You'll Never Leave My Side

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(Credit for the fun prompt is due to @PokemonFlora :this is a long one!)

     Everyone has that feeling that they're being watched. The constantly having to look over your shoulder or having your neck and arms hairs stand straight as goosebumps cover your arms. Most are able to disregard this feeling as just paranoia and move on, but who those who can and the feeling persists, the ice-cold feeling of dread starts to set it.
     It's then when some realize that someone is looking at them and they can't who or where that person is. It triggers every red alert in someone's body. It makes every nerve stand on edge to the point where they become shot and every little thing can make you jump from your skin.
That's what fear does. It builds and builds until it can no longer be ignored.
     That's what was happening to Masahiro.
For a few days, he had been feeling like someone was staring at him during classes and watching him as he went home each day. And for a while, Masahiro just wrote it off as paranoia. He reassured himself that of course, he would feel someone looking at him in class because teachers and other students' eyes wonder and they probably accidentally look at him. And he walked home with Kousuke or Kensuke and Hasekura every day after school so he knew he'd always be safe with them.
     As days went by with the same feeling of being watched, Masahiro started to depend on making sure his friends and Kousuke were around as much as possible without Masahiro thinking he was a bother to them.
     About a three months after the basic feeling of being watched had started, Masahiro started to get notes and pictures in where he kept his shoes. He always got to his shoes before meeting up with anyone he was walking home with, so he was the only one who saw the notes and pictures that were left.
     They were usually pictures of Masahiro throughout the school day whenever he was at lunch or on break. Some were zoomed in on him as he was walking home. There were even a few that were taken of him while he was at work. The notes with pictures were always variants of, "You look as handsome today as you do everyday.", "I wonder if there will be a day where we will meet face to face.", and "Would you appreciate my worship to you if we met?".
     Masahiro tried his best to just write everything off because he knew Kousuke might take things into his own hands if he told him and he couldn't have Kousuke getting hurt or into trouble other ways just for him. So just trying to ride this out and act as uninterested as possible to and keep whoever this person was away.
     It was only a week later that Masahiro came to regret this decision.
     "I have to take over the begging of a detention class as a fill in, so I can't walk home with you today, but I shouldn't be really late coming home," Kousuke said to Masahiro during their lunch break. He felt a small bit of dread by Kousuke saying this.
     "It's alright, I'm sure Kensuke and Hasekura can walk home with me today back to the house. Hasekura was coming over tonight for dinner anyhow." He let out a light laugh trying to keep Kousuke from sensing any of his worry.
     Kousuke looked him over for a second by the bell rang so they had to go their separate ways for the rest of the school day. Kensuke caught up with Masahiro before the end of the school day to let him know that he, Hasekura, and the others would be late to dinner tonight because they were staying late to get help from a teacher in one of the literature classes. Kensuke said that Masahiro could join them as well even though he didn't particularity struggle in that class. Masahiro knew he had to had to get to the store, make dinner, and check on his house on top of his homework, so he couldn't spare any time.
      By the end of the day, Masahiro had changed his shoes and was heading out of the school alone with a tightened hold on his bag.
     It was easy enough to get to the store and get the few things he needed for dinner as it was near the school and a few students tended to stop there as well after the school day. It was still light out as he left the store but the sun would be starting to go down on the way to the Ooshiba household.
      He decided to walk quickly and make his way to the house. It wasn't far very far from the school but most students lived in opposite directions or closer to the school than the Ooshibas did. When he was only three streets away from the house, when the sky had become darker and he was the only one walking along the street.
      That is when his feeling of being watched turned into being followed as he could swear he could hear another pair of footsteps even though he couldn't see anyone else there. His nerves were getting to him and he began to be shaky and startle at every sound. His heart was beating faster and he unconsciously started jogging down the streets. He was only two streets away now and he could hear the footsteps louder, but it didn't dare turn around and look behind him to see who was there.
     Just before he was left with one street between him and the house, a hand grabbed his shoulder. He dropped his bags and tried to resist it but was soon turned around to face the person who had been following him. He came face to face with Matsuyo Oogami from class 2A. He had once met him before when he used to be a part of Toru's gang. He had stopped one of the other members from trying to bully Matsuyo into giving them his money.
     "Finally, its the day we get to meet face to face," There was a strange grin covering his face.
     "Matsuyo? You were the one who was stalking me?" Masahiro tried to move his shoulder away again, but the grip on it only get tighter.
     "Stalking; that's such an ugly word. I was only admiring you. Just those 'friends' of yours and that teacher were always around you so I couldn't get to you for myself." He tugged Masahiro slightly closer to him.
