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3rd POV

A girl, about the age of eight or nine, stands in front of the TV, staring at the news broadcast with an awestricken interest. Tony Stark is Ironman is plastered at the bottom of the screen in big, white letters. Her parents pay little regard to the story, only caring about the weather forecast that is to be shown next. The girl's eyes don't turn away from the screen until the news channel switches over to the weather. Three words stayed etched into her mind:

I am Ironman.

2011: New Mexico
The same girl pulls up in a black van to a crater in New Mexico. Her parents had been called in for work for some unknown reason to the girl. People crowded around the gigantic hole in the ground as if they were at a tailgate. The two adults walked to their boss and the girl followed quietly. In the corner of her eye, she saw a metallic glint.

Her parents walked down into the crater, ushering the crowd away from the center where a hammer sat high on a perch of dirt. The girl followed and made her way to the hammer, eyeing it with suspicion. Why had no one been able to pick it up? Her parents moved farther from the center as they cleared the area.

The girl gingerly placed her good hand onto the handle, ready to pull it up from its spot. Before she could attempt to lift the hammer, the girl's parents called her. She quickly made her way to where they stood. Not looking back at the object she left. The girl didn't look back until she grabbed one of her parent's hands and a voice whispered something to her:

Whoever holds this hammer, if worthy shall posses the power of Thor.

2011: New York
Not long after being called to New Mexico, the girl's parents were told to go to New York with a written report from their boss to give to his boss. So, that's exactly where they headed, including the girl. She still didn't know what was going on or what her parents' job was.

The girl stared out the window as they drove through the busy streets of New York. She didn't pay much attention to anything but the passing cars, wondering where everyone was going. She sometimes even made little stories up of who the drivers she passed were. A doctor. A librarian. An actor.

Out of no where the car jerked to a stop. Once staring out the side window, the girl's eyes now focused straight ahead on what had caused the sudden stop. In front of the car stood a tall, blonde man looking around confused at the city before him. He almost looked like he was a man out of time.

Without noticing she did so, the girl opened up her window to hear the commotion that was about to come forth. A man with dark skin and an eye patch walked up to the one blocking traffic. Her parents get out, recognizing the second man, and hand him the report. She thinks back to what she heard the man say.

You've been asleep, Cap. For almost seventy years.

The girl rides her bike as fast as she can. She has one of her parent's phones mounted onto the handle bar. She follows the directions that lead to her parents' job. Their organization has many buildings, but this one was the closest and the one they went to most often.

She rides through the forest, then next to some main streets, and then finally through the city. The girl kept her head low and her hood up as she got closer. Stopping in front of the building, she checks on the phone to see if her parents were still there. Luckily for her, they were.

The girl walks her bike to the side of the building and leans it against the wall in a shadowy area. She then walks a little farther till she reaches a sturdy, gray metal door. To the side is a card reader. The girl pulls out one from her back pocket and slides it through the slit. The door clicks open, and the girl walks inside. Quietly closing the door behind her.

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