When He's Sick

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"I really need to stop staying out in the rain." Is what Masahiro thought as another round of coughs racked his body.
     Masahiro had caught a cold after leaving work in the rain with no coat or umbrella. His boss had offered him his umbrella but Masahiro hadn't wanted him to get sick, so instead Masahiro got sick.
     When he woke up earlier today he instantly knew he had caught a cold. That didn't deter him from trying to get ready for school, trying and failing.
     He had managed to get a shower with almost all his effort, but when he got to getting dressed he almost passed out, seeing sparkles float around his eyes. He had decided to throw on the closet thing to him and managed to get into bed before promptly passing out.
     The next time he woke up, the school day was almost half over.
     "I wonder if Kousuke could come over after school? No, I wouldn't want to bother him. He's probably going to be tired after working so hard all day, it's fine I'll just take care of myself."
     And that was what Masahiro had thought before he tried to get up to get his phone and a box of tissues before he passed out once more.
     Kousuke had been worried to say the least.
     He had thought that Masahiro and him had worked out everything at the meteor shower the week before. They had texted each other every night since then and Masahiro seemed more comfortable around him. Now Kousuke was worried.
     Kousuke hadn't gotten a text from Masahiro at all last night, Masahiro hadnt come over to the Ooshiba house that morning, and now, halfway through school, Masahiro was still absent.
Kousuke now sat at his desk during lunch break wondering what he should do. He tried texting Masahiro in between classes but it didn't even go through.
     "Did Masahiro block me? No he wouldn't block me... but still..."
Since the older Ooshiba had no clue what was going on or how he would fix it, he did the only thing he thought he could do- he went to find Masahiro.
He got the second-year reading teacher to cover his next class and he left the school to find his lover. He hadn't been expecting the state he would find him in.
The door was locked when Kousuke had arrived, there wasn't any noise or lights on inside either. He had almost thought Masahiro wasn't home until he heard something big fall and be muffled by something like sheets or a pillow.
Instead of leaving he picked the lock.
He had learned that skill a few years ago and hadn't used it in a while so it took him a few minutes to get in, but he did. He normally didn't do this but Masahiro mattered more than a door.
He walked in and tuned on the lights in the main room, it was trashed, which was unusual for the younger's house.
     "Maybe his mom got mad after getting wasted... why did a good kid like him get stuck with this?"
He was almost lost in other thoughts when he remembered he was supposed to be finding Masahiro.
He walked into said boy's room and the first thing he saw was the state of the room.
There were school clothes thrown on the floor, the floor was sightly wet as well, and a towel was strewn there too.
Usually Masahiro cleaned his room every morning, it only made Kousuke more worried.
Then he turned to see if the bed was made; that's when he spotted Masahiro.
His heart sank thinking about how he had worried the boy had done something wrong, when it was the complete opposite.
Masahiro was lying there, covers grasped tightly in his clenched fists covering his shaking frame, coughs escaped his lips along with ragged breaths, his eyes were squeezed shut in slight pain and confusion, and his complexion blended in with his white pillows but at the same time it blended with the greenish covers.
The next thing Kousuke knew he was down on his knees next to Masahiro's bed.
He slid back the hair stuck to Masahiro's sweat slicked face, he was burning up.
Kousuke gently shook the boy awake.
Masahiro slowly opened his eyes and winced, trying to get used to the now turned on lights. Then he saw Kousuke kneeling next to him.
     "Kousuke? When did he get here? Did school already end?"
"Hey Masahiro, are you okay?"
"Kou... suke?" Masahiro tried to reach for him.
Kousuke gently took the younger's hand in his.
"I'm right here, can you tell me what happened?"
"I... got soaked last night... I didn't have time to... dry off with my homework." A round of coughs tore up Masahiro's throat. Kousuke hated that Masahiro was suffering like this.
"It's okay Masahiro, how are you feeling right now? Hot or cold?"
"I'm going to run you a hot bath, okay? Can you get up?" Masahiro tried to get up but ended up falling into Kousuke's outstretched arms.
He lifted up the blonde into a bridal carry and carried him into the bathroom.
Masahiro had noticed the clock while Kousuke was carrying him, it was just after lunch in school.
     "Did Kousuke leave early? Why?"
Kousuke sat him on top of the toilet seat and started to draw the warm bath for the shivering boy.
"Kousuke it's only after lunch... why are you here?"
"Because I was worried about you."
"But about your work... it's important."
"You're more important, and anyways the year two reading teacher said she would cover for me."
"Kousuke..." Said man simply stood and helped the boy up and got him undressed. Usually this situation would have other "effects" on Kousuke, but his mind was full of worry for the younger male. On the other hand, Masahiro would have blushed, but his head was to foggy to process what was going on.
He helped Masahiro lower himself into the bathtub and heard him left out a sigh of enjoyment and relief.
Next Kousuke called Mrs. Saiki, the year two reading teacher.
"Hello? Yes, hello Mrs. Saiki this is Kousuke. Do you think you could cover for me for the rest of the day? My wife has fallen ill, I would like to take care and watch over them.
     Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow Mrs. Saiki."
"What...? Kousuke you can't, I can... can."
"Don't you dare say you can take care of yourself in this state. You are my wife and I want to take care of you." Masahiro blushed and sunk a little lower in the bath.
Kousuke leaned over to Masahiro and kissed his forehead.
"I'm going to go and grab some things for your cold, I'll be back before you know it."
That's exactly what he did, he ran to the nearest market, picked up any and everything he thought would help Masahiro, and then rushed back to Masahiro with a bulging plastic bag of it all.
Masahiro heard Kousuke come back only a few minutes after he left, he really wasn't gone long at all.
Kousuke sat the bag down and went back to Masahiro's side.
"Did the bath help any?"
"It helped a lot, thank you." Masahiro's voice was returning slowly, Kousuke smiled at him.
     "Welp, we don't want you to shrivel up, so let's get you out, dressed, and back in bed."
     This time Masahiro did blush a little as he stepped out of the bath, seeing as he was completely naked and could comprehend that.
     Kousuke wrapped a towel around Masahiro and lead him back to his room.
     Masahiro was a little steady and could walk slowly on his own but Kousuke wrapped an arm around the smaller boy's waist just in case.
     They had arrived at Masahiro's room and Kouske helped him get dressed and than sat him down on the bed.
     Masahiro watched as Kousuke hung his school outfit back up and walked back over to him. He sat down next to him and wrapped his arms around Masahiro bringing him into a hug. Masahiro snuggled closer to him.
     "Thank you Kousuke."
     "You're welcome, but know I will do this any time you need me to."
     Kousuek shifted them so they were laying down and Masahiro's head was in Kousuke's chest.
     He petted Masahiro's head and rubbed his back until his Masahiro's breathing evened out.
     Kousuke looked down and watched Masahiro sleep, he looked so peaceful compared to when Kousuke had first gotten there.
     "Life might be bad for you sometimes, but I promise Masahiro, I will always be by your side and protect you. Weather your hurt, or sick, or just need someone to be there, I will always be there. I love you Masahiro."


~1,448 words~
~I really need to stop writing about these two, I'm getting addicted to them. Anyways! Here is another one shot of them hope you enjoyed.
(Also the last chapter of my other book for Sormik is up! Check it out!)


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