of him agreeing to meet up with her to put an end to her harassment proved everything to me  that Cane is to dumb to see or understand. Women like her reel men in by the "come meet me so we can talk" to get them alone, in their most vulnerable state to hit them with their skills accomplishing exactly what they wanted from them. Everything bad came to mind about last night, I refuse to ask but I know if I don't I will become an alcoholic I will find comfort in something else other than my husband and I do not want that to happen to my kids. I open my eyes fully seeing my hand touching a warm body. Cane is home.. Seeing him made my skin heat up and my head pound to the extreme. I groan plopping back on the pillow rubbing my head. Cane turns on his back clearing his throat. "Hung over?" His sleepy deep voice, makes it so hard to be mad at his lying ass. "A little" " i'll send the kids to my parents house so you can get some rest" "forgot it's saturday, yeah that'll be great.." He sits up wiping his face walking into the bathroom. His phone vibrates catching my attention, I turn my head towards his side of the bed as his phones kept vibrating. Sliding over to his pillow I grab it hissing from the brightness of his screen hurting my eyes. Miranda 3 messages. "Mm..I need to know the truth" Hearing the shower start I open the messages.

Last night was amazing, no?
Don't worry I won't tell your wife how much fun we had.
If you want to go again? It can be our little secret, xxx.

My heart felt like it shattered in my chest as I read over and over the messages. He.. slept with her. Or was this a trick? Not caring about my hangover I held my head dialing her number from his phone, she answered almost instantly.

"Hey big daddy"
"This isn't Cane you whore."
"Mrs.Black, ive been waiting for you..."
"What sick game are you playing? What do you want?"
She chuckles almost getting a high off finally hearing my voice.
"I already got what I wanted. Check your phone" I grabbed my phone quickly seeing messages from her. It was a voice message.
"Then why are you here Cane?" "To just get this over with" I hear a couple sounds of heavy breathing. Hands hitting a wall and then Cane famous grunts. I couldn't take hearing her moans with his, him complimenting her wetness and how tight she is. I bit my lip turning it off hearing her cackling evil laugh.
"I guess you don't have him the way you think you do."

Then the line went dead.. I sit down on the bed feeling something i thought i'd never feel. Defeated. I had a rush of emotions running through me that I forgot I was even hung over, My husband cheated on me. How do you  claim to love someone but you can't even control your old urges for other women. Was I never enough? Was I never good enough? Does my sex suck? Did we lose our spark due to the busy times in our lives? Why couldn't he just talk to me.. Why did he go off and step out on our marriage. We have kids, we have an entire life built around us, does he not know what he was risking? Was he going to keep this from me? At this very moment I felt so useless. Helpless. I didn't know who to run to without getting pity.

Hearing the shower stop I wipe my tears putting his phone back under his pillow and laying down. I bring the blanket up to my nose and snuggle into it closing my eyes. I wanted him to avoid me. I faked being sleep as he got dressed. Before he left he kisses me on the forehead whispering I love you more than anything. Weakening my heart from the guilt in his voice I stay sleep. Once I heard the door close I opened my eyes exhaling catching a tear hit my nose. I needed to know for myself why every man that's in my life turns their back on me, gives into the temptation of other women over me. I have so much love to give but every man seems to not want it. I need answers and I know exactly who to go to.

Honey Yasmine: LostWhere stories live. Discover now