14| Hulu And Commitment

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It had been almost three weeks since you started attending Midtown. Your powers were under control for the majority. There was a casual slip up here or there but nothing too major - unless you count the fact that all the lockers in the school started floating causing the students and staff to momentarily believe that Midtown was haunted.

As much as you hated the work you had to do, it was nice to be around your friends almost everyday. Back at home you weren't that close to that many people. You had a few friends but they never made an effort with you, so it was nice to be surrounded by the few friends you had that actually cared. Plus you got to mess with Flash almost everyday. It was the best.

It was a Thursday and the last day of school for the week. For some reason there was no school on Friday, you didn't care enough to figure out why. "I've been texting Tony nonstop all week," you said to Peter as you took a bite of your sandwich. "I'm beginning to think he hates me because he just blocked me. I'm high-key offended."

"Isn't he getting married soon? He's probably been with Pepper trying to organize all the final details." Ned decided to add after sitting down at the lunch table. Peter eyed me before turning to Ned.

"The wedding is Saturday. (Y/N), why'd you keep bothering him. He literally told us and I quote 'Don't contact me unless you're dying a brutal death or it's revealed that Barnes was the one that assassinated JFK. I have an ongoing bet with Sam on this.'" Both you and Peter stifled a small chuckle. Ned has a look of disbelief on his face.

"You're joking right? There's no way he said that!" You reached across the table to put your hand on Ned's shoulder.

"You better believe it, buddy." You noticed MJ was listening to you guys now but it didn't bother you. You've gotten used to how she interacts with the three of you. "I kept texting him because he's just fun to mess with, but also because he refuses to tell me where the ceremony is at. How am I supposed to be one of Pepper's bridesmaids if I can't even attend the wedding!" Peter just slid his phone over to you in response.

"Did you try asking her yourself?"

"Pepper? God, no. She has way too much stuff on her plate right now to answer." Peter gave you a look telling you that excuse doesn't cut it. "Plus I think Tony blocked me on her phone as well. No, well... he did actually."

"Look it up in my notes. I have to location saved there somewhere."

"You get told the location but not me? Rude." After saving the location of the wedding in your phone, you went back to enjoying your lunch. Flash catches your attention by talking obnoxiously loud as he walks past your table. You roll your eyes as he continues to walk.

Flash isn't necessarily a bad person. He mostly relies on snarky comments as his weapon of choice, and for the most part they held no merit. According to both Ned and Peter, Flash has laid off slightly since their trip to the Avengers compound. Hearing that news was music to your ears. Now Flash just participated in mutual harmless banter. It was directed at you the most because you happened to be the only one to retaliate back. It was probably due to your alter ego coming out in defense, but who were you to complain.

"Hey, Pete."

Peter gives you a playful glare. "I thought you agreed to stop calling me that."

"I lied." You shrug your shoulders and continue. "Wanna drive to the wedding together? Oh! Actually can I come over to yours to get ready? It's so lonely living by myself."

"Even if I said no you would still show up and force me in a car with you anyway, so sure." You smiled then once again went back to eating your lunch.

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