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If you told me my life would've ended up this hectic I would've stayed on the pole. I thought getting married, having kids, developing a career would finally put my life into the peaceful white picket fence life I see on commercials. I gotta remember, I married a Black. My heart never can catch a break, my life seems to never catch a break. None of our lives seems to catch a break. When were on our ass? Do we stay or do we go?

"Kids! BREAKFAST.!" I'm shuffling around the kitchen making lunches, making breakfast, blowing hair out of my face and trying to maintain keeping my feet in my slippers without falling flat on my face. Being a mother, a sister and a wife? drains the life right out of me. I come home craving the love making of my pillow and blanket. Soon as 6:45am hit, i'm out the bed while Cane sleeps peacefully snoring like he has no job to get to, to start breakfast. Jasmine is the biggest help getting the kids clean, dressed and down the steps by 7:30 including herself. I look at her everyday as the little me running around with her and Jashaun. "HERE." The little feet of my twin babies run in the kitchen dressed for pre-k, getting in their booster seats at that table then Jasmine sits down exhaling.
"Were they difficult this morning?"

"Mason wouldn't brush his teeth with Milyn so I had to force him to do it."

"Mason Black."

"Mommy, my tooth brush had something on it"

"Then why didn't you clean it off baby, you know Jasmine is on a schedule too."

"I know, i'm sorry Jassy" She tussles his hair smiling lowly as she eats her french toast.

"Did you kick the door to wake Cane up?" She nods as she turns her ipad on.

I place their lunches in their bags as I watch the clock, the car arrives to take them to school at 8:10 every morning. Then I get ready for work.
I work right next to Cassandra, Planning all events, hosting events, attending events Cane Sr and Jr refuses to attend because they're rude and handle deals with businesses that involve the women side of the Black enterprises. I leave Jamie to the illegal side. She's now Cane partner with local affairs as Kyle is international. He's out of the country a lot which Jamie doesn't mind. Between coming to the office a couple times every two weeks and being an arms dealer, Cane is always busy. I've grown used to it because he makes time for family always, but it seems after 2 1/2 years i have gotten busier to where I only see my own husband when I wake up in the morning before I head to work. With our 3 year anniversary coming up the time is much needed between us.

"Goodmorning family." Cane groggily greets us stretching entering the kitchen.

"Goodmorning daddy!" the twins says in unison.
"Goodmorning cane!" Jasmine joins lately due to her being into her ipad.

He walks up on me pressing his head to mine kissing the side of my head causing me to smile. "And goodmorning to you Mrs.Black" "Mr.Black" He grips my waist before opening the fridge for his morning OJ.

"what's new kids? how's pre-k and school?"

"Jasmine has a boyfriend." She comes out of her ipad popping Mason on the arm.

"Like hell you do"

"It's not my boyfriend Cane, Mason is lying." "No i'm not!" "Yes you are!"

"Both of you, stop it." I chime in.

I happen to look up at Milyn, who this morning has been very quiet. Cane must've noticed because he walks over to her picking her up. "What's wrong princess, you look in pain" "My tooth hurts daddy" "which side?" Nothing makes me fall in love more than seeing Cane with our children. He shows a side that nobody outside of these walls and the family sees. I love it. He rubs her face where her jaw seems to be hurting. Milyn is a late bloomer, she's now getting her wisdom teeth at 3 which is driving her crazy. "how bad is it baby?" I ask coming over to her rubbing her arm. She lays her head on Cane chest melting my heart. "I think we should keep her home Cane, she's hurting really bad" "Are you sure? Do you want me to take her with me today? You have the assistant interviews today wouldn't want her to take your focus off her" "damn, right I do.. you wanna go with daddy to work today Milyn?" she nods yes, I grab her hand kissing it. "okay princess you can go with daddy. i'll make you some milk"

Honey Yasmine: LostWhere stories live. Discover now