10| Yeeted Off The Edge

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You looked at Ellis straight in the eyes. At least you think you were looking straight into their eyes, as your vision was still a blur. "Getting rid of gravity is literally one of the worst ideas ever. Do you even know the consequences that would come with it?" you started, waiting for Ellis to answer.

They shook their head no. To you it looked like a colorful blob moving left and right. "Well, first of all," you sighed, "the Earth's atmosphere would drift off into space, along with oceans, rivers, and lakes. Anyone outside when gravity vanishes would also be lost."

You shifted your body into a more comfortable position before continuing. "Eventually, the lack of gravity would most likely cause Earth to break apart into chunks and fly off into space. If you get rid of gravity as a whole, the same thing would happen to the Sun and every other star in the universe."

Ellis's eyes widened. "Ok, yeah, that's definitely a cause of concern." You looked over at them, your face saying no, duh.

"The death of the stars wouldn't actually effect us seeing as they are so far away. The light form the stars would take years to even reach us. But, all of this doesn't really matter."

Ellis was filled with confusion. "Wait... why?"

You smirked. "Because, obviously, we'd all die far before any of that ever happens." Ellis's face fell at your words. You tried to pat their back but missed and accidentally slapped their thigh. "Don't worry. I'm sure Mitchell knew all of this and never told you."

The two of you sat in your cell in silence. Ellis watched Mitchell prepare through the glass walls. You stared off into space since you would not see a thing. Stupid electrical shock. Suddenly, a blast of lightning shot through the building. Now that you would see, kind of. It was really just a bright blue blob of light.

Thor quickly followed the blast. Ellis got up and rushed out of the cell. You just stared at your surroundings in confusion. What the frick frack just happened?

Carefully you got up. Then an oh so brilliant idea popped into your head. You ran full speed at the glass wall, using your shoulder to break through and then rolling out to help with the impact. Thor looked at you. Ellis looked at you. Mitchell looked at you. Literally everyone looked at you as if you were crazy, and boy were they right because that was one of your stupidest ideas of all time. Ellis had left the door to your cell open, but you decided to run through a glass panel.

"I'm ok," you squeaked out while lying face flat on the floor surrounded by glass shards. "Shit, I could have just teleported out of there in the first place." Yes, it was true. You could have easily teleported out of your cell, out of this building, because your electromotives were still with you disguised as jewelry.

Painfully, you got up. You brushed off yourself, noticing a few glass shards sticking out of your skin. I'll have to fix that later.

Seconds later, Tony and Rhodes came flying through the hole that Thor had made. The two were soon followed by Vision and Bucky. They watched you with curious eyes, not making any advances for you. Everyone even seemed to be frozen in place, except for you.

You sprinted in the direction of the control panel. Mitchell noticed where you were heading and ordered Ellis to stop you. You jumped over a guard rail and landed on the floor beneath you. Your cell was on the second level; the control panel on the first.

Finally, everyone seemed to snap out of their stupor, chaos soon following suit. Thor tried to blast Ellis with lightning to help you out, but Ellis, having precognition, dodged each strike.

Tony flew after you, repulsors ready. He still didn't know whether it was a wise idea to go against orders or not. Vision flew above each container, analyzing its containments. Rhodes aimed his machine gun at Mitchell, daring him to move. Bucky just stood still grumbling nonsense to himself.

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