6. The Hard Part

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Hang tight. This chapter is long.

As if this week couldn't have gone anymore hectic, anymore perceptive, anymore distressing. I lay in my bed, feeling all the intense knots in my body loosen, all my worries wash away and my heart finally be at a steady pace. I look over to the body laying in my bed fast asleep, at peace. Kissing her forehead thinking about how much it took to get her back here, safe and sound. Get THEM back here.

A week prior...

Since the phone call I've been working complete overtime to find out where they could possibly be. Don have them in some closed off secluded place that's hard to trace, its been a day or two since Yasmine called and tracing that phone at the location it's at is the hardest crack i've ever dealt with, so to distract myself i've been going through new recruits. Kyle meets me at the door of the warehouse ''what's new?'' ''we have a girl here wanting to recruit but-'' ''a girl? really?'' ''she's white'' ''and.. so what? white girls can be bad asses too, just because you're used to white bimbos don't mean they're all like that'' ''right, just like all black girls aren't-'' ''don't finish that sentence'' He opens my office door and the girl stands up. Yeah, she's white but she's mixed by her automatic aura I get from her looking at me. Her eyes remind me of Yasmines', she has her nose as well. Weird. ''wow, uh.. Cane Black'' her voice wasn't even upbeat, it was tough. ''What's your name?'' ''Jamie Carter''

That last name hit me in the gut. That name rang so many bells and unwanted memories that I didn't want to even think about, if this is who I think it is she's not here to just recruit. Until she brings it up if it's her I'm going to act perplexed.

''Ok Jamie Carter, before I recruit you we need to go through the basic tests. Shooting, fighting, and then taking you in the field.'' ''sounds easy'' ''easy? are you familiar?'' she smirks ''very'' I tap Kyle on his arm and hand him the paper back ''then let's go find out then shall we? after you.'' she walks past me with her shoulders high. The first test of recruiting a woman is her aim in the shooting range. We have our own private shooting grounds on the 3rd floor of the building. As we enter into the floor Kyle goes off to get her some gear as she cracks her knuckles "second nature?" "you have no idea" she puts gloves on taking the pistol from Kyle and the goggles. "you grab it like it's nothing." Kyle says intrigued to how careless she is at the moment "i've held heavier. Targets please." Kyles eyes widened as Jamie positioned herself without neither of our help. "watch and learn boys" She cocks the gun, perfecting her stance, then tightening her grip around the gun. The buzzer goes off for her to start shooting so she does. The precise aim she shot at was perfect, she didn't care about any blow back off a gun holding her composure and her stance. After shooting off all targets she drops the gun and her goggles too "grab her results" I order Kyle. "well damn girl" she smirks taking her gloves off "Cane" I look at her shooting results, she didn't miss a head shot, a chest, a heart or a stomach on all four targets. She's quick, she's alert and her eyes are perfect . "amazing, lets get to the fighting then" "hit me with your best" "oh she is"
We getting to the boxing room and recruits are in there challenging each other and seeing who would win or just building up their stamina. Jamie examines everybody as she walks in, it's like the adrenaline in the room woke her body up because she bites her lip. "ready?" "born ready" "Kyle gear her up, ERICA you're up!" Erica is a 23 year old recruit who passed her tests with flying colors and has been leading missions on her own since the day she started. She's a hardcore bad ass that's completely heartless just what I need on my team. After they suit up for the fight they shake hands "no hard feelings?" Erica nicely says and Jamie looks at her with a confused look as she glares at me then back at her. "just fight me like I just talked about how yellow your teeth is" "holy shit" I just stare at Jamie because I know for a fact she's who I know she is. Jamie Carter.. Bruce Carter daughter and if i'm correct here her mother is MIA. Bruce and my father used to be very close before he got killed, I remember that night like it was yesterday because it was the worse night I ever was witnessed being besides my father. Since his death his son Shane has hated us blaming my father and all blacks for the murder of his father but never the person responsible. I seen Shane a year later and we got into it at a bar, he broke my nose and I broke his arm and since then the Carters and the Blacks stopped doing business together, stayed off each other's turfs and remained out of each other's sight and mind since. So the real question is, why is Jamie here? What's her purpose of being here and what does she need? I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't see the fight has ended and Jamie had Erica pinned to the floor tapping out. "This girl is badass Cane" "it's in her blood.. put her on our mission team" "what? already?" "yeah, I know who she is and I need to play her close" "but why? is she some type of threat?" "she's Shane Carter sister" Kyles face went pale as he looks at Jamie help Erica up off the ground. "She's on the wrong side of town is she not?" "she's here for a reason and not just for her brother, find out where the Carters are located, use our newbies to hit up their clubs, hideouts all of that.. Shane swore on his life he would never come around us again and here comes his sister. What does she want?" "could be nothing Cane" "it's the Carters, and the leader thinks my father is the blame for his father's death." "well is he?" "no he isn't. it's a long story just she needs to be played close before we ever get taken down again"

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