     "You could have always talked to me even with them around. What did you want with me that the others couldn't be around for?"
      "Its because they don't deserve to be around. They were just supposed to be moments between us and only us. There's no need for pests to be around." Masahiro started to struggle more now as his initial shock wore off and he tried harder to pull away. Matsuyo put his hand on both his shoulders and gripped tighter.
     "They aren't pests," his shoulders were starting to hurt, "they are the people I care for! They would never do something as weird as following, taking pictures, and sending strange letters to someone!"
     "Don't you ever get tired of doing everything for everyone of them? They're useless to you! The things I do aren't strange, they're to worship you! I could give you anything you want because you deserve it! You saved me before and we kept running into each other so it must be that you weren't meant to be my one and only!"
     His grip was digging into Masahiro's shoulder so hard that it started to force him downwards while Matsuyo moved closer
     "I only saved you out of consideration! And we go to the same school so of course we'd run into each other! Not to mention you following me!"
     "You can say whatever you want but I know the truth has just been clouded by those fools around you! Especially that teacher that always hangs off you!"
     Masahiro couldn't stand it. He hated hearing insults towards his loved ones and not being able to stop them. He also knew he wouldn't make it out of this if he couldn't get out of Matsuyo's grasp. Something about these two facts pushed over the edge.
     "You're deranged!" Masahiro used a sudden burst of all his force and a self-defense move Kousuke taught him to push Matsuyo off balance and took off running. It was in the opposite direction of the house, back towards the school but Masahiro didn't care. He just pushed his legs to go farther the more he heard footsteps following.
     He kept running until he crashed into something solid. Masahiro panicked for a moment thinking he had run into a dead-end while not paying attention. But a pair of arms caught him.
     When he looked up though, his eyes met with comforting cool grey eyes.
     "Masa-? What are you doing running so fast back towards the school? Shouldn't you guys be eating-"
     Kousuke had looked up and met eyes with the guy who had been chasing Masahiro. Kousuke's instincts told him that something was wrong when Masahiro was running so fast blindly. But when he met eyes with Matsuyo, he knew that something was horribly wrong.
     He pushed Masahiro behind him and made sure Matsuyo would have to get through him if he wanted to get to Masahiro.
     "Aren't you another student? What are you doing out here with Masahiro?"
     Matsuyo's demeanor shifted. He became less confident and his foot shifted back. Kousuke knew he had been caught in whatever vile thing he had been trying to do to Masahiro. Kousuke took to large steps forward and grabbed onto Matsuyo's collar.
     "Where do think you're running off to now?" He started to struggle and tried to pry Kousuke's hand off his collar.
      "Let me go! There's no reason you should be stopping me! Masahiro is meant for me and I deserve him! Don't get in the way you pest! You could never-"
     Kousuke punched him in the face to knock him out.
     "This kid is crazy. To say the least." He set him up against a nearby building and got out his phone to call Houjou. He heard a dull thud on the ground. Masahiro had lost the strength in his legs. Kousuke moved over to help him sit.
     "You are alright Masahiro? He didn't hurt you did he?"
     "He just dug into my shoulders a little. My legs gave out from the loss in adrenaline I guess." Masahiro let his head drop to Kousuke's chest. Kousuke checked his shoulder and saw they were red with deep nail marks in them. He became ever more glad he had socked the kid.
     "Your safe Masahiro." Kousuke wrapped his arm around him and used the other to call Houjou.
     After going through the whole process of getting Matsuyo arrested and clearing Kousuke for punching him in clear self-defense on behalf of Masahiro, they both headed home from the station and straight upstairs.
     Kousuke explained to Kensuke what had happened and that they should just eat leftovers for today while Masahiro took a shower. Kousuke changed and helped Masahiro find a pair of Kousuke's sweats that would fit him. Kousuke got into bed and patted the space next to him.
     "I can't rest just yet. I still have my homework for tonight." Masahiro was about to get it from his bag when Kousuke came up from behind and picked him up. He put him down on the bed and covered him in the blanket.
     "You were almost kidnapped today and went through something horrifying all alone for the most part; you need rest. We'll get up a little early tomorrow and I'll help you work through it." Kousuke climbed in and pulled Masahiro closer to him. Masahiro laid on Kousuke's chest.
     "Thank you for rescuing me Kousuke."
     "Of course. A husband is always supposed to rescue his wife." Masahiro laughed and Kousuke smiled brightly back. This was the normalcy they needed after tonight.
     "Youll never leave my side again Masahiro."
     "I don't think... I really mind never leaving..." Masahiro managed to yawn out before falling asleep on Kousuke.
     "Anytime you need me, I'll always come running." Kousuke closed his eyes from the night while hugging Masahiro close.


~2,072 Words~
~Hey everyone! I know its been a few months since I lasted posted, I've just been having a life block lately, but have been in the mood to write more lately! So I'm gonna start with updating by the requests I've received! Thanks to @PokemonFlora for the idea! Hope you enjoyed and sorry for the wait!~


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