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I've been to Italy plenty of times. Different parts of Italy just to get away from the rush of New York. It's a certain serenity here that eases the mind. It's always FUCKING hot but it's a great place to relax. I agreed to try this month here with Shane since he's started a life here. I was eager to see what he's built here and or is building. We arrive at his mansion home, predictable. It's beautiful. A garden just like his old home, his home is up on a hill and what's at the bottom of it? the ocean. Shane loves the ocean. He picked the most peaceful area to live in, maybe I won't go home.

After putting Micah down for a nap, stepping out his room Shane has made for him. I bump into him. "Heading somewhere?" "To check out that beautiful garden you have" "I knew you were, come on let's go" He grabs my hand in his kissing it, leading me down the steps.

We step into the garden and I become mesmerized by the aura of the garden gives me. The immediate zen I feel within myself relaxes my mind, my soul. Sharing this moment with Shane is maybe what makes it even more calming. He is my garden.. he planted his seed in me, it grew and now it keeps getting watered to stay alive with his presence. I feed off this man, nobody should ever be this permanently imprinted in someone. I run my fingers over a red rose loving the silk touch on my fingers, hearing the breeze feeling the breeze on my skin refreshed it. I've never been at complete peace before. It only happens when i'm with Shane.

We stayed in the garden for a long while just talking until the sun went down. Micah must've been done from that 13 hour flight because we didn't hear from him the rest of the night. Shane leads me into his room, locking the door. Pressing me against the door, I rather be nowhere else. "I'd like to practice putting another baby into you tonight Cassie" I chuckle touching his face, he curves his lips to kiss the palm of my hand. "We can practice but we both know, that's your real mission." Biting his lip he tilts my head up planting his lips on mine. Starting off slow it stayed that way. He matched the rhythm of my tongue deepening the kiss. His hands make his way up my spine causing me to shiver. Swiftly picking me up I wrap my legs around him. My hand clutches his hair in between my fingers. Our body heat becomes one as he lays me on the bed taking me into a universe where it's just us two. Once again.. being the best love I've ever made maybe even better this time. Whispering I love you, I need you.. Here and there. I never wanted this to end, to my luck it didn't until the crack of dawn.

I wake up to the sweet smell of french toast. Wrapped up in the sheets naked, I turn over moving my hair out my face. I haven't checked my phone since I got here and i'm pretty sure my family is worried sick.

I dial Cane without even checking my phone, to him answering on the first ring "Cassie where the hell are you?" "Italy, I left 2 days ago." "Why the hell are you in Italy?" "Personal business if you don't mind, the hell is wrong with you?" He sighs then gets silent. I hold my phone to my ear waiting on Cane response but his silence spoke volumes. He's in pain. He's done something bad. "Start from the beginning, I can't promise I won't cuss you out." He starts to tell me everything. Confirming everything i suspected about that girl.. Miranda is sick. Cane is wrong for what he did to Yasmine and I can only know what she feels right now so of course my reaction to this isn't positive on Cane defense. "She won't talk to me.. she won't look at me, when we faked it for the dinner dad and mom were over for, she was disgusted by my touch." "As she should be Cane, I told you.. you're thinking like the old Cane. She isn't some fly by the night girlfriend, she's your wife, the mother of your kids, you've built stuff with this woman. You changed her life and you stepped out on her. You better hope she's over it by the Gala next month." "She won't be, i've never seen Yasmine like this towards me and it's killing me." "You did her so foul, you gotta deal with the consequences" I hear a door open on his side of the phone. "Who are you talking to?" Yasmine asks. "Cassie." "Where the hell she been at?" "Making kids with Shane in Italy" "ITALY!" "I know, no warning." "Well sorry Cass but I need to speak to your brother." "Go right ahead I have a breakfast to eat. You two have a great.. it's night time over there right?" "Yes" Cane answers "You guys don't kill each other" I hang up. Going to handle my hygiene.

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