Meeting the Golden Man

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You squealed as you heard the oncoming train, excited to see one, yet terrified by the loud noise.

You see, you've heard of American's new trains. The railroads, the stations. Quite an interesting feat for the young nation. But, you came from (County, city). So you've never seen one before.

Until now.

You were off to see a great official with your family. From a great and prosperous family. And they didn't seem to hold the same wonder at the new invention.

"Americans..." mumbled your Mother. "Why on earth make such foolish things where we already have horses and wagons."

"But Mama! They think outside of our everyday life! And make working inventions through just an idea! I wish to be able to do something similar one day!"

"Don't be ridiculous! We only took this thing because it's the fastest way from what we've been told!"

"Exactly! Faster than a horse and a carriage Mama!"

"Oh hush! The thing has stopped."

"All aboard!"

You grinned in excitement and almost grabbed your bag before your maid stepped in.

"Miss (L/n)! Have you already forgotten your manners?"

You blushed in embarrassment, "Sorry Papa. I guess I'm just too excited."

"Well, this is business, and soon you'll be joining in on such things, it's the reason I have brought you in the first place."

Mama mumbled under her breath, "Even though she's a lady... such a crazy world we live in..."

Yes, a woman has now joined in work if a lady cannot find a spouse. It wasn't as though there weren't any families that didn't want your families inheritance and name. Your family was greatly picky and thus a lady in her eighteen's is still without a spouse. And your father seems more relaxed in the new culture expansion on woman's rights. Even though he hates most everything else going around.

Maybe he just has issues with his only daughter, his only child for that matter marrying someone.

One could never quite tell...

What does he look for in a man anyway?

"Hurry (Y/n)!"

You nod and rush over to the 'first class' as stated area. People rushing into the 'second class' and having to squeeze tight together. It made you wonder just how America worked with it's so-called 'freedom' and 'rights'. It was very interesting.

